The White Palace in Washington, D.C., the first republic in the Americas.

Servants and soldiers watched a huge black panther run into the president’s office angrily, and soon after, it slammed the door and walked out of the office dejectedly. This scene has been played out many times recently. They have gone from being shocked and frightened when they first saw such a huge black panther to being used to it and even thinking it is cute.

“Do you think Buster came this time because he was still angry about being regarded as a guardian beast of the house?”

“Not necessarily. Last time I overheard it say that it would not have sold Wakanda if it had known. It would have to do endless work every day when it came to our place. I don’t know how a black panther can talk. What kind of work did the president assign to it?”

“”Shh, speak softly, its ears are so sharp!”

Several servants and soldiers were chatting, and suddenly they felt a chill on their backs. They turned their heads and saw a tail like a steel whip, which fiercely hit the wall and made several cracks.

In the Oval Office, Lin Qiming sighed and asked his secretary to come in and pick up the documents scattered on the floor.

Ever since he tricked the Black Panther Goddess Bast into descending to accompany him around the country for a few days, and after integrating the copied entries on the third day, he informed the other party that a group of professionals would come from Daxia and would definitely help him expand the scale of believers as soon as possible.

Who knew that after the elders and preachers of the Tianli Sect came, they would never agree to help a black panther that they saw as a monster to establish their own Black Panther Goddess Sect, and were only willing to accept the Black Panther Goddess Bast as the Tianli Sect’s house-guarding beast, which was a subordinate god of the main god.

How could the Black Panther Goddess Bast accept such contempt, naturally? He once again came to the White Palace in his divine body to settle accounts with Lin Qiming, who had made a promise before.

After much persuasion, the two sides entered the mirror space and fought each other. Unfortunately, this battle was not as evenly matched as in Wakanda. It was not one-sided, but there was a huge gap in strength.

After being beaten up and being in a difficult situation, the Black Panther Goddess Buster could only reluctantly agree to give it a try. If the effect was not good, she would never humiliate herself and agree to join the Tianli Sect.

As it turned out, the elders and preachers of the Tianli Sect were very powerful, at least they were proficient in the means of attracting people to join the sect.

First, they accurately anchored the target group.

Like Lin Qiming, they took a fancy to the Nanyang immigrants who were in the Daxia cultural circle.

Then they infiltrated the immigrants with various identities, and quickly attracted many believers with the slogan of adhering to the principles of heaven and being protected by heaven.

After that, they used some tricks to pretend to be gods. It gradually expanded its influence in the surrounding areas, and whenever it encountered someone it couldn’t handle, it would send someone to invite the Black Panther Goddess Buster to descend in body and preach the doctrine in public with human language, which made most non-believers kneel down and worship it, believing that it was a true divine beast.

After initially gaining a group of believers and seeing the effect, although the Black Panther Goddess Buster was not very satisfied, she still bit the bullet and cooperated in the show, hoping to gain more and more believers and harvest the power of faith to stabilize the shaky space of the Kingdom of God.

However, the Nanyang immigrants had the same nature as the Daxia people. They were not devout in their beliefs. When they needed God, they would burn incense and kowtow to Him, but when they didn’t need God, they might not replace the altar with new offerings for several months.

This made the Black Panther Goddess Buster very uncomfortable. The power of faith was very unstable, and the space of the Kingdom of God also expanded steadily for a while, and then shrank continuously. Moreover, it was revered as a sacred beast in the Wakanda tribe. The huge gap between the experience of the Supreme God and the reality of being a house-guarding beast made it difficult for Him to accept.

Lin Qiming also understood His feelings, so he comforted Him a few times when He came to vent His anger.

There was no other way. In the past, He just lay there and did nothing in Wakanda, and the power of faith was rising. At most, He would meet with the spirit of the deceased king for a few decades, and bless and strengthen the new king after he took the throne. He was free and easy, and the believers took the initiative to offer their faith to help Him expand His kingdom of God.

Now that he has come to the First American Republic, not only has his status fallen from the Supreme God to a house-guarding beast, but he also has to constantly refine magic statues containing a trace of his own aura in the kingdom of God, and hand them over to the Tianli Shenjiao preacher brought by Lin Qiming from Daxia. After the latter’s eloquent packaging, he sold them to the half-believing and half-doubting immigrants from Southeast Asia at a high price.

The labor was done by the Black Panther Goddess Buster, and the materials for casting the magic statue were also provided by her. The Nanyang immigrants who bought the statue still relied on the breath of her in the statue to live in peace and stay away from the harassment of raccoons and badgers. However, the people said to the outside world that they were believers of the Tianli Sect, and she was just a sacred beast worshipped by the people.

Although it is said that with the secret support of the government, the Tianli Sect has 3 million believers in just half a year, but the power of faith that the Black Panther Goddess Buster can harvest as a sacred beast is about the same as in the Wakanda period.

The believers mainly worship the main god of the Tianli Sect, but because this main god is fabricated, the power of faith they generate cannot be included in the corresponding kingdom of God space, and basically dissipates out of thin air. The Black Panther Goddess Buster is drooling at the sight, but she can’t do anything about it, so she is naturally in a bad mood.

If we really want to compare, it is like a boss who can make money by lying down, but was deceived by others and closed his shop that earned 300,000 yuan a year without doing anything, and joined a Fortune 500 company as a CEO.

However, he found out that he was just a general manager after joining the company.

The key is that the promise made before joining the company that he could easily earn 20 million yuan a year was not fulfilled.

Not only is his status incomparable to that of his previous boss, but he has to work hard every day to expand the market and earn the 20 million yuan himself.

The current situation of Buster, the Black Panther goddess, is that of a boss who listened to slander and got on the pirate ship, but the matter is done and it is impossible to turn back.

Wakanda has been destroyed and the believers are gone.

If he does not honestly work as a working panther and work hard to earn the power of faith, His beautiful and pleasing kingdom of God will collapse.

“Alas, Western gods have a narrow vision. They only have 3 million believers today, but it doesn’t mean they will always have 3 million!”

“Even if he can only share one-tenth, when the base reaches 30 million, or even 100 million, it will be a lot. Without the opportunity and platform I gave him, he would never have 10 million believers in his life!”

Lin Qiming complained in his heart for a while, and then buried his head in the thick pile of documents.

In order to quickly promote Tianli Sect, the price he paid was not necessarily less than that of the black panther goddess Buster.

Not only did he have to cut off his relationship on the surface, he secretly found someone to set up dozens of companies with assets ranging from millions to tens of millions, and released information to the outside world that he would give priority to recruiting Tianli Sect believers, luring a large number of Nanyang immigrants to join the religion.

He also approved hundreds of pieces of land in the city centers of various places for listing, designed various filtering conditions for those newly established companies to buy them, and donated them to Tianli Sect to build a preaching house free of charge, and asked the preachers of the preaching house to donate food and clothing to the vagrants, creating various charity venues.

Then, he instructed all the news media under the Lin Group to report it extensively.

In the past six months, the money spent on this matter alone has been at least hundreds of millions of New US dollars.

This is why the number of Tianlijiao followers has grown from nothing to 3 million in half a year and is still growing rapidly.

The black panther goddess Buster is not unaware of the hard work and efforts behind this.

The reason why she still makes trouble from time to time is that the gap between her status and her psychological expectations is too big, and the second is that she is used to winning by lying down and is not used to working.

However, this is just the beginning. If He sees the new plan that Lin Qiming is studying, he will probably regret it even more, regretting it so much that he wants to eat this black-hearted capitalist in one bite.

733″This month, there have been 53 slave riots and 173 gun-injury cases. More than 2,000 black immigrants who smuggled from the coastline have been arrested. The country is too large and sparsely populated, which is also a disadvantage. 100,000 police officers cannot handle it at all, and the army needs to be temporarily transferred to help.”

Putting down the national security report in his hand, he thought of his envisioned magic grid plan.

If a portal is built in the police stations of all states, counties (counties), and towns in the First Republic of America and they can be connected to each other, the scattered magic portals will be connected to each other, like an invisible giant net, covering the 19.

35 million square kilometers of the First Republic of America, dividing it into grids.

Any grid where violence or smuggling incidents occur and the local police force is insufficient can quickly rush to other grids to coordinate police or military support, so that criminals can be arrested in time and the impact of the situation will not be further expanded.

“However, if you want to permanently fix the portal, you must have a magic tool to anchor the spatial coordinates. According to the rule that a city of a certain size needs at least 10 portals, all cities alone need 2,000 magic tools. A small remote town only needs one portal, which requires at least 800 magic tools.”

“I am afraid that I will not be able to refine it by myself. I have to find a way to persuade the panther goddess Buster to help me refine it. However, her mood is extremely unstable now. I will wait until she has more believers and is in a better mood in a few years. Otherwise, she will not only slam the door next time she comes, but will also tear down this white palace.”

After thinking about it from another perspective, Lin Qiming decided to postpone this plan. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The panther goddess Buster, who was working overtime in the kingdom of God to refine the magic statue, did not know that the black-hearted capitalist in her heart had a rare conscience and did not arrange more work for her, who had become a working panther.

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