American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 61 Thor appears just in time

War is about to break out.

The rage nearly consumed Namor's sanity, but he did not choose to attack first.

Just because they are at a disadvantage, the chance of winning is zero.

"Ares, when you come to the world, aren't you afraid of the sanctions of the Council of Gods?" Diana asked in a deep voice.

It is common sense on Paradise Island that the Council of Gods must not interfere in human affairs.

Asgard and Olympus are no longer on the current planet.

The various pantheons follow the agreement and can only interfere with the human world through indirect means.

Paradise Island is the spokesperson for the Olympian pantheon.

Angels who come to earth are not allowed to appear in front of mortals, but are responsible for assisting the clergy in fighting against demons from hell.

Only Asgard can appoint a god responsible for arresting gods who descend to earth privately.

Of course, unpopular old gods like the Shark God are not qualified to join the Council of Gods, and they may die at the hands of powerful humans while they are still in the world.

Strictly speaking, Namor can kill the Shark God alone.

The old gods were not popular, but besides having a long life, they had no bright spots in terms of combat power and magic.

"If we were afraid of the Council of Gods, we would never have met, sister."

Ares, the God of War, calls his sister, but in fact he has no concept of family affection.

The god of war, only fighting and death can provoke his emotional fluctuations.

"I want to answer."

Allen raised his hands high, like a good student raising his hands to answer the teacher's questions, and kept saying: "Ask me quickly, ask me quickly..."

"you say."

Diana said unhappily.

The atmosphere created was completely destroyed by him.

"Okay, I can finally spoil it." Allen said with a satisfied expression on his face: "Brushhead is the God of War..."

"The scheming frog keeps touching your belly."

Allen did not forget to pause and pose like Conan extending his fingers: "He strengthened his war power through war, so he started a war in the world."

Ares was silent.

That's indeed true.

But I couldn't bear to call him Mao Shutou.

However, the bristle decoration on the helmet does look like a brush.

"Who are you?" Ares asked.

"Brother-in-law, I am Diana's fiancé. Don't be polite and give me a gift when we meet for the first time."

Allen hid behind Diana with a sweet expression, fearing that Ares would kill him with a lightning strike.

He is a serious second-generation god. It would be strange if he knew a little bit of his father's thunder and lightning ability. It would be a big surprise if he didn't know how to do it.

Diana is a demigod, inheriting the physique brought by her bloodline, and her combat power depends entirely on her equipment, all of which are high-end items at the level of artifacts.

Lasso of Mantra, Silver Bracelet of Protection, Sword of Vulcan, Divine Shield, Champion Battle Helmet, all follow the suit flow.

Who makes the Queen feel sorry for her daughter and equip Diana with all the equipment?

"Die, madman."

Ares was covered with thunder and lightning, and he struck down with lightning speed as fast as he could fly.

Diana dodged and raised her divine shield to block.

In an instant, thunder splashed everywhere.

At the same time, Namor took action against Atlan.

Relatively speaking, there are not that many special effects between the two. At best, Atlan's water magic assists, but it cannot play a decisive role.

"Fight for the King!"

Namor's noble subordinates, determined to face death, resolutely joined the battle.

For a time, the island fell into a melee.

The new king and the old king are fighting each other.

Gods and demigods clash.

and the crossfire between the old guard and the coexistence camp.

"Nanawi, kill little Karami."

Allen felt that it couldn't be idle, otherwise it would look like a background wall.

"Who is little Karami?"

Nanawi's dull little eyes searched the battlefield for targets that met the standards of the little Karami.

"The miscellaneous soldiers are little Karami, let them go and kill them."

Allen escaped into invisibility, approached a red-armored soldier, and stabbed the water pipe that maintained oxygen circulation.

Sea water spilled from the mouth of the pipe, and the soldier jumped into the sea anxiously.

Without oxygen to breathe, he would suffocate to death within a few minutes, let alone continue fighting.

Fortunately, it is an island surrounded by sea. If it were a land environment, you should look for the toilet immediately and bury your head in it without hesitation to breathe freely.

"Nanawi is going on a killing spree!"

Nana'vi rampaged across the battlefield, and the Atlantean soldiers were like toys, grabbing them and throwing them to the ground, even biting them with their mouths, or tearing apart their enemies on the spot.

The energy lasers hit Nanawi's body one after another, but they had no real effect at all. They only left patches of burnt black on the surface of the skin. With its own powerful healing ability, it took less than two or three days to recover.

Allen disappeared and reappeared, using sneak attacks to cut off the oxygen life-support devices of one soldier after another.

Suddenly, a red-armored soldier hit the ground with a pulse cannon.

A circle of blue pulse waves radiated around.

Allen, who was about to carry out a sneak attack, lost his invisibility instantly.

"Ah da."

A knife pierced the mask of the soldier in front of him. Allen rolled to avoid the encirclement and picked up an energy weapon.

"biu, biu, biu..."

Today's Atlantis technology really beats humans. Energy weapons not only have no sound, but also have no recoil. Therefore, Allen's own dubbing adds to the impact.

Picking up another weapon belonging to a soldier who died in battle, Allen raised his voice and said, "System prompts: The number one Marco Polo in the national server is online."

"Ultimate move, frenzied barrage."

"biu, biu, biu..."

Allen kept spinning, his eyes searching for the target.

On the battlefield, Namor and Atlan are fighting inextricably. The two are equally powerful and are expected to have a protracted battle.

And Diana was miserable.

Ares directly pressed her blaster.

With the blessing of an artifact suit, Diana is still no match.

Among them, a large part of the reason is that I am not fully familiar with the artifact and cannot exert its full power.

It's normal to say that it's impossible to use artifacts when sparring with tribesmen on Paradise Island, and you can't use them when you go out to deal with ordinary creatures, so there's no chance to explore the effects of artifacts.

It's rare to meet Ares, who is still a top boss.


An energy laser hit Ares' helmet, and he looked back at the source of the attack.

All he saw was Allen looking up at the sky and whistling, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Ares stared for a moment before preparing to punch Diana.


Before his fist could land, another energy laser shot out.


Ares became angry and decisively put down Diana, who was beaten into a daze, and decided to deal with the annoying flies first.

"Gorgeous Revolver!"

Allen raised his weapon and fired continuously.

A series of energy lasers poured out, hitting Ares' armor and splashing dazzling sparks.

As a result, it looked very fierce, but in fact it was useless and did not even stain the surface of the armor.

Allen smiled awkwardly: "Brother, is it too late for me to seek refuge with you now?"

"What do you think?"

Ares' eyes became even redder.


Suddenly, a colorful stream of light fell from the sky, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

Waiting for the rainbow light to subside, a majestic man with long hair shawl raised a hammer and said: "Are you going to catch yourself, or will I beat you up and arrest you?"

Allen looked at the man pointing at him, then at Ares, and stood aside knowingly.

He happened to be standing in the middle of the two, and almost thought it was directed at him.

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