1919, Edmonton, Lin’s Manor

“Tiffany, honey, let’s go play golf today. Xiao Xian’er and Catherine have agreed, and the only people on the golf course besides us are James Howlett and his wife Rose Howlett.”

“”Okay, okay, Brother Lin, I’m changing my clothes.”

Lin Qiming pulled his childhood sweetheart Lin Xianyin, who had been with him for decades, and beside him was Dracula’s direct descendant Princess Catherine. He was wearing standard golf attire, a pure cotton Polo shirt, golf pants, white casual shoes, and a short haircut that made him look very fashionable and young, not at all like an old man who was about to celebrate his 100th birthday.

In front of the garden of the Chinese-style villa, there was a retro-style extended convertible sedan parked. Today, he did not have a driver to accompany them, but he drove the three girls out to play.

The servant carrying golf equipment behind him got into another car. In the bag he was carrying were different golf clubs produced by the world’s top brands, which were used to hit the ball in different venues.

Just as Lin Qiming was sitting in the driver’s seat and pressed the modified electronic ignition button, and the equally modified racing-level engine roared low and powerfully, the butler Sun Pengfei ran over quickly.

“Master, there is a geneticist named Mr. Jingye who wants to meet you. His knowledge has been unanimously praised by our genetic laboratory, but his reputation in the academic world is not very good. Miss Zonghui, please meet him in person and see if you want to keep him in our laboratory?”

After he finished speaking, he stood next to the car, waiting for a reply so that he could call Lin Zonghui to inform him.

When Catherine heard that it was a scientist recommended by her daughter, she knew that her arrogant daughter was completely impressed by the other party’s knowledge, so she might be recommended to her man for a personal interview.

“Lin, why don’t you go play golf today? You can wait for him to come over at home.”

Tivna, who had just sat in the back seat of the car, snorted unhappily when she heard this.

She had searched for a long time before finding the clothes she was satisfied with, and spent half a day carefully putting on makeup. Naturally, she didn’t want to give up halfway, otherwise it would be a shame for her hard work for most of the day.

Lin Qiming smiled and put on his windproof sunglasses. He gently stepped on the accelerator with his right foot, and the car made a louder roar.

When he heard the name of Mr. Sinister, he knew that this guy would never be loyal to him. In the comics he had read before crossing, Apocalypse had suffered a great loss and been backstabbed, so there was no need to be polite to such an ungrateful and selfish villain.

“Tell him to meet me at the Edmonton Golf Course. I’m going to play golf there for half a day. I won’t wait for him if he’s late.”

Before he finished speaking, the handbrake was released, and the car sped away like an arrow from a bow. It turned a standard drainage canal and bypassed the fountain, then drove from the manor gate to the expressway, and the speed increased again.

More than half an hour later, the retro convertible stopped at the entrance of the only golf course in Edmonton. The waiter immediately trotted over to greet him, with a warm smile on his face as if he had seen his real father.

“Dear Super VIP Mr. Lin, Edmonton Golf Course welcomes you and your family!”

“I am Michael White, your exclusive waiter. I will drive your car to the maintenance room specially built for you at the golf course for professional maintenance. Your exclusive caddy is already waiting for you at the VIP channel to enter the golf course.”

Lin Qiming got out of the car by himself, and after the three women got out of the car, he walked straight to the VIP channel of the golf course.

In the nanny car following behind, the servant with a golf club bag on his back hurriedly followed, and the driver took out $20 and handed it to Michael White, then drove the retro convertible driven by him to the maintenance room, tracking and supervising the other party to maintain the vehicle throughout the process.

This super golf course is naturally also an industry under the Lin Group, but the manager here does not know that his immediate boss’s immediate boss is the top VIP of his own golf course. Guests, otherwise it would not be the dedicated waiter who served just now, but him.

As soon as the group entered the VIP channel, a young beauty with blond hair, blue eyes, charming and plump figure came to greet them. When she saw the female guests, her eyes dimmed, but she still smiled and accompanied them into the golf course.

Lin Qiming found an empty hilly golf course area. Just as his servant was looking for a ball club specially used for this kind of golf course, a middle-aged white man who looked to be in his thirties came over.

The caddy beauty hurriedly stepped forward to stop him and reminded him seriously.

“Sorry sir, this area of the golf course has been reserved by Mr. Lin. Please go to another area or ask your caddie.……”

Before she finished her words, the middle-aged white man smiled and said

“I am Mr. Jingye, and I have an appointment with Mr. Lin. What do you think, Mr. Lin?” His face was very calm, without the slightest embarrassment of being expelled, and he greeted an old friend calmly. Lin Qiming couldn’t help but smile and waved to the caddie beauty.

“Okay, let him come over. I had an appointment with him, but I didn’t expect him to arrive so soon.”

“Please teach my three ladies how to play golf. I have something to discuss with Mr. Shock. Tom Buchanan, go find the golf course manager and ask for a quiet and confidential private reception room.”

He said the first part to the beautiful caddy, and the latter part to his servants. After arranging the three ladies, he walked towards the golf course building.

Not long after, under the guidance of the golf course manager, they came to a private reception room with soundproof tiles and soundproof cotton on all sides. With this level of soundproofing, gunshots inside could not be heard outside.

“Sit down, Mr. Sinister. I don’t think you came to me for a high-paying job, though I don’t mind hiring you for millions or even tens of millions of dollars a year.”

Lin Qiming sat down at the main seat in the reception room and pointed to the sofa opposite him.

At the same time, he gave the system a command.

“System, check his entry for me.”

He knew that after betraying Apocalypse, Mr. Sinister had already thought of becoming the boss, so he must have other intentions in coming to him. So he just opened up and said the truth, and copied his entry.

【Name: Mr. Sinister (original name Nathaniel Essex)】

【Identity: Evil Scientist】

【Race: Artificial chimera mutant】

【Intelligence: 7】

【Strength: 5】

【Speed: 5】

【Stamina: 6】

【Energy emission: 6】

【Combat Skills: 6】

【Entries: peerless wisdom (red), evil scientist (purple), mutant research expert (purple), innate backstab body (purple), extraordinary endurance (gold), immortality (gold), genetics master (purple), telepathy (purple), cell deformation (purple), energy field (purple), high-speed flight (purple), extraordinary strength (gold), extraordinary speed (gold), shock wave (purple), self-transformation (gold)】After reading the entries and attributes of Mr.

Sinister in an instant, Lin Qiming was also greatly shocked by the comprehensiveness and strength of his abilities.

The six-dimensional attributes have almost no shortcomings, especially the intelligence attribute is the strongest seen in the past 100 years.

Even a super genius scientist like Einstein is only 6, and he is the full value of 7.

This also means that as long as there is enough time and research materials to support him, relying on the entry of peerless wisdom (red), he will sooner or later become one of the most powerful people in the universe, and even step into the threshold of multiverse-level powerhouses.

Asking for flowers

“System, copy all his entries for me except for the two entries of Evil Scientist (Purple) and Innate Backstab Holy Body (Purple).”

【Copying is in progress. Please keep the host within 1000 meters of the target within 1 hour. 】

Lin Qiming is now strong enough, and it only takes 1 hour to copy so many advanced entries.

This is also the experience he has explored after countless copies. If your own strength is not much different from the copy target, it basically takes a few hours. If you are stronger than the target, the copy can be completed within 1 hour.

Mr. Sinister felt a throbbing in his heart for no reason, and he became alert to the man in front of him who was known as the uncrowned king of the world.

The last time he had such a reaction was when he decided to betray Apocalypse.

“Mr. Lin is a straightforward person, so I won’t beat around the bush.” (To read the most exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

“I came to you not for a pitiful high-paying job, but to discuss with you the coming of the mutant craze. As far as I know, you are also looking for them privately.”

“And you have several mutants working for you, such as Wolverine James Howlett, Sabretooth Tiger Victor Logan, and Red Devil Azazo, all of whom are mutants with good abilities and strengths.”

Lin Qiming listened patiently, knowing that this was just an appetizer before the main meal.

People born in the British Empire are like this, speaking in a somewhat ambiguous way. On the surface, they say they want to get straight to the point, but in fact, they will say some irrelevant but unimportant nonsense before talking about the main business.

“Okay Mr. Sinister, I know what kind of person you are.”

“The reason you were expelled from the Royal Society of Great Britain was because you proposed that in the near future, a large number of people with genetic mutations would appear among humans, and even a large number of new human races would be formed. The term mutant first appeared in the scientific community, and it also originated from your research theory.”

“If you still don’t get to the point, let’s have a few cups of tea and leave. There’s no need to waste time sitting here and talking nonsense!”

Mr. Sinister’s expression remained calm. He was not surprised that his past was exposed.

His body was still relaxed, and he crossed his legs and said with a smile.

“No one is more knowledgeable than you, Mr. Lin. The Black Ice Platform is truly omnipresent!”

“Okay, let me get this straight. I need you to help me collect mutant experimental materials. It can be blood, tissues, organs, corpses, etc. Anything with active gene samples is fine. Of course, living people are best.”

“And I can solve the lifespan problem of your offspring and descendants after the dragon bones are consumed, so that they can live forever like you, and you don’t have to watch them grow old and die in front of you.”

Lin Qiming was not surprised at all when he heard the Black Ice Platform say this. For people with full intelligence attributes, it is not too difficult to analyze the Black Ice Platform spies hidden in various countries and industries from all kinds of information. After all, many things will leave clues, and ordinary people may not be able to connect the unrelated clues, but the evil scientist in front of him is not an ordinary person.

However, the conditions offered by the other party are outdated. He has already developed the magic of eternal sleep, which can be sealed when the lifespan of his offspring or descendants is about to end, and he can help them prolong their lifespan when he has the ability in the future, so this bargaining chip is not too tempting.

“I can tell you’ve done a lot of work, but that’s not enough to impress me, Mr. Sinister, you need to give more chips!”

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