American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 144 The first member of Allen’s new team

A rough landing.

Allen observed the ruins.

With the erosion of time, a few scattered stone pillars indicate that this place was once a palace.

"Your Majesty Commander, the Sahara used to be an ocean."

Allen brings a holographic projector, and Unita's image can travel together and act as a tour guide.

"I know, is this far from the Lost Tribe's prison?"

When choosing whom to recruit, Allen had three options in mind at Sahara.

One, Yazu Drake.

Second, Orm, the Ocean Lord.

Third, the mummified Pharaoh Nick.

The ideal outcome is to successfully recruit the above three.

Of course, people may not pay attention to Allen, so it is conservatively estimated to recruit one person.

At that time, when Allen saw the mummy Pharaoh Nick, his whole body felt bad.

Isn't he just Tom Cruise in The Mummy? He must be called out to show off.

"Five hundred kilometers away, there is the entrance to the Lost Clan's stronghold."

Unita asked: "Do we need to send out drones for scanning?"

"Scan it and find out what Tom Cruise is doing."

Allen curled his lips and said, "In other words, there are too many people with immortality."

Deadpool, Dracula, Drake, and Pharaoh Nick all make immortality worthless.

Several ball-like floating drones flew out from the side cover of the helicopter and flew straight into the depths of the desert.

"There's a discovery!"

Cobot shouted.

He threw away the yellow sand with both hands and found a stone slab full of carvings.

There was a hole on the surface of the stone slab, and Allen blew into it to clear out the yellow sand blocked in the groove.

Unique design, yellow sand cannot block holes.

Allen looked at Arthur and said, "Stretch your hand over."

"What do you want to do?"

With a shiver in his heart, Arthur stepped back nervously, as if he expected what Allen was going to do.

"Hold him down."

With a look from Allen, Edward and Cobot immediately understood and took action.

If they don't cooperate, the target will shift to them.

As the saying goes, if you are a dead Taoist friend or a poor Taoist, you can only aggrieve Arthur first.

"Nervous, you guys."

Arthur turned around and was about to run away, but he bumped into Nanawi and collapsed on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Iowa and Cobot swooped in.

"Stop, we are in the same group, Jie Jie Jie..."

Arthur wanted to beg, but the crazy smile on his face made the two of them move more quickly.

"Don't be afraid, I'm big..., I'm fast..."

Allen frowned, always feeling that there was something wrong with his words, but he couldn't figure out what the problem was, so he comforted him: "Don't struggle, just be patient and it will pass. It's normal to bleed for the first time."

Seeing Allen take out the butcher knife, Arthur twisted his body and shouted: "Let me go, you beasts, ah..."


The blade swiped across his fingertips.

Bright red blood overflowed.

"It's bleeding, stuff it into the hole quickly."

Allen stuffed Arthur's bleeding finger into the hole and let the blood flow along.

The scene was too unbearable to watch. Three strong men and one non-human controlled a mentally ill patient and pinned him to the ground, doing such an unscrupulous thing.

"Why is there no reaction? Maybe there is not enough blood."

For a long time, there was no movement underground. Allen couldn't help but wonder if there was a mistake in the location, or perhaps Yazu Drake was dead.

"You guys hold down and I'll give him some blood."

Allen squeezed Arthur's arm with both hands so that the blood could flow out faster, from the base of the arm to the palm, as if squeezing out toothpaste.

"Boss, Arthur's face turned pale."

Edward was horrified to find that Arthur was as white as paper.

"He's wearing clown makeup, and his face is covered with makeup foundation."

Allen said disapprovingly, without stopping the squeezing motion with his hands.

Cobot couldn't help but remind: "It's not the boss, Arthur rolled his eyes."

"Rolling his eyes is his attitude towards life. Can't you see that he is a person with a distinctive personality?" Allen asked rhetorically.

"Arthur is unconscious. If he squeezes anymore, he will die."

Seeing that Arthur was really unconscious, Allen was willing to give up and said with ridicule: "My body is so weak, I must have rewarded myself at night. I will make two cups of brown sugar water to replenish my body."


Boom! !

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

There were waves of shaking sounds on the ground, as if some creature was about to break out of the ground.

Everyone stood up and retreated a few steps, waiting for Yazu to reappear.


The stone slabs broke, and the remaining rocks and yellow sand collapsed downwards.

Suddenly, a withered arm stretched out from the ground, grabbing around to find a point of strength.

The next second, Allen stepped forward to hold it, pulled it out with all his strength, and pulled out a mummy.


With deep breathing and a pair of ruby ​​eyes, he kept glancing back and forth at Allen and the others.

"Don't rush to start dinner yet."

Allen stood in front of Drake and said, "To be fair, you wouldn't want to kill your savior."

"A savior?"

Drake sneered, "I need food to save me."


Allen slashed it with a sword without any martial ethics, causing it to split in the middle like a piranha.

Before he could recover, a remote-controlled bomb was placed inside his body.

Not long after, Drake's upper body slowly closed up and returned to its original state, and he said angrily: "Now it's clear."

After that, Drake demonstrated on the spot that he would disembowel himself and forcefully remove the bomb from his body.

"Ruthless person."

Allen threw away the remote control button and said seriously: "Do you want to fuse the power of the Blood God?"

"Blood God!?"

Derek, who was about to take action, immediately calmed down and asked, "Tell me and listen."

Blood God rituals are taboo in the eyes of pure blood, but in the eyes of half-bloods, they are a way to gain supreme power.

The main content of the blood god ritual, pure blood has been committed to destroying, and it is difficult to find it in the world.

Drake was very moved by this.

His recovery ability is good, but he is still at the level of a pure-blood earl. His biggest reliance is that he is not afraid of the sun and his natural ability, which allows him to transform into a set of flesh and blood armor.

Allen first asked: "Have you heard of Dracula?"

"The Impaler, I've heard of him, is a lucky guy."

Drake's origins date back hundreds of years before Dracula, so he's naturally heard of the rising star among hybrids.

When Dracula was mentioned, he couldn't help but be very jealous, just because the other person had obtained the true blood of a prince. Sometimes, he couldn't help but imagine that he had inherited it, and maybe he would be stronger now, so that he would not be afraid of the pure blood's plot.

"Dracula is incredible. He is preparing for the Blood God Ceremony. I can't imagine the power of a vampire with the strength of a prince and the power of the Blood God. When the ancestor Lilith comes, she will probably throw herself into his arms and shout, Ou Bah, hi Sarah."

Although Drake didn't understand the last sentence, Allen meant that he could understand it, which was equivalent to the birth of a new ancestor.

Immediately, he couldn't wait to urge: "Take me to Dracula, I want to steal the Blood God Ceremony."

"Grab, hog, hog, hog, hog, hog."

Allen slapped Derek's hand away and said angrily: "Pure bloods are all targeting Dracula. Do you want to go back underground?"

As soon as he heard the pure blood mixed in, Drake suddenly stopped saying anything.

The suppression he encountered with the seal was the result of pure blood's actions.

What's more, after nearly a thousand years, countless high-ranking nobles have been born among pure bloods.

The pure-blooded Marquis is a unique figure, and the Dukes and Princes above him are not as powerful as ordinary people can imagine.

He considers himself to be stronger than a pure-blooded prince, and he has no choice but to run for his life when facing a pure-blooded prince.

"Let me introduce myself, I am the Gotham Guardian Knight Funny Bat, and they are my Robins. This matter is a bit complicated. We will talk while walking, but I can promise you that as long as you are willing to help, the Blood God Ceremony will be given to you." Ai Lun said with sincerity.

As we all know, the more sincere Allen appeared, the less sincere he seemed.

When promising Lei Xiao Aogu.

When making suggestions for Tianqi.

A time to show your loyalty to Hydra.

If I say I am against you, I will be against you without any hesitation.

Of course, this depends on whether the other party is on the right track.

We can chat well and agree with each other. Allen is very willing to create a hybrid ancestor to bring trouble to vampires.

Get on the helicopter.

Go straight to the next location.

The Sahara Desert, don’t think that the yellow sand all over it lacks human history.

When it faded away from the veil of the ocean and ushered in new clothes of vegetation, the migrating nomads established one glorious dynasty after another.

On this land, many traces of civilization are left as bright as stars.

It's a pity that the new decorations decayed and the yellow sand covered them, burying the ruins of the city abandoned by humans underground.

There is no shortage of thieves in the world. For example, America, which was founded more than 200 years ago, lacks confidence in its historical heritage and likes to order the army to pretend to be tomb robbers to steal cultural relics to enrich museums.

Relying on their strong national strength, the countries that own the Sahara Desert dare not speak out and even collude with others to gain profits.

Nick Morton, former Navy SEAL.

He is very aware of the military's secret activities and has even participated in them many times.

Most of the time, the military organizes excavations by desperadoes, who take over the transportation to avoid falling foul of international public opinion.

He buried his body deep in the yellow sand and quietly observed the desperadoes violently excavating an ancient pharaoh's tomb.

He couldn't help but recall his experience of becoming the envoy of Set.

Seth, one of the nine pillar gods of Egypt, is in charge of power, war, deserts, and storms, and belongs to the camp of the ancient gods.

Seth gave him the mission to protect the tombs of the pharaohs of various dynasties from the intrusion of the world.

In the world today, there are two messengers of the old gods who belong to the same camp, and Nick is certain.

Kongsu, the god of the moon and night, has the Moon Knight as his messenger.

Some speculate that the other is Black Panther, King of Wakanda.

In fact, it cannot be said to be right or wrong.

The patron saint of Wakanda, the Panther God, does have a messenger in the world, but it is not the Black Panther, the king of Wakanda, but Catwoman, who has always been ambiguously close to Batman.

The leopard god Bastet is the cat god in ancient Egyptian mythology and regards cats as his subjects.

Catwoman's act of saving the cat from death attracted Buster's attention, and she was resurrected as a messenger.

The Wakanda royal family is given blessings and favors, not divine power.

At this moment, a helicopter approaches from the sky...

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