American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 45 Allen’s Ten Great Inventions

The Technology Research and Development Department, one of SHIELD's core departments, has always been a key investment target for senior military officials.

As usual, technical results are reported once a quarter, allowing the military to choose the samples of its choice for investment.

At the scene, many scientific researchers have already demonstrated their results.

In front of Alan was Dr. Pym.

That's right, he's a domestic violence man who beats his wife into the quantum realm and then cuckolds her.

Watching a Pym particle shrink the target to the size of a grain of rice, the military brass was very satisfied.

However, Pym particles are only in the experimental stage and have not yet reached the technological maturity level for practical applications.

Howard doesn't need to participate. His goal involves the field of energy. A piece of equipment is about the size of a tank. He's just joining in the fun to watch.

"This thing is good, if you use it..."

Allen looked between his legs and smiled brightly.

"It seems that Pym particles can only shrink but not grow, and cannot return to their original shape." Howard explained.

"Shet, that's rubbish."

Allen made no secret of his disdain: "No one will be the same when he becomes smaller."

Waiting for Dr. Pym to exit, Alan strutted to the middle, with Wilson pulling the trolley beside him.

It is no longer a secret that this new young expert has improved the super serum, and many military leaders are looking forward to what refreshing things he can come up with.

Allen glanced at the elderly senior officials, his eyes locked on the several senior colonels and major generals who had become Guangmingding.

"As we all know, hair loss is the enemy of men. After my painstaking research, I have developed a specially formulated shampoo that can completely solve this problem of the century."

Allen gave a hint in his eyes, and Wilson awkwardly took out a plastic bottle.

"Clang, clang, clang..., force the shampoo off."

Allen took the shampoo and introduced: "You only need to use it once. I guarantee that not a single blade of grass will grow. It will shine like a light bulb under the sun. The only thing that can compete with this product is a lighter."

Allen pointed at a group of senior military officials and asked, "I'm just asking you if you are interested."

Everyone's lips twitched, and no one answered such a heartbreaking question.

Everyone is worried about preventing hair loss, you can do it once and for all.

The worries are gone, and the hair is gone.

Howard, who was watching, had brilliant eyes, and he could already see the business opportunities in it.

Strong hair removal shampoo is not used to wash hair, but to remove armpit hair and beep hair. Is it possible to make a lot of money?

"This doesn't bother you at all."

Allen threw away the shampoo and said seriously: "Asen, take the props and bring out the second product, fireproof shaping water."

At this time, Wilson placed a dummy head and took out a bottle of potion.

Allen applied potion on the model's head and used his hands to shape an airplane head.

Immediately, a fire was lit.

Suddenly, flames enveloped the model's head, burning like a torch.

The rubber model was already charred and softened after a short period of time, and the exaggerated airplane head wig has always remained in its original shape.

"There will be no problems within a thousand degrees. Our advertising slogan is, don't be afraid of being broken into pieces. Just keep your hair style in this world."

are you crazy!

In the thousand-degree heat, people are reduced to ashes, and their hair is completely intact. You want to scare the crematorium staff to death.

Of course, used properly, this product has great potential.

It is used in the fire protection industry, or in fire-resistant coatings for equipment, but Allen didn't use it in the right place.

"very nice."

A major general's eyes softened slightly, and he saw at least something practical.

"It tastes good. I'll treat you to some sweets."

Allen stepped forward and handed him a lollipop.

The major general frowned and took it, then saw Allen's eager eyes, opened the wrapping paper and put it in the water.

The next second, his eyes widened because he heard music echoing in his mouth.

"Isn't it a surprise?"

Allen showed two big teeth in his smile and said, "This is the explosive music lollipop I prepared for the agents."


The major general was so frightened that he wanted to throw away the lollipop. If it exploded in his mouth, the whole head would be gone.

"Don't take it out." Allen stopped him: "You have to keep licking it with your tongue so it won't explode. Just lick it and you'll be fine."

Allen excitedly walked back to the trolley, pulled out a briefcase, and introduced: "It's a very hard job to be an agent. For the sake of humanity, I learned from two colleagues who were studied together at the Qingshan Rehabilitation Center. Vincent and Leon’s ideas led to the development of an agent briefcase.”

“Don’t be fooled by its plain appearance, it’s packed with functionality.”

Opening the briefcase and taking out four metal tubes, Allen carefully compared the thickness.

Everyone not only started to speculate whether it was a weapon such as a firearm.

In less than a minute, Allen tightened the four metal pipes, then turned around and sat up.

"Super Agent Chair."

Allen pressed the password key, and his body began to vibrate. He introduced: "Agents must have sore legs after being under surveillance for a long time. This product can complete the task while sitting, and it has seat vibration massage and cushion heating." function, in emergencies, it can also eject to jump over the wall.”

"Lao Huo, do you want to hang up or not?"

Allen looked at Howard and asked, and the latter said awkwardly: "Your invention is really good."

"The next thing is the weird gun. The first shot shoots forward and the second shot shoots backward to prevent the weapon from falling into the hands of the enemy."

After saying that, Allen threw it back into the frame, not finding anything eye-catching.

After rummaging around for a while, he took out a syringe.

"Grand introduction, acupuncture to change the past." Allen said seriously: "With one injection, people can feel regret for the mistakes they have made in their lives."

Allen couldn't help but look at Wilson, his eyes gradually becoming ambiguous.


Wilson had already guessed Allen's intention, and it was obvious that he wanted to prick him with a needle.

There is no doubt about Allen's research ability, but if he uses it on himself and talks about shameful things, he will be killed on the spot.

Wilson quickly hid behind Howard, unwilling to be a guinea pig for Allen.

"Just give me a shot. I'll make sure you feel refreshed and can start a new life again."

Allen chased after him for the injection, and Howard, who was in the middle, tried to persuade him nervously, fearing that it would prick him: "Be careful, don't prick me. Try it on another prisoner."

"Don't be afraid, the meter is not very large, it can last for one minute at most."

"That can't be applied to colleagues either."

"It doesn't matter, being honest is the most important thing."

"That's humiliating."

"Eh...where is my acupuncture to correct my pain?"

After a stalemate, Allen suddenly discovered that the needle in his hand was missing.

Immediately, the people in the crowd hurriedly checked whether they had been shot.

There was a pop.

In the military, a colonel suddenly knelt down, his eyes filled with tears, and a needle stuck in his thigh.

The medicine is working.

Everyone waited quietly for the death process of this person.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry America, I'm sorry the people, I betrayed the freight ship information to the Chrysanthemum Country, I've been doing this since last year, I'm sorry, I was obsessed for a moment."

Hiss..., beautiful and treacherous.

This needle gave me an unexpected surprise.

At this point in time, America had no intention of taking action and was making a lot of money from the war. Thousands of cargo ships left the port every day to transport supplies to battlefields around the world.

Transportation lines and transportation time can be said to be the key to achieving benefits.

It is conceivable that this person will not survive, and it will completely affect the interests of the capitalists.

"General, I was wrong."

The colonel hugged the thigh of the major general beside him and cried bitterly: "Give me another chance to be a new man, and I am willing to redeem myself."

"Sinner, wait until you go to court-martial."

The major general held the lollipop in his mouth and slurred his words.

"General, I shouldn't have seduced my wife into having an in-depth communication while you were drunk. I regret it very much now."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

It was a matter of more than one person dying in the society, and a forgiving green light suddenly shone on the major general's head.

"Lieutenant General Winks, your son and I truly love each other. Although the relationship between him and I is not recognized by the world, I hope to get your blessing."

"Bless you with the mamai horses."

The top military officials were in chaos, and a group of people surrounded one person and beat him up violently.

Most people don't want to eat melons on themselves. The two generals with high prestige in the army are now black and blue.

A wife cheating on someone and a son coming out as gay is enough to spark a heated discussion in the military.

Of course, the media capitalists, who are not too dissatisfied with the matter, will definitely publish this matter in the newspapers so that there will be a feast for all the people.

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