American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 414: Allen counterattacks on Apocalypse

Throughout the nuclear power plant, corpses of demonoids were piled up.

Fortunately, the nuclear power plant was once the size of a small town and could easily store millions of corpses.

However, Allen now faces a dilemma.

Millions of materials may seem like a huge amount, but they are actually not much at all.

It may not be enough for bone dragon advancement.

If the undead army is strengthened, hundreds of powerful skeletons of the twelfth or fifteenth level will be born.

"As the saying goes, wealth can be gained through risks, and resources should be concentrated to accomplish great things."

Do not hesitate to choose the advanced bone dragon.

After all, a stunning mount is a temptation that Allen can't resist.

Level 12, Dark Frost Bone Dragon (mutated).

Finally, the bone dragon mutated for the first time. Its whole body looked like ice blue crystal, and it looked more and more domineering.

And once it mutates, the upper limit is destined to reach the eighteenth level.

Level 13, Frost Dark Dragon (mutated).

"Um..., has this guy grown for the second time?"

Half an hour later, enough corpse materials were transported to complete another advancement, and it mutated for the second time.

Allen speculated: "One mutation is three levels more, so the second mutation is not the limit of twenty-one levels."

"What is the concept of level 21?"

"It is estimated that I can break the screen and beat a hundred thousand readers, and whip the idiot author ten thousand times a day until it is finished."

"Stump, how much material do you need?"

Indeed, the 18th level is conservatively estimated to exceed 10 million, while the 21st level does not require hundreds of millions of materials.

"Forced me again."

Allen said angrily: "The stupid author has so many settings, why do you want me to destroy the world?"

Suddenly, his expression turned shy, and he said sarcastically: "It's so embarrassing to be the world-destroying demon king. After all, I am the protagonist of the time traveler. It would be very shameless for me to meet my peers later."

End of self-righteousness.

The bone dragon continues to advance.

Level 16, Death Ice Dragon.

The corpse materials were exhausted and stopped at level 16.

At this moment, the Death Ice Dragon is fifty meters tall and nearly two hundred meters long.

A series of skills, without exception, causing large-scale damage.

In particular, the Ice Age skill can plunge a small country of millions of square kilometers into a year-round extremely cold climate just by completing the chant.


A loud dragon roar penetrated between heaven and earth.

It was like a god of frost symbolizing disaster announcing the end of the world.

However, it is far from the final form.

Unfortunately, the material is no longer available.


Allen squinted his eyes and looked at the crystal pillar, and said thoughtfully: "Can't I open the channel in reverse to invade Apokolips?"

On the Apocalypse Star, there are countless demon-like creatures, probably numbering in the hundreds of millions, which can fully enable the Bone Dragon to grow to the twenty-first level.

Moreover, the X light ring on the hand embodies the mother box and has the same effect.


In the palace that symbolizes royal power.

Darkseid patiently looked through Steppenwolf's memories.

The technological level of Apokolips is actually only in the second echelon, and starships for large-scale interstellar voyages cannot be manufactured.

In the past, the mother box was relied on to search for living planets, and then open the passage between the two worlds to complete the invasion.

Due to the loss of the Mother Box, Darkseid has never conquered other planets.

Although Apokolips is notorious in the universe, no force dares to provoke it.

The reason is that he is afraid of something.

Divine power of authority, Omega rays.

The scary thing is that omega rays are conceptual properties of divine power.

The successor only needs to think about it and have the correct target information to kill them from afar, or even travel through time and space to pursue them.

Unless the target has a strong defense and can withstand the attack forcefully.

"This guy is interesting."

In the picture, seeing Allen's puzzling behavior and the summoned undead creatures, Darkseid couldn't help but frown.

He has traveled across the universe for thousands of years and has never encountered such an enemy.

Of course, few opponents could survive his attacks.

"Warning, there is a space channel being reversely linked, and the final authority has been breached!"

Suddenly, the defense systems sustaining the entire planet react.

The space channel instruments that should be opened on a large scale through the mother box are actually running without instructions.

The key problem is that the channel instrument must be powered by a mother box, which can meet the needs of large-scale deployment of demon-like armies. Otherwise, it can only meet the needs of single-body transmission.

Therefore, Steppenwolf broke into the world alone, otherwise it would be much easier to lead an army and march straight in.


A dragon roar shocked the indigenous residents of Apokolips' capital.

However, under the brutal rule of Darkseid for many years, the people of Apokolips are full of cruelty and violence in their thoughts, and have become a race that worships force extremely.

"Damn alien bastards, they dare to invade Apokolips, they really don't want to live or die."

"I can't wait to see the battle between aliens and bloodthirsty monsters."

"The great master will definitely lead us to plunder each other's planets, kill them all and enslave them."

"I don't know what alien women taste like. They must be delicious when cooked after being ravaged."


Faced with the alien invasion, the natives of Apokolips did not panic at all.

Instead, discuss with gusto how to slave for pleasure.

Without realizing it, a terrible disaster was approaching.


A huge body fell from the sky.

The cold air fell in strands, like an iceberg falling from the sky.

"What is that?"

"It looks like a super dragon."

"Why is there only a skeleton? It can't be a dead dragon."

"I want to secretly remove a piece of bone and take it home as a decoration."


On the back of the Death Ice Dragon, Alan's upper and lower teeth chattered.

It was really piercing cold, and he shivered all over.

The Jade Sword God's skull was like a emerald green gem, showing helplessness very vividly.

Just because Alan hid in his arms, he had to hug him like a princess with both hands.

Who let him be the master.

As soon as his feet landed on the ground, the cold air began to penetrate his body along his legs. Alan's 84 times physique couldn't stand the cold, so you can imagine how terrifying it was.

It is estimated that if the Death Ice Dragon was thrown into the lake, it would be directly frozen into a whole piece of ice.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

Darkseid had already appeared, frowning deeply at the Death Ice Dragon, making him feel a sense of oppression for the first time.

"Uncle Da, Qiu..."

Alan couldn't help sneezing when he greeted him.

Suddenly, a tortuous ray attacked.

There is no doubt that Darkseid took the lead without martial ethics, and his eyes burst out with terrifying energy.

Omega ray, 100% hit rate.

Unless the information is incomplete, resulting in the inability to lock the target.

However, being so close, Alan's face can be clearly seen, and no additional information is needed.

If the distance is two planets apart and the other party has not seen the other party's face, the triggering conditions of Omega ray are relatively harsh.


Alan buried his head in the arms of the Emerald Sword God in fear.

However, the imagined thing did not happen.

The most unexpected thing was Darkseid, with an unimaginable expression.

Ineffective! ?

The Omega ray failed to kill the other party.

According to past experience, creatures that died from Omega rays would instantly turn into ashes and disappear. As a result, Alan was fine.

In fact, it was not the case. One of the hundreds of skeletons was turning into dust and dying.

Death Substitution.

When a fatal attack occurs, the damage is transferred to the summoned creature.

Moreover, it is a passive trigger skill, which does not require Alan to use it actively at all times.

"Fuck, Uncle Da, don't you say anything harsh first?"

Alan rubbed his nose to prevent sneezing again, and ordered the Death Ice Dragon: "Along, kill him."


Dragon strikes the sky.

A flying pounce, the mountain-like body is very fast, like a residual shadow passing by.

The undead skeletons are miserable, falling like rain.

Of course, a few top-level undead can fly in the air.

Punch to meet the attack.

Darkseid has the power of Apokolips, and his physical strength is not ordinary.

He is the new god in the universe.


The air is shaking when the two forces collide.

Darkseid relied on his physical strength to withstand the blow.

"Ice power?"

When it was released, Darkseid saw a layer of frost condensed on the surface of his body.

He reacted instantly.

He kicked the dragon claw with his legs and quickly distanced himself with the force.


At the same time, he gathered divine power in his eyes and blasted the opponent with Omega rays.


Frost dragon breath.

Rolling cold air spewed out from the mouth of the Death Ice Dragon.

In an instant, the refraction rays and the frost cold current were deadlocked in the air.

While Darkseid and the Death Ice Dragon were fighting, the demon-like army of Apokolips came overwhelmingly.

Several strong men who were no less powerful than Steppenwolf led the army, and the terrifying goddess of vengeance troops charged at the forefront.

The Golden Arrow God, the Blood Skeleton God, the Emerald Sword God, and the Skeleton Sword God quickly went to meet the enemy.

Allen opened the Sky of the Dead, and the gray crown of natural disaster on his head restored all the shattered skeletons.

These hundreds of skeletons are equivalent to hundreds of lives.

As soon as they met, Darkseid launched a sneak attack, obviously knowing the situation.

He knew that the core enemy was Allen.

Once the summoner died, all these undead creatures would be buried with him.

But the discovery of the ability to transfer damage was undoubtedly a failure.

Now with the Death Ice Dragon to contain him, Allen can collect materials boldly.

"Goddess of Vengeance, don't kill nameless people."

All members of the Goddess of Vengeance are the new gods of Apocalypse, selected by Darkseid himself, and received inhuman training since childhood. For loyalty, they are willing to sacrifice their lives.

"Master, the Emerald Sword God."

Before answering, the Emerald Sword God couldn't help but secretly glance at Allen, and for a moment he couldn't think of any honorific title that could match the master with strange behavior.

A touch of emerald green sword light slashed at the Goddess of Vengeance who was about to support the battlefield.

The Emerald Sword God said proudly: "Your opponent is me."


Alan gave a thumbs up and praised: "You kid, you are more pretentious than me."


The next moment, the Emerald Sword God was besieged but not at a disadvantage.

His elegant and graceful figure shuttled back and forth between the goddesses of vengeance.

The sharp and dense sword shadows forced the goddesses of vengeance, who were no less than the steppe wolves, to only defend themselves.


Alan said with envy: "I wish I could be as handsome as him."

Comparatively speaking, the Skeleton Sword God was very lame.

After all, he was a top cannon fodder and shouldn't ask for too much.

One-on-one encounter with a commander of Apocalypse, seemingly a smooth match, but the performance was a bit forced after all.

If it weren't for the Golden Arrow God's cover from time to time, he might have lost a few ribs.

The burden of harvesting the army of demons fell on the Blood Corpse God.

He was very suitable for group combat with blood magic.

Countless demons were drained of blood and died, falling to the ground one after another.

"Little ones, pick up the bodies."

Taking this opportunity, Allen led hundreds of skeletons to rush to the location where the bodies fell.

The natives living in the capital of Apocalypse looked at the battlefield as if watching the excitement.

Darkseid, the commander of the army, the goddess of vengeance and other beings who were regarded as gods all came out, and they already felt that the invasion would end soon.

Many natives sneaked close to the battlefield to pick up leaks.

Apocalypse, which seemed to have entered the cosmic civilization, was actually ruled like a slavery.

Ordinary native citizens lived like slaves, and their value was squeezed to support the upper class of society.

The native citizens turned over and exploited the slaves plundered in the war.

Formed a pyramid-structured system of oppression and rule.

Darkseid was high above, followed by the privileged aristocracy.

Therefore, when the invasion war occurred, they did not think about escaping first, but about gaining benefits.

For example, picking up the equipment of the dead demons, or looting the rich and powerful in the chaos, or even daring gangs thinking about catching invaders and selling them.

In such a chaotic and cruel civilization, greed is naturally one of the main themes.

At a corner, Allen saw two natives with tattoos on their faces, secretly moving the bodies of demons.

"Stop, dare to steal my materials."

Allen shouted, but failed to intimidate the natives, but looked at him with gleaming eyes.

"Catch him, this is a high-quality slave."

"Catch him and play with him first. Although he has hair on his head, it's not impossible to look at him with tender skin and flesh."

The ugly-looking and ferocious-looking natives had evil thoughts in their eyes.

Walking forward step by step, licking his lips with excitement.


Alan suddenly felt his balls and ass tightened, covered his butt and turned around and ran, shouting: "They must be gays from Tianfu City."

"Hold him down and execute him on the spot."

"I'm already hard."

Seeing Alan fleeing in a panic, the two natives couldn't wait to take off their clothes.

However, a turn.

They were like petrified magic, stiffly standing there.

Hundreds of skeletons suddenly came into view, with soul fire burning in their eyes and staring at them.

Alan changed his previous panic and asked casually with his ears covered: "Do you have any improper thoughts about me?"

"No, no, we brothers just admire you, and we can't help but take off our clothes to express the highest etiquette."

"Ah, yes, yes..., brother, I want to follow you from the bottom of my heart when I see you."

The two natives put on flattering expressions, slowly moved back, trying to slip away when they were not prepared.

Suddenly, their eyes widened, and fear was evident in their eyes.

Fear spell.

One of the skills that the Skeleton Mage may have.

It can instantly make the enemy's consciousness fall into endless fear, thus losing any resistance.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two bone spears pierced through the native's chest.

Before they died, they were already scared to death.

At present, they can only strengthen the skeleton soldiers first.

After all, the Death Ice Dragon cannot be spared, so strengthening a sufficient number of top-level undead troops and collecting enough physical materials to take over the task of restraining Darkseid, and taking advantage of this gap, Alan has the opportunity to advance the Death Ice Dragon.

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