At the same time, the light ring on Hal Jordan's finger in Earth Beach City also lit up green.

However, at this time, he was shopping with Carol. When the lights turned on, he almost subconsciously put his hands in his pockets.

"What's wrong? Carol, who was looking at his clothes, noticed something unusual about him and asked with concern.

Hal replied covertly:"It's nothing."..."

However, he was absent-minded for the rest of the time and didn't hear Carol calling him several times.

When Carol called him again and got no response, she got angry.

"Don’t you want to go shopping with me at all? Hal woke up from his dream and quickly waved his hands and said no.

But after a while, Carol stepped on high heels and walked away angrily.

In fact, she could guess what Hal was worried about. The photos of Green Lantern had been scraped online. Let's be clear, you are still running around wearing a light ring?

If it weren't for the fact that"Action Comics", a subsidiary of Pioneer Technology, has released a series of superhero peripheral products to the market, making people mistakenly think that the one above is a peripheral product. Product.

Hal Jordan’s true identity has long been exposed.

But even so, many people who have had close contact with Hal still doubt that he is the Green Lantern.

But everyone feels that if he is real, it is impossible to wear it. Walking around the streets with a real ring, right?

Many superhero fans are actually too embarrassed to go out wearing this thing. After all, there are only a few werewolves like Sheldon Cooper who dare to recite the green light oath directly in front of girls....

But who would have thought that Hal would be real.

So Carol can guess that there is probably something like saving the world that is bothering him.

She wasn't angry about this, she was angry that Hal hadn't told her the truth yet.

They have known each other for more than ten years. They almost grew up together as childhood sweethearts and later became lovers.

Doesn’t a relationship like this deserve the truth?

But Hal had a different idea. As a superhero, he would inevitably get into trouble with some extremely vicious criminals.

He couldn't let those criminals have a chance to find Carol, so he simply didn't let her know from the beginning to avoid anyone trying to threaten the Green Lantern by harming her.

It can only be said that sometimes men and women do have different perspectives in thinking about problems.

Hal didn't know why Carol was suddenly so angry. He quickly chased after her and spent a long time before finally coaxing her away.

Carol wasn't as angry as he thought, she was very sensible most of the time.

"Well, it seems like you have something urgent to do today. Why don't you finish your work first and then come to me? Hal scratched his head in embarrassment. He sent Carol home first, turned around, put on his uniform and flew towards the Justice Building. In the

Hall of Justice, Dane was studying a green light he got from Hal. Ring.

Before Hal rushed back to Earth, he recovered a light ring from Sinestro, but he only remembered this not long ago.

Dane felt that before Hal returned the light ring to Oa , he can use this time difference to study this light ring first.

As a special energy weapon, many things on it have great research value.

For example, now, Dane vaguely feels that this ring It can be expanded, and the volume after expansion is estimated to be very large.

He was thinking about the possibility of taking the ring to the Rock of Eternity for experiments, but he was a little worried that it would not be able to return to its original shape after expansion, which would be embarrassing.

Mainly because he He promised to let Hal take it back after the research. If it expands and becomes as big as the moon, he will not be able to explain it to Hal.

Alas, it would be great if Oua is destroyed, and the creditor is gone. Don't worry about anyone asking for this ring anymore......

Lady Luck seemed to hear his wish and lifted her skirt for him.

The next moment, the light ring in front of Dane suddenly lit up green.

"This is..."Based on the frequency of the green light flashing, Dane guessed that this might be an alarm signal.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, Hal hurriedly flew into the hall.

"Shazam!" Hal almost didn't react to Dane's shout.

Oh, this is calling me. It's the first time someone calls me a hero's name. It feels weird.

"What's wrong? Hal. Hal looked around him and saw that Sinestro's light ring was also glowing, and he realized the seriousness of the problem.

This is probably a warning that all light rings are sending out.

"It's the Lantern Ring, it's warning me and all Green Lanterns! Dane became serious:"

About what?" Hal hesitated for a moment, then said with a sense of uncertainty:

"The ring's words are unclear, except that there may be great changes in Oua in the near future."

"You look like you already have suspicions? Dane guessed after seeing Hal's hesitant expression.

"That's right." He continued:"I...Maybe it's just a gut feeling, it's not necessarily accurate, but the feeling is very strong"

"I suspect it might be Sinestro!"

Him? I think what you said makes sense.

Dane's mind became active. If it was really the crisis caused by Sinestro, it is very likely that he has obtained the power of yellow light. He is coming back to find Oa. It's a war!

This...Do you want to intervene? Dane thought.

Hal saw that he was thinking and didn't bother him.

His own mind was a little confused and he didn't know how to deal with this matter.

According to the rules, he is a member of the Green Lantern Corps and should fight for Oa.

But when he thought about the coastal city that had not yet recovered from the disaster, and the group of aliens on Oa who were not friendly to earthlings, it was difficult for him to go over and help willingly.

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People look down on you, but you rush to help. Isn’t it mean?

But Haryou took a look at the ring on his hand. This was the ring given to him by Abin Sur. Could it be that he really watched Oa star in trouble and did nothing?

First of all, his own conscience cannot pass this test.

However, if he wanted to help, he had concerns, if his intuition was true.

So this time the opponent is Sinestro. He must have gained new power, otherwise the light ring would not have issued such a strong warning.

But is he going to go against Sinestro?

After analysis by his teammates, he has realized that his behavior on Koruga was actually somewhat inappropriate.

Therefore, it was difficult for him to simply regard Sinestro as a tyrant anymore, which also led to him not being sure whether he would be able to fight against him as firmly as he did last time when he saw him again.

After all, he had been Hal's teacher and was the only person on Oa who showed kindness to Hal. His status in his heart was different.

Boudicca couldn't be counted. Hal always felt that she was so friendly out of fear of Dane.

Dane wondered what benefit he could get from this matter.

He has a positive attitude on whether to help Ou Axing, for many reasons.

First of all, if it is really the Sinestro Legion that invades Oa, it means that his wings are full and he feels that he can destroy Oa.

If he really succeeds in this matter, his next step will definitely be to enter the universe.

And Hal, as the person who made him suffer, there is a high possibility that the earth will be regarded as the next target.

Since they all have to fight, of course it would be best to place the battlefield on an alien planet. Anyway, he doesn't care how many aliens die.

It just happens to save an extra amount of compensation and reconstruction expenses.

Secondly, although the little blue people on Oua are not a good thing, there is one thing to say: the existence of the Green Lantern Corps is still very important to most weak civilizations in the universe.

If nothing else, let’s just talk about Darkseid from Apokolips. If he hadn’t made an agreement with the Green Lantern Corps, the war would have spread throughout the universe.

Although it's not that bad now......

But there is only one more power that can restrain this dark monarch.

Finally, and most importantly, Sinestro destroyed Oa to destroy the Green Lantern's legacy.

I'm afraid it won't be complete until the central energy battery and the ion shark are snatched away, so how can that be done?

Boss Dai has never thought of such a beautiful thing, but you just want to do it, Sinestro?

You're thinking shit!

That shark is a fish that someone and I keep in the pond in Oua. Can I let you catch it?

Moreover, even if the disaster on Oua Star can be overcome, it will end in a semi-disabled state.

Isn’t this the time for Boss Dai to fish in troubled waters?

Could it be that the goddess of luck really appeared?.

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