Dane welcomed the attention of countless Green Lanterns and flew into the central chamber, where he saw several little blue men.

"Earthlings, please tell us your purpose of coming to Oua!"

The nine blue dwarfs have serious expressions and majestic faces. They look like a big shot trying to intimidate others.

But is Dane afraid of this?

As a senior profiteer, he speaks lies:

"I observed the celestial phenomena last night and occasionally gained something. Today, you and others will suffer a bloody disaster!"

As soon as these words came out, not to mention the little blue people, even Hal was stunned by him.

Larnaca couldn't help but shouted:"Scaremongering!"

Hey~ this sounds right!

Dane became more enthusiastic and started to make nonsense:"Isn't it? Don't tell me that there are so many Green Lanterns out there, they're all here to party. Ganser said calmly at this time:"Hal Jordan is your friend. You can get some information from him.""

"The warning of the Lantern Ring is for all Green Lanterns"

"oh? Just Green Lantern? Dane asked with a smile.

Gunther didn't understand the meaning of his smile, so he frowned and said,"Of course.""

So in full view of everyone, Dane raised his right hand.

The guardians were alert, but they did not sense any malicious or abnormal energy fluctuations in Dane.

But the next second, a green streamer came from one of the guardians. It flew out of his body and flew into Dane's hand in the blink of an eye.

It seemed to want to put it directly on Dane's finger, but it was suppressed by him and failed.

"this..."Even the guardians of 817 have never encountered such a situation.

"Are you the new Green Lantern?"Lanaka said suspiciously.

Dane shook his head.

"So how do you summon Sinestro's Lantern Ring?"

There is no such precedent!

Gunther waved his hand and did not let Ranaka get entangled in these minutiae. He looked at Dane solemnly:

"Sinestro's lamp ring is in your hand, but the lamp furnace didn't tell us that something unexpected happened to him, so what's going on with him now? Dane praised his keen insight and then said:"You may find it unbelievable what I am going to say next, but please listen carefully."..."

"Tarsinestro, he has betrayed the Green Lantern Corps"



"You are absolutely crazy!"

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

"He is the greatest Green Lantern along with Abin Sur, how could he betray the Legion?..."

Sure enough, as soon as Dane finished speaking, the little blue people above started to quarrel.

But Dane was keenly aware of the uneasiness in their hearts, especially Gunser, the wisest man among the Guardians, who was thinking silently.

In the end, he patted the high platform to signal everyone to be silent.


Dane smiled and continued:"You can call me Shazam."

Gunther nodded:"Earthling Shazam, you have to know that what you just said is a very serious accusation for a Green Lantern. You have What evidence?"

Dane raised the lamp ring in his hand:"This is physical evidence."

Then he looked at Hal aside:"This is a witness. I forgot to tell you. When Sinestro defected, it was Hal was responsible for chasing him."

He said with regret:"But in the end, only his ring was left, but he was not caught."

Ganser immediately turned to look at Hal:"Hal Jordan, can you Could you please explain the specific process in detail?"

In fact, as an immortal race, the little blue men have the ability to obtain information through mind reading.

But Gunther was obviously more moral. He didn't do that and gave Hal and Dane enough respect.

Hal didn't take Joe seriously either. He told everything he saw and heard on Koruga.

All the guardians are veterans of political struggles a long time ago. How could they not see that someone is plotting against Hal?

However, as a new Green Lantern, Hal didn't do anything wrong, he was just a little impatient. and...Unexpectedly, Sinestro turned out to be a dictatorial tyrant on his home planet, which was beyond their expectations.

Because this is something that is strictly prohibited in the Lantern Corps. Sinestro is known as the greatest Green Lantern, but he blatantly violates the rules. This is a slap in the face of the Guardians!

A few of the Guardians who had always trusted Sinestro couldn't help but become suspicious, but Gunther believed him almost immediately.

As one of the few Martus who secretly retained emotions, he had often seen unsettling ambition in Sinestro's eyes.

So he quickly accepted Hal's words, and then he turned to look at Dane:

"Even if everything is true, do you think that Sinestro, who has lost his lamp ring, is still capable of threatening Oa?"

Yes, not only Gunther thinks so, but all the guardians also think so.

Sinestro, who does not have the Lantern Ring, is just an ordinary person. How could he have the ability to threaten Oa? He would even let the Lantern Ring Automatically alerting all Green Lanterns is simply impossible. (dbff)

"Sinestro's own power alone isn't enough. What if the power of yellow light is added to it?"

"What did you say!"

"Where did you get this news?"

"This earthling is too dangerous and enforcement measures must be taken!"

When Dane mentioned the yellow light, all the little blue people were shocked and started to make noise again. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dane felt a little annoyed after hearing this, so he let it go A little bit of the power of the old gods.

The sky on Oa suddenly changed strangely. Dark clouds and lightning seemed to appear out of thin air. All the Green Lanterns looked up at the sky in shock.

This is an unprecedented situation!

Because Oa The climate and celestial phenomena are all artificially controlled.

The little blue man looked at the drastically changed sky and suddenly became quiet. Nine pairs of eyes immediately stared at Dane.

Gunther said in a low voice:"Old God!"

But this is impossible!

Didn't the old gods enter another dimension a long time ago?

No! There is another possibility. Gunther looked at Dane, who smiled at him. A hybrid of human and god. Demigods, but with such power, are not far behind real gods.

The guardians finally changed their attitude towards Dane.

The old gods, in terms of status, may be more powerful than self-proclaimed guardians like them. He is even more noble.

Now no one dares to say anything to him. No matter which way god he is, it is beyond the power of the little blue man.

Otherwise, look at what happened when they faced Darkseid. Are you soft?

The little blue people have always done a good job in being able to bend and stretch.

"So, what do you think Sinestro would do if it was really Sinestro who caused this crisis? Seeing that they were interested, Dane took away his"supernatural power" and said calmly:

"I heard that the yellow element you sealed was stolen?"

The expressions of the guardians immediately changed. What? Are you here to slap me in the face?

But after thinking about it, Gunther said with some uncertainty:"You mean, the yellow element is Sinestro?..."

"But, how did he do it? Sinestro does not have the ability to create yellow light weapons, let alone harness the power of yellow light."

"Don't be so sure, if Sinestro dares to betray the Green Lantern Corps, then he may have found an accomplice.

Dan En pointedly said:"Besides, you are not the only ones who can make light weapons, right?""

Dane said this not entirely based on the plot in his past life memory. It is obviously impossible for Sinestro to abandon the power of the Green Lantern before gaining new power.

He dared to throw the Lantern Ring to Hal, which shows that he is He thought that the time was ripe to change his equipment.

Ganser seemed to have thought of something and looked at each other with his companions.

Larnaca couldn't help but said:"That prophecy..."

But he was stopped by Gunser's eyes sternly as soon as he said a few words, but he couldn't help but think of the prophecy in his heart.

The prophecy of the battle between lust and light!

Didn't you expect that you could take all possible precautions, but still failed to prevent it?

Ganser looked back at Dane again:"Then what is your purpose of coming here?"

Dane said solemnly:

"Hal is a member of the Justice League on Earth. He wants to come to Oa to fulfill his duties as a Green Lantern. This is an act of justice and I can't stop it."

"But as a comrade who has fought side by side, I am willing to participate in this battle in a private capacity."

When the guardians heard this, their expressions were very intriguing, but basically they all meant the same thing.

The weasel had no good intentions when it came to wish the chicken New Year's greetings!.

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