American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 84 Physics Recruiting Clown Robin

"Ellen, long time no see."

The pink symbiote removed the wrapping on its face, taking on Carter's appearance.

"I don't agree with your marriage."

Suddenly, Allen frowned and said seriously: "The symbiote reproduces asexually. You are all parasitized by the symbiote. This is an unethical love. It's not allowed. It's definitely not allowed."

Symbiote parasitism is different from blood relationship, making Steve and Carter roll their eyes.

Besides, they have grandchildren now, so what can you do?

"I've never even tried unethical love. It's too much."

Allen's angry expression gradually turned to jealousy.

Digging, it turns out that the point of anger is here.

What an old man.

"Hang up, we have something to do."

The screen ends.

The existence of Arkham Fortress makes perfect sense.

Steve was operating in the quantum field in advance, so he must have mastered many high technologies, and he also attracted talents from the multiverse. It was easy to build a fortress base with extremely high technological content.

At this time, Allen looked at Edward and Copperpot, his expression too mean and twisted.


Hearing the permeating smile, the two of them suddenly felt bad.

Came for them.

Allen put his hand on someone's shoulder and said sadly: "You guys have heard things you shouldn't have heard. How should I deal with you? Jie Jie Jie..."

"I didn't hear it. I'm actually deaf." Edward shook his head wildly.

"I am a penguin, how can I understand human words." Cobot looked at the tip of his nose, pretending to be a dull penguin.

"This makes it difficult for me." Allen shouted: "Unita Sensen, is there a device that can eliminate human corpses?"

"Reporting to the commander, there is a degrading liquid in the warehouse area, which can corrode even steel." Unita said with a smile.

Electronic bitch, so vicious.

Allen nodded with satisfaction and said: "That's right, that's right. I don't allow anyone to threaten me, so I ask you to die."

The news about Steve's expedition into the multiverse is too exciting and must be dangerous to the current American team.

If the enemies of the multiverse knew that Steve was a symbiote illusion, the skies might be full of alien warships the next day, coming to kill Captain America Steve to prevent the birth of the illusion.


Edward hugged his thigh and said shamelessly: "The first time I lost to you, I was deeply impressed by your charisma. In fact, I have always wanted to be your pony, but I was too inferior and afraid of being rejected by you. , I’m about to die now, so I can only speak out what’s in my heart.”

At the same time, Edward kept winking at Copot, who immediately understood and hugged Allen's other leg and said: "The last time we were in the warehouse, your peerless appearance and unparalleled wisdom have already impressed me. The idea of ​​surrender, please accept my respect for you."

"I'm not as good as you say."

Allen's cheeks turned red from shyness, and he said confidently: "Wisdom comes second. In terms of appearance, I am still somewhat self-aware."

"Do you know why I don't pee during the day, or I hold it in until night, or I pee in my pants pocket?" Allen asked, teeth gleaming.

"Why?" Edward asked cooperatively.

"I'm afraid that if I pee, I'll be handsome enough to faint."


You can say this kind of thing, don't you want to show off your face?

Of course, he couldn't say what he was saying. Cobot flattered him: "Boss, you are really smart. You can solve such a difficult problem perfectly. If it were you, I would just cover my face with a garbage bag."

"In terms of IQ, you still lack a little bit. You can't always keep a garbage bag when you go out. The correct way is to put your underwear on your head."

Allen smiled mysteriously and said proudly: "But I don't wear underwear."


So here’s the question, how can we solve Ellen’s habit of hiding things in the crack of her butt to avoid hygiene problems?

The answer was to wear hospital gown pants to prevent others from finding out what he was hiding, so he wore an extra pair of pants to cover it up.

"Since you admire me so much, you reluctantly accept me as my younger brother."

Allen took out a black oil-based pen from his arm.

"Boss, what do you want to do?" Edward asked nervously.

"Put on some makeup and don't worry."

Not long after, Allen drew black eye patches on their eye sockets and said with great satisfaction: "From now on, you are Riddle Robin and Penguin Robin, my Funny Bat's right-hand man."

The Riddler and Penguin looked at each other aggrievedly, then chuckled at each other's appearance.

Their peers will definitely laugh at them for the rest of their lives.

It's so embarrassing.

"Penguin Robin, I have high expectations for you. I will formulate a plan to run for president. Riddle Robin, you will be my deputy. When the time comes, we will control America in one fell swoop and let the world crawl at our feet. "

Allen spoke passionately, clenching the five fingers of his left hand, as if a super villain was dreaming up an evil plan.

Boss, we don’t want to, don’t do this.

They were struggling to get along in Gotham, and they never thought about bringing disaster to America as a whole.

One Batman can't handle it, not to mention there are so many superheroes out there. If an anti-hero appears, they will really kill people.

"Two Robins are not enough. The Laughing Bat appears with three. I have to find another one."

Alan's thoughts were racing and he asked, "Where is Arthur?"

"He's in Blackgate Prison," Cobot answered.

The last time Bruce invested in security upgrades at Blackgate Prison, Arthur the Clown was temporarily placed in Arkham Asylum and is now transferred back to a special prison cell.

The lonely moon hangs high.

In Gotham City, it’s rare to see the moon on a clear night.

It usually has a dark British style. It's either cloudy or rainy, giving people a very depressing feeling. Because of this, it's no wonder that criminals appear frequently.

The city is sick and its citizens are going crazy.

"Jiejiejie..., wuwuwu..."

The clown Arthur looked at the bars, sometimes crying, sometimes laughing wildly, scratching the scabs on his head with both hands, refusing to stop until his flesh and blood were bloody.

"I'm going to kill you, kill you..."

Arthur roared angrily, thinking about how to kill Allen, hating him far more than Bruce.

Once upon a time, he was the underground king of Gotham, and he always looked like a decent man in a suit and tie.

Now his head is scarred by fire and has a few sparse green hair, which looks particularly ironic.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Allen hung upside down in front of the bars, looking at Arthur who was extremely mentally broken.

"I am going to kill you."

Arthur jumped up and wanted to hook his hands outside the iron window, but the position was more than three meters high, which was not a position he could jump to.

Allen cut off the iron bars and jumped into the cell with one dexterity.

“The deeper you hate someone, the deeper you often love them.”

Allen knocks out the clown with one punch and enlightens him both physically and spiritually at the same time.

"It's not hate you have, but twisted love."

"Everyone in Gotham City is a clown."

"They are clowns of emotion, clowns of life, clowns of work."

"Now the owls and vampires are going to kill all the clowns."

"Can you leave the clowns you love so much alone?"

"You can't, you are their beacon of faith, you are the king of clowns."

"And you're my clown Robin."

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