American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 90 Allen revealed everything again

"You're not very arrogant. You can be more arrogant to me."

Allen held up an ultraviolet laser gun and shot at the vampires.

If hit, it will be destroyed on the spot.

There was no conditions before, so he could only fight hand-to-hand. Now that he has inherited a huge base and fortress, Allen must have made a lot of equipment to deal with various situations.


The remaining vampires dispersed.

Previously, I felt that I was sure of winning, but against a mortal body, we would definitely win if we stood shoulder to shoulder.

Now, the other side shows no regard for military ethics and directly displays high-tech weapons, and the situation is suddenly reversed.

"Don't run!"

Allen chased and killed the vampires. For vampires without protective clothing, a laser beam was as powerful as a missile.

Of course, ultraviolet laser can only be effective against vampires. Under normal circumstances, its only function is to detect banknotes.

The location of the altar has become a battlefield for Eric and Faith.

Eric was no match for Faith in the blood god form.

In the movie, Faith dies from a reversal potion that causes her body to swell until it explodes.

But currently, Eric only has a silver sword in his hand and no other tools that can help. Even if it weren't for the blessing of the blood-burning potion, he might not be able to fight back and forth.

The effect of the blood-burning potion not only enhances his physical fitness, but also increases his endurance and eliminates pain.

There is a time limit to all this.

The effect of the medicine ends.

The whole person immediately fell into a weak state.

"You can't be so strong?"

Faith looked at Eric who stood up again and again in confusion.

Sunwalkers, who are feared by the Vampire Clan, must have specially collected their various situations and analyzed their combat power data.

Eric is a special being. Although he has the ability to grow, he still experiences aging like ordinary people.

For purebloods, they are not willing to take risks. If they die in their hands, it is not cost-effective. They only need to wait for more than a hundred years, and Eric will be old, which can be easily solved.

Survival is the ability of the vampire clan to survive in this world forever.

"Don't talk nonsense, only one of you can survive today."

Eric raised his sword to kill. Due to his temporary lack of pain and strong recovery ability, he launched an attack frantically.

During the fight.

In fact, Eric's fighting skills are even better. He has been taught by vampire hunters since he was a child. Fighting has already been imprinted into every cell of his body, and he responds like an instinctive reaction.

Faith, in the form of a blood god, is immortal, and his body can be restored to its original state instantly after being cut into pieces.

The stalemate lasted for a quarter of an hour.

Eric's face was bloody and bloody, but he still had high morale.

I'm not afraid of pain, I can still fight.

On the contrary, Faith felt something was wrong, and his body began to swell uncontrollably, relying on his will to continuously suppress the changes in his body.

"What's going on? Is there something wrong with the ceremony?"

Faith was puzzled and knocked Eric away again. He looked at the squirming tissue on his body, as if there were many mice burrowing under the skin.

At this time, Eric tried to force himself to stand up, but his legs began to tremble uncontrollably.

A feeling of weakness swept through his body, as if all his strength had been drained out of him in an instant.

The effects of the medicine are over.

He returned to his original state and suddenly felt severe pain in every inch of his body, completely unable to fight anymore.

"Oh yeah, I can finally commentate."

Allen, who had already eliminated the vampires, stayed aside to watch the battle, his mouth full of melon seed shells.

He walked leisurely to the center of the altar and kept looking at Faith.

"You didn't betray Batman at all. It's all your fault?" Faith asked in disbelief.

I kept recalling the incident in my mind, feeling that there were many problems, and that the situation in Gotham could not be restored.

"The anxious frog keeps touching your belly."

Allen pointed with one hand and supported the non-existent rigor with one hand. He kept spitting out melon seed shells from his mouth and confessed: "I am the real mastermind behind the scenes."

"If I get ruthless, I'll even betray my teammates." Allen stuffed another handful of melon seeds into his mouth.

Eric, who was lying on the ground, agreed deeply that he was the poor ghost who was sold.

"I wonder why my body is having problems."

Allen said proudly: "I'll add something to the anesthesia needle."


Immediately, Faith recalled that at that time, Eric was unconscious due to an anesthesia needle and did not consider this aspect at all.

"That's a blood toxin specifically targeted at you. It can cause your blood to coagulate and swell, and then explode on the spot." Allen said mischievously.

Injecting the target in front of him, no matter how clear his mind was, Faith could not sit still and wait for death.

If not, let people escape and create a powerful enemy for no reason.

Therefore, through Eric as a medium, Faith absorbed the toxins in the blood on his own, so that everything would be safe.

"Now, do you have any doubts? You have been poisoned. Why do you let Blade Warrior fight with you for a long time?"


If it weren't for Allen's reminder, he really wouldn't have noticed the problem.

"The answer is simple, let you move more, blood will travel throughout the body and activate toxins faster."

What the hell, could a lunatic come up with this?

Feston was pressed to the ground and rubbed.

"You just want to kill me?" Faith asked, "What about Gotham City?"

Yes, Gotham City is now full of zombie-like vampires.

Even if all the invading vampires are wiped out, the fallen city still cannot be saved.

Allen raised his hand and lightly touched the armor on his wrist, and a virtual screen popped up.

"My Robins, how is our layout?" Alan asked proudly.

"Report to Funny Bat, more than 80% of the biological rockets have detonated in the clouds."

Edward is lying in Cobot's arms, with the sky above Gotham City in the background.

The ground is full of vampires, and they're worried about being attacked if they hit the ground.

In the crossover screen, Arthur is a bit miserable, with Oliver riding on top of him and greeting him with his fists.

Arthur was used to being beaten every day.

Close communications.

"It's going to rain."

Allen looked up at the lighting glass.

Faith looked at each other in confusion, not understanding the meaning of the words.

Tick ​​tock tick…

A little raindrops fell on the glass, making a crisp echo.

Following this, the raindrops gradually became denser and sloping down like a heavy rain.

Allen smiled mysteriously: "Don't you want to know how to save Gotham?"

Faith waited for the other party to give an answer, but the changes in his body gradually intensified, and he began to lose his human shape.

"The rockets deployed by the three Robins in Gotham City are all loaded with reversal serum, which is used to spread rain over every corner of the city."

Allen paused and said: "Consider the victim hiding in the building and installing a microwave atomizer in the sewer. At that time, the rainwater will penetrate from house to house through evaporation."



Faith finally couldn't hold on anymore, and his body expanded to the limit and exploded.

Hearing the full plan, it can be said that he died in peace.

"Unita Sensen."

"I'm here, Commander."

"Start the microwave nebulizer."

"As you command!"

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