American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 213 The King acts like the neighborhood committee aunt

"Your Majesty, the great Cobra King, in front of you is the territory of the Shark tribe. They believe in the god of fire, but they are a very evil tribe."

The witch doctor pointed to the indigenous gathering place at the foot of the mountain with a low eyebrow.

"I think you're seeking revenge."

Allen's cunning eyes revealed the witch doctor's intention, and he said casually: "But I don't care, I want to conquer them all, and let them kneel and sing conquest."

"Your Majesty, I am loyal to you and serve you, the great one, wholeheartedly." The witch doctor flattered him.

“Stop using fancy adjectives.”

Allen said bluntly: "I like people to praise me for being handsome, like how handsome I am, how beautiful I am, how handsome I am, how handsome I am, and so on."

"Okay, that's so handsome, Your Majesty." The witch doctor agreed.


Allen nodded with satisfaction: "Boys can be taught."

On the mountain, the natives lay on the ground waiting for orders, preparing to obey the Cobra King's orders and conquer the tribes with which they had grievances in the past.

The main reason is that when one suffers a disaster, one must bring along others' unhappiness, thus providing the location of the enemy tribe.

The witch doctor couldn't wait to show his loyalty and said: "Your Majesty, please give orders. Our warriors will immediately launch a surprise attack to kill all the men and steal all the women and food."

The indigenous tribes in the New World only needed women and food to conquer each other, and all men and boys were killed.

The reason is that men are prone to rebellion, boys may rebel when they grow up, and women are regarded as reproductive tools.

Of course, in the central area of ​​the New World, living conditions were relatively suitable for survival, and the empire that gave birth to the city-state system would often capture a tribe and capture men to serve as slaves to build sacrificial temples and palaces.

"If you can use your brain, you can't focus on one tactic."

Allen looked at the witch doctor with disdain and said, "It doesn't matter if you kill someone head-on, but what about the wounded?"


The witch doctor was speechless.

Such living conditions put a huge burden on the wounded.

Not only are they unable to hunt for food, they even need to allocate manpower to take care of them. In the end, the wounded will die.

Often many tribes simply abandon the wounded and leave them to fend for themselves in the wild.

Furthermore, the night god of their tribe has died, and they worship Erha, the hell dog.

But the second problem is that it cannot bestow believers with abilities. If a pure mortal body faces a hostile tribe protected by the god of fire, it may cost a lot.

"You are so handsome, Your Majesty, please give instructions to your ignorant subjects." the witch doctor asked sarcastically.

"It's very simple, you clean the battlefield."

After saying that, Allen squinted his eyes and looked at Inciles coiled in the tree.

When the natives saw Allen controlling the Demonic Snake Clan, their inner resistance disappeared, and they understood that this guy was not someone they could afford to mess with. Instead, they felt that following him would have great potential in the future.

Therefore, the witch doctor who would rather die than surrender changed his attitude 180 degrees.


Cyrus felt a chill running down his spine, feeling that something ominous was about to happen.

"The Queen obeys."

Allen looked stern and solemnly ordered: "I will confer upon you the title of Vanguard Flag General, and raid the enemy's base camp alone. After that, I will grant you the title of VIP mount."

"I dont go."

Because Cyrus turned his head and refused.

It is still a mount, there is no substantial change at all.

"How dare you disobey the king's order."

Allen's eyes were lewd and he said with a mean expression: "That's not up to you."

"What are you doing? Don't come over!"

As Xileus watched in horror as Allen approached step by step, he couldn't help but tighten his arms around the tree trunk.

"Be patient and it will pass."

Allen grinned, his smile particularly evil.

The indigenous warriors had strange faces, secretly thinking that His Majesty was so unrestrained, and in front of so many people, it was hard for him to do anything complacent.

There are not many adult aboriginal recreational activities, and when it comes to men and women, the only thing that can be thought of is Huha.

As it turned out, it was their own dirty thoughts.

Allen forcefully pulled Incilius down from the tree, held his tail with both hands, and spun around.

"Stop, ah ah ah..."

For a moment, Cyrus seemed to be entangled in an electric fan, his body stretched as straight as a fan.

"Eddie's magic is spinning in circles, thinking about day and night..."


Ellen spins in place while singing happily.

Because Xileus couldn't stop shouting in fear: "Don't..., stop..., I feel like I'm going to faint."

"Don't stop!"

Allen's smile became even more excited: "Well, hehe, I didn't expect you to be so wild. Who asked me to pamper you and satisfy you?"

"That's not what I meant!"

Unfortunately, the roar of the wind covered up Incyleus's cry.

Erha barked excitedly on the side, seemingly wanting to join in.

The natives were stunned into silence.

Is this the strength a normal person should have?

The Demon Snake Queen is at least six meters long, and it looks like a hemp rope when swung.

"Let's go!"


As soon as Allen let go, Incyleus went straight to the tribe camp at the foot of the mountain like a javelin.

"Remember to use the smoke of intoxication." Alan reminded him.

Woof woof woof...

Erha echoed the call twice, and then whined.


Allen grabbed Erha's limbs and threw them hard, not forgetting to shout: "Silly dog, it's your turn to play."

One snake and one dog, one behind the other, were forced to fly to the indigenous tribe.

The natives looked at Allen with fear in their eyes, fearing that they would pick him up and throw him out together.

An ordinary person like me would be half-dead from the pain if he bumped into it. According to the delivery methods of the first two people, he would probably die on the spot upon landing.

Allen glanced around and avoided eye contact.

The previously flattering witch doctor immediately tightened his neck and silently thought in his heart that he couldn't see me, he couldn't see me.

On the sidelines, Gu Yi and Agatha both felt that Allen's behavior was crazy.

Shark tribal camp.

The tribe of more than 600 people went about their daily lives and cooking as usual.

Men stripped and decomposed hunted food, and women carried children, washed fruit, or made twine from plant fibers.


Suddenly, a horrified cry echoed through the sky.

The indigenous people stopped what they were doing and looked up at the source of the sound.

I saw a slender figure falling straight towards the camp.


Why can long, long things fly without wings?


The older hunter alertly reminded the tribesmen and picked up the weapon placed beside him.


Insilius crashed into the center of the camp at great speed.

The men drew their weapons and slowly approached, wanting to find out what it was.

The women hid in the distance and watched, while the children behind them poked their heads out curiously.


At this moment, a puff of pink smoke rose.

The confused hunter sniffed the pink gas.

"Ugh..., it smells so bad!"


After inhaling a tiny amount, a native in his prime would roll his eyes and fall unconscious.


Before the natives could evacuate, another figure hit the wooden building dedicated to the totem god.

Because of that little hesitation, pink smoke filled the air quietly.

Immediately, the natives of the Shark tribe fainted one after another.


A wooden house suddenly exploded.

Suddenly, flames covered the area for several meters.

In the dazzling and brilliant firelight, a crow and a dog could be vaguely seen wrestling together.

A flaming crow belonging to the totem god of the Shark tribe can give believers the ability to control fire.

It's a pity that Erha, who is born to control hellfire, can completely ignore the ordinary fire element.

On the mountain, Allen looked up and saw that the strategy was paying off.

"Two generals of our army have marched straight into Huanglong, catching the enemy by surprise."

Allen raised his arms and shouted: "Soldiers, for Noxus!"


Jump down.

Allen disappeared on the top of the mountain, and a group of natives immediately gathered around to investigate.

What comes into view is Allen running on a smooth road on a steep mountain wall.

"How to get down here?"

"My legs felt weak as I climbed down the mountain."

"I'd rather take the long way around."


The natives looked at each other, and no one tried first.

They know very well that His Majesty cannot be treated like an ordinary person. Even if he lives in the forest all year round, he would not dare to climb a mountain as steep as a straight wall. If he accidentally falls, he will die without any body parts.

However, Allen was completely unaware that his men were hesitating on the mountain.

When approaching the ground, a perfect flip jump.

Landed smoothly.

"There should be applause here."

Allen opened his arms and closed his eyes, waiting for the warm applause to ring in his ears.

A breeze blew by.

After a long time, there was no cheering, only the piercing crow of crows, which seemed to laugh at Allen's pretentiousness.

"Where are the people?"

As soon as I opened my eyes and looked around, I suddenly found that I was the only one at the bottom of the mountain.

Looking up to the top of the mountain, a row of heads poked out of the edge of the cliff, looking at their king quietly.

"Hou Li Crab didn't analyze the danger level of the mountain wall."

After observing the mountain wall, Allen could understand that they did not dare to climb down. It was like a vertical surface, and it took a lot of courage to climb up.

He raised his hand and sent his men down the mountain through the portal.

When a group of people rushed to the tribe.

Erha had defeated the God of Fire and successfully devoured the divine nature, and the white mark in the middle of his forehead became brighter and brighter.

Therefore, it is logical to conquer the tribe.

Without the protection of totem gods in the New World, it is equivalent to having no support for survival.

Mountain lions wandering in the wilderness can kill ordinary people, and if you are wandering alone, other indigenous tribes will not be friendly to you.

For a time, Allen had more than a thousand subjects in his hands.

In the tribe, the original witch doctor assumed management responsibilities.

The key is that the witch doctor knows a little bit about writing, and tracing the origin involves the Mayan civilization. Due to the evolution over time, the font shape and grammatical habits have changed.

Allen did not stop his journey and wiped out many tribes one after another.

In terms of management, it is indeed a major issue.

There are a total of sixteen tribes with a population of more than 10,000. They once had grievances and grudges against each other, and it was even like a world feud.

Conflicts inevitably arise when hunting for food, and it is impossible to unite.

On the surface, they are obeying Allen's orders, but in fact they are secretly having constant friction.

Sixteen witch doctors were arguing in a thatched hut, blaming each other for being at fault.

To conquer such a huge territory, you have to travel a long distance if you want to expand.

Allen paused to build an army.

At this moment, sitting in the main seat.

Conditions and treatment are similar to those of indigenous chiefs.

The cobra straw hat on the head is decorated with sixteen feathers, symbolizing the sixteen tribes.

"Your Majesty, you must make the decision. We, the Shagelyu Clan, cannot allow the Pizino Clan to bully us. We can put aside the grudges of the past, but now we are still robbing and hunting for food."

"You fart, you lie!"

Another witch doctor retorted: "Your Majesty, that wild bull has been hit by the arrows of our hunting team and fled to their hunting area. In the end, we insist that they caught it."

"I want to report that the Sharks are pooping in the upper reaches of the river, seriously polluting our drinking water."

"You are slandering. You deliberately blocked the branches of the river. You have sinister intentions."


The tribes and clans did not dare to openly attack and could only retaliate through small means.

Although it cannot cause substantial damage, it can disgust the opponent.

In the past, you dug the river and I filled the holes.

Now, if there is someone who makes the decision, there will naturally be channels for selling out.

The scene was extremely noisy, and Allen heard that one person was louder than the other. It was not at all what he imagined being a king should be like.

Feelings are like a neighborhood committee mediator.

"Silk Pawn Shop!"

Allen spoke up to stop the chaos.

All the witch doctors looked at him in awe.

"The first law prohibits the destruction of living resources. If any party violates the law, a hundred people will be punished with ten days of food."

As soon as this was said, all the witch doctors fell silent.

Primitive tribes had no currency and could only rely on food.

Food for one hundred people for ten days is definitely a very heavy burden.

In fact, the friction between them is all instigated by the witch doctors behind their backs. They can restrain the tribesmen in private.

Allen's actions undoubtedly deterred the witch doctor from acting recklessly.

"The final ownership of the prey belongs to the hunting team in the hunting area to which it belongs. Poaching is not allowed in private, and collecting medicinal materials is not prohibited. If there is any violation, the hunting area of ​​the offending party will be open to the other party for ten days."

As soon as this rule came out, the witch doctor couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart.

When other tribes enter their own hunting areas, it is estimated that the autumn wind will sweep away the fallen leaves and kill all those who can hunt.

The hunting area is equivalent to the private property of the tribe and will not be tolerated by others.

"The King Hunting Competition is held once a month."

Allen thought about it and felt that if they could not suppress their grievances, they could solve it through competition.

"Your Majesty, what is the King Hunting Competition?"

Allen described it carelessly: "It's easy to understand. Each tribe sends a hunting team to enter other tribes to hunt by drawing lots. The number of prey harvested is determined by the number of prey. The first-place hunting team can get one-tenth of the other teams. Of course, whoever hunts the biggest prey this time will be rewarded with the title of Hunting King."

"I agree. The son of my clan will definitely get the title of Hunting King."

"My Gult tribe has a record of hunting black bears and mountain lions. The hunting king must belong to our tribe."

"Who knows if it's true? Who doesn't know how to brag?"


The King Hunting Competition is scheduled for three days.

Since it is conducted in an unfamiliar hunting area, cheating by touching points is prevented.

In an era when entertainment was lacking, holding such large-scale events aroused great enthusiasm among young adults. Who wouldn't want to become famous, hook up with young girls, and spend the entire night sowing the seeds of life?

The only recent achievement is that Erha has reached the peak of the Phantom Crown, and the subjects regard him as a living patron saint.

Many people witnessed the scene of Erha defeating the gods with their own eyes, and they naturally regarded him as a god-like existence.

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