American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 1 Arkham is full of talents

Gotham was once a city shrouded in chaos and violence.

Under the unremitting efforts of Director Gordon, the ray of justice, the incarcerated talents were imprisoned one by one in Blackgate Prison and Arkham Asylum.

And under the appearance of tranquility for many years, there is darkness within darkness, and madness within madness is brewing.

The high-walled Arkham Asylum houses many criminals who are notoriously feared by the citizens.

Of course, Arkham Asylum is a well-known medical institution that not only houses notorious lunatics, but also treats mental patients from all walks of life.

Known as Gotham's Little Zebra, the Penguin who dominates both black and white has graduated from Arkham and is furthering his studies at Blackgate Prison.

"I am the knight of justice who walks in the darkness, the embodiment of fear for all criminals, the Joker, the Scarecrow, the Riddler, Two-Face, and many other cruel perpetrators. I will always be watching you, forever."

Next to the cracked window sill, a man wearing a black cloak and a bat-shaped mask on his head was leaning.

He never took his eyes off the many criminals.

"Alan, it's time to take your medicine."

A bloated black female nurse wearing a tight nurse uniform came pushing a medicine box cart and handed over the day's medications for mental illness.

Allen said righteously: "Beautiful Ms. Catherine, you have recognized the wrong person. I am the Dark Knight Bateman."

"I have to admit, it's been a pleasure talking to you."

Catherine couldn't hide the joyful smile on her face. Growing up, she was always teased by others for being a fat girl, even though her other partner sometimes used this to humiliate her.

It wasn't until she entered the feared Arkham Asylum as a nurse that she met Allen, and a smile gradually appeared on her face.

She knew that the other person was a mentally ill lunatic, but she couldn't help him talk nicely.

"Alan, don't steal the curtains from the dean's office next time. There are a lot of them in the storage room. I put them in the second row of cabinets in the first row, and I also tore off the limited edition Playboy publications collected by dean Quasi. You are already furious and may have to put you in a solitary room."

Catherine was concerned and reminded that she did not want the thin and thin Alan to be punished.

During her work, she discovered that most of the patients were violent, with the exception of Allen, who always acted as a hero of justice and always kept his peace.

"Thank you very much for your kind reminder. Your kindness is like the stars in the night sky."

Allen holds the curtain cape in one hand, covering the front, revealing only a pair of eyes, creating Batman's iconic appearance.

But the problem is the bat-shaped mask, which happens to have a red bikini pattern on the eye sockets.

"Your little mouth is so sweet. What a pity. I'm already married and have children."

"I wouldn't mind having another daughter."

"I'm having a boy."

Allen raised a mean smile, which made Catherine read a different meaning, and she couldn't help but said angrily: "Bad boy, take medicine."


"Such an adult needs to be fed."

Catherine stuffed the capsule into Alan's mouth out of habit, and hurriedly pushed the medicine cabinet cart towards the other patients, her face already dark and red.

As soon as the person was gone, Allen secretly spit out the medicine.

"I don't allow anyone to take away my right to be a fool, no one can."

Allen, surnamed Allen, was originally a VIP patient at Qingshan Rehabilitation Center. When he was secretly playing with the attending doctor's computer, a power leakage occurred, causing him to wake up in Arkham Asylum.

Of course, Allen was not at all panicked. After reviewing classic cases, he accumulated the leading industry play styles, delved deeply into the ideological model in series, and opened up the critical path of detonation to draw the conclusion that as long as there is a physical electric shock, he will travel back to the Blue Star again.

The goal of returning to Qingshan Rehabilitation Center is very clear, which is to clear the browser traces on the attending doctor's computer.

As a spirited young man, Allen said that spending one dollar to browse the Japan and South Korea section is an act of betrayal.

"Ah! Dehua, when did you come behind me?"

Ellen was as frightened as a young girl. She subconsciously covered her chest with her hands and looked at the Riddler Edward Nygma in shock.

"I challenge you once again to a duel with your wits."

The Riddler clasped his hands, looked serious, and raised his voice to challenge.

Suddenly, the criminals in the activity area looked at him and started shouting for a duel.

The security guard guarding the corridor has long been used to strange things.

It is also a daily riddle guessing and brain teaser program, which they also enjoy watching.

"Old rules."

"no problem."

Set up the arena.

The patients knew each other and stayed quiet.

This is a duel between wise men. Mental patients generally think that they are very smart, and sometimes they will raise their hands to answer questions asked by two people.

"Ladies and gentlemen."

Arthur's exaggerated gesture attracted attention: "I am the referee and commentator of this duel."

He guided his hands to the left and solemnly introduced: "On the left is the Justice Knight Bateman."


Suddenly, the onlookers booed and scorned.

Talking about justice in Arkham is as hypocritical as capitalists doing charity.

Allen didn't care at all and nodded leisurely to everyone.

"On the right is Gotham's wise man, Edward the Riddler."



Some female patients even showed their shoulders and shouted that they wanted to give the riddle a monkey to show their love.

Right, this atmosphere is just right.

In Arkham, criminals are worth pursuing, and a group of psychopaths are played around at the hands of the Riddler.

"The duel begins, and the loser asks first."

Arthur pointed his finger at Edward to ask a question.

At this moment, Edward pushed up his glasses and his expression became serious.

"I take you by night, I take you back by day. No one suffers from having me, but from my lack. What am I?"

A riddle blurted out, and Edward was so satisfied that he seemed to see victory in sight.

The patients who were joining in the fun were lost in thinking about the answer. Some scratched their heads, some scratched their hair, and some slapped their heads with both fists. The poor CPU was about to smoke.

"Countdown now, 10, 9, 8..."


Allen lowered his voice and spoke the answer in a magnetic and sexy voice.

There was silence for a moment, and pairs of eyes looked at the Riddler in unison, expecting to announce that the answer was wrong.

"you are right."

Edward admitted dejectedly, it was easy to see that he was frustrated that the riddle he had been thinking about all night could not stump his opponent.

"Ellen, you are amazing, I want to give you my first kiss."

Poison Ivy Lillian took this opportunity to get closer and pouted her little mouth, ready to kiss.

As a result, Allen clenched his hands in front of him and said sincerely: "My ex and current wife will be jealous. I can't guarantee whether they will take action. And where did you get your first kiss?"

Just kidding, one bite from Lillian was fatal and she died of poison on the spot. How could she electrocute herself and travel back to Qingshan Rehabilitation Center to clear the traces on her browser?

"It's my turn, please listen to the question."

"A steak medium rare and a steak medium rare, fried in one pan, why don't they chat."

Allen's question was a brain teaser, not a suggestive riddle, but there was no rule from the beginning that brain teasers could not be used to pose questions.

"Protest, Steak is not a human being, how can we chat."

"Counter protest, you're discriminating against steak."

"Protests are futile."

Arthur faced the patients who were about to move, showed a chilling smile, and threatened domineeringly: "Whoever protests again, I will make him into a steak."

The intimidating effect of Arthur's uncompromising style of killing people as he says is unquestionable. The patients immediately became honest and waited quietly for the Riddler's answer.

Edward wiped the corners of his mouth from time to time, pushed up his glasses, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and thought for a long time before answering carefully.

"They're unfamiliar."

"Congratulations, you got it."

The patients cheered loudly and praised the Riddler for his extraordinary intelligence.

Edward breathed a sigh of relief, thankful to have survived the first round.

"If you know me, you want to share me. If you share me, I will disappear. What am I?"

It's still a deep riddle that a normal person might not be able to answer.

But who is Allen? He had read the Riddler's riddles before time travel, and he had all the answers in his mind. The reason why he did not answer immediately was to create a sense of anticipation and give everyone an atmosphere of urgency.

"I'm about to enter the countdown."

Arthur smiled maliciously, deliberately favoring the Riddler, and counted down every time it was Alan's turn.


Upon hearing the answer, Edward's pupils shrank, his surprised expression froze for a second, and he responded with difficulty and honesty: "The answer is correct."

"I'm going to make it more difficult. Please listen to the questions."

"An African-American woman who didn't speak English married a pure American. She went to the supermarket to buy chicken. She asked the salesman using body imitation and successfully bought what she wanted. The next day, she wanted to buy ham sausage. My husband brought it, how did you buy the ham sausage?"

At this time, everyone had a knowing smile on their faces.

The same expression appeared on Edward's face, and he replied confidently: "She pointed at her husband's penis..."


A sudden explosion interrupted the heated duel.

A group of clowns armed with guns swarmed from the corridors and took control of Arkham Asylum's security personnel.

The Clown Gang, this is a group of gangs who have to make instant noodles and grab rice at a very low limit when they go to the supermarket, and finally come to meet their ugly king Arthur.

At this moment, the silent king is waiting for the moment when he comes out of the cage.

Among the many patients who escaped with him, there were many crazy criminals.

"It's time for me to go home."

Allen couldn't find a socket in the patient activity area and had to wait for the opportunity. Before taking action, he did not forget to say to the Riddler who was looking forward to the result: "You lose, her husband can speak English."

Suddenly, frustration and frustration surged into his heart, making Edward unable to extricate himself for a while.

Waiting to regain his senses, Edward pursued again, only to find a mask and curtains next to a socket.

"I don't believe it, you are lying to me..."

The Riddler's unwilling roar echoed in the corridor.

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