"He is so majestic!"

On the ground below, Dane looked at this scene and made sarcastic remarks, and the guardians looked ugly.

"He is worthy of being the greatest Green Lantern. His strength and domineering strength are beyond words."

Dane seemed to be testing the bottom line of the little blue man, constantly teasing their fragile nerves.

However, the little blue man was indeed a ruthless person who had removed his emotions, and did not care about Dane's weirdness at all. On the contrary,

Ganser was very serious. He asked him:"You just said you were willing to help us, do you still count?""

"Of course, it keeps counting. Dane showed a profiteer's smile:"But you should understand that this is not free.""

"what do you want?"Gunser also knew that it was impossible for them not to bleed at all, so he asked directly

"Technology, I want your technology."

Gunser kindly reminded:

"I must remind you that the current technological level of the earth is still at a very low stage and is not suitable for blindly learning our technology.

Dane shook his head:"That's something we need to consider.""

There is no way"947", Gunther can only agree.

But he emphasized that this is only a personal deal between him and Dane, and does not represent the entire Guardians.

Moreover, this agreement does not take effect immediately. It will only take effect after the Green Lantern Corps has confirmed Dane will only take action when there is no way to save the situation.

This is a condition specially added by Gunther. He still hopes that the Green Lanterns can create miracles.

Dane is incompetent and has enough patience.

He has carefully read about the Parallax Demon on Earth....That is, after the memory of that unlucky little blue man.

It was found that there were many missing parts, which resulted in the knowledge he could obtain being fragmented and fragmented.

This is normal, for a guy who has been controlled by Parallax Monster for a long time.

He has also been sealed away by his own people for many years, and his brain has probably been severely poisoned for a long time.

However, it is not that there is no useful memory at all. The technology on how to gather colored light energy is still complete.

However, there are many prerequisite technology trees for this technology, and Earth can’t find any of them right now.

Dane chose to be pragmatic and develop the front-end technology first.

Here, he and Gunther had just finished the PY deal. In the sky, Green Lantern was already fighting with the Sinestro Corps.

Generally speaking, the Yellow Lanterns of the Sinestro Corps are more powerful than the Green Lanterns.

Due to the existence of the"yellow flaw", the Green Lanterns' combat power has been invisibly weakened.

Kilowog is a real tough guy, dragging his seriously injured body and besieging Sinestro with several Green Lanterns.

However, Sinestro dealt with it with ease. The yellow lantern ring suited him so well that the green lanterns around him became more afraid of him the more they confronted him.

And the more afraid they are, the weaker the Green Lantern's power becomes, and correspondingly, the stronger Sinestro's power becomes.

"how? Is this all your strength?"

Sinestro used one of the Green Lanterns as a weapon and knocked the other Green Lantern away.

Soon, only the stubborn guy Kilowog and Tomare were left near him.

And Sinestro turned his gaze Put it on Toma

"Thomas, you, yes, I can feel it, you have fear in your heart!"

Toma looked at the majestic Sinestro and stood still.

Sinestro stretched out his hand towards him:"Join my legion, I will give you new power!"

"You will be stronger than you are now! You go from being a fearful person to someone who inflicts fear on others! Join us!"

"Don't you want to take revenge on that person?"

Sinestro's words touched Toma, and he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to hold Sinestro's hand.

Sinestro also smiled, but...

It was Kilowog again. He knocked Toma away and then roared towards Sinestro.

Toma was knocked far away, and his face turned green and white.

He felt ashamed that his will had wavered, but he couldn't suppress his desire for power. He wanted to defeat that person so much.

But the Green Lantern Ring obviously cannot give him such power.

Sinestro laughed as he was knocked away again by Kilowog.

He suddenly waved his hand, and countless yellow rings scattered and flew to all parts of the battlefield.

"Want power? Then take it! As long as you are willing to become a member of the Sinestro Corps, you can get my power!"

Kilowog's voice spread throughout the battlefield, but at the same time Kilowog's voice also sounded.

"Green Lanterns, don't be seduced by your enemies! Believe in the power of the green light! Sinestro smiled solemnly:"

Really?" Will your green light allow you to survive in my hands?"

He raised his hand, and a yellow light lit up on the ring's logo.

"I'll prove it to you!"Kilowog raised his hand with a resolute face.

In a trance, Sinestro seemed to see his past appearance, and he once believed so firmly in the power of the green light.

However, on the road to realizing his ideals, all stumbling blocks are What must be eliminated, even those good memories.

Sinestro's expression was stern,"I respect you very much, Kilowog, so I will give you a decent ending that a warrior deserves.""

After saying that, the yellow beam shot out.

At the same time, Kilowog also exploded with the greatest power of will in his life. The green beam shot out and connected with the yellow light in the air. The expanding color light energy exploded, but Sinestro His power was even better, and after a few seconds he actually suppressed the green light and retreated.

"ah——!"Kilowog was unwilling to give in, but these unwillingnesses were not enough to allow him to resist Sinestro's power.

Seeing that he was about to die for Oa's loyalty, Tomare turned his head, not wanting to see this scene. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He looked at the yellow light ring floating in front of his eyes, took off the green light ring on his hand, and it immediately flew away.....

Toma laughed to himself, it turned out that Lantern Ring had already seen through him.

He no longer hesitated and put on the yellow light ring. In an instant, his green uniform turned yellow, and he became a new messenger of fear.

Kilowog closed his eyes in disappointment, seemingly letting the yellow light engulf him.

But right here, a dazzling green light rose into the sky.

In every most desperate night, you must have imagined something like this, a ray of light illuminating your world, which is as dazzling as the sun.

And on this darkest day for the Green Lantern Corps, a new light rose.

A new sun, a green sun.

Hal Jordan, he stood in front of Kilowog. The green light barrier turned into by his strong will was as solid as a reef in the sea.

Regardless of the wind and waves, it still stands strong!

"Hal Jordan!!!"

Sinestro stared at the"sun" and roared at the surrounding men who were ready to move:

"No one is allowed to move! That person is mine!"

After the order was issued, he dived towards Hal, and the two hit each other in the air.

Sinestro grabbed Hal and pushed him to hit the ground. The powerful thrust"nailed" him and Hal into the center of the earth.

Hal manifested a chain sword and slashed at Sinestro's head.

Sinestro dodged lightly, and the yellow light turned into a telescopic sword and stabbed Hal, pushing him into the lava.

A shield of green light protected Hal. Unharmed, he rushed out of the magma and fought with Sinestro again.

Kilowog targeted Tomare, the first original Green Lantern to defect to the camp in this battle.

Boudicca cannot be counted. , she was originally Sinestro’s undercover agent.

And SinestroRay's performance caused a domino toppling, and more Green Lanterns took off their Green Lantern rings and put on Yellow Lantern 0.3 rings.

Among them, many people do not really want to betray. They just believe that the Green Lantern Ring with the"yellow defect" cannot deal with the Yellow Legion, and hope to use the power of the Yellow Lantern to fight against it.

However, they did not expect that their will could not resist the invasion of yellow light at all, and they were instantly brainwashed into die-hard members of Sinestro and transformed into yellow light messengers spreading fear.

Dane shook his head:"How can Green Lantern, who doesn't even trust his own light ring, have enough willpower to resist the invasion of yellow light?"

"However, it seems you still have a trump card."

Dane meant something, but Gunther just looked at the sky and said nothing.

The gravitational field around Oa changed, and this change quickly attracted Sinestro's attention.

"is her!"

In the universe, a huge planet appeared on the outskirts of Oa.

With its back to the sun, it blocked the sunlight like a solar eclipse.

In the middle of the planet, an indescribably huge lantern sign appeared.

The most powerful one among the Green Lantern Corps The powerful Green Lantern warrior, planetary life form Mogo appears!.

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