Why does the Green Lantern Corps have a yellow flaw?

This is because the Guardians imprisoned Parallax in the Central Power Cell during the early days of establishing the Green Lantern Corps.

The power of Parallax's fear has infected the energy of the Green Lantern, and the fear in the hearts of the Green Lanterns who are charged here is naturally known by it.

This resulted in the weakening of the effect of green light in the corresponding spectrum, so the yellow color represented by Parallax became a flaw for the Green Lanterns.

The Guardians knew this at the time, but they kept the secret from Green Lantern.

The weakness of Green Lantern's power can only be summed up in the ambiguous phrase"yellow flaw."

In fact, due to some ancient past events, the Guardians don't trust Green Lantern as much as they let on.

So to a certain extent, the yellow flaw is also a weakness they intentionally created for Green Lantern.

But they never imagined that one day they would be attacked by others taking advantage of this weakness.

Gunther couldn't help but reflect that maybe they were wrong from the beginning.

In fact, it is easy to overcome the yellow fear, or create a new green light total energy.

As long as it doesn't hold a Parallax monster, slowly, the recharged Green Lantern Ring will no longer have this flaw.

Or, like Hal Jordan, face your fears and overcome them, and the yellow blemishes will disappear.

This is also the characteristic of the power of color light. As long as the emotion is strong enough and matches the corresponding color light, it can explode with huge power.

But the second point is much more difficult than the first point. Even Green Lantern, who has a stronger willpower than ordinary people, cannot overcome the fear that points directly to his heart.

If you want to prevent what happened today from happening again, then perhaps the first method would be better.

And giving Dane a green light with a yellow defect does not seem to be a bad thing. It is equivalent to artificially creating a weakness for him.

"I can't make the decision on my own, we...Need to discuss."

But he turned around and started discussing with another female little blue man named"Sed".

Said? Isn't that Ganser's old friend?

Good guy, you invited a person from your own faction to discuss it. You are here to discuss it. I'll give you the assist!

Gunther couldn't hear Dane's inner complaints. After he told Seid his opinions, he quickly got her support.

He took the two of them to share their opinions with the other guardians. Talking, they are obviously not as easy to talk to as Seid, and they directly argue with Ganser

"By doing this, you are giving up our most powerful power to an outsider! Gunther argued:"He is not an outsider, he is a Green Lantern. It doesn't matter whether he admits it or not!""

"But he has no respect for us!"There was a little blue man who couldn't help but refute him.

"As long as he represents a positive force, it doesn't matter whether he is under our control or not!"Ganser blocked the guardian's words with his righteousness.

"How do we know if this guy will become the new Sinestro? He wasn't even willing to hand over the yellow light ring."

Gunther thought this man's words were ridiculous:"He is not our subordinate, so those things are his trophies. I thought you could understand this."

They continued to argue.

But fortunately, except for Gunther and Seid, the other little blue people were all people who had done emotional elimination, so even the counter-arguments were just arguments based on the facts and not excessive.

As Gunther elaborated, Combined with the current situation of Oa Star, more and more guardians are beginning to waver.

It is not difficult to understand why they disagree with Dane's plan. They are afraid that the green light energy will be out of control and threaten their rule.

But the one in Dane's hand The Lantern Ring is still one of the earliest works made by the Guardians, which means that it also has a yellow defect.

And if the Parallax monster is sealed in it according to Dane's suggestion, then this defect will only be bigger.

This is for the Guardians This is good news for them.

Moreover, given the current situation of Oa Star, it is unable to suppress the Parallax Monster.

If there is another problem during this period, Oa Star may have to rely on Dane's power again.

Regardless of whether he admits it or not, the moment he puts on the light ring, he is actually a Green Lantern. Even if he listens to the instructions but not the announcement?

So after careful consideration, the Guardians decided to vote, and the final result was four There were three votes in favor, three against, and two abstentions.

Dane achieved his three goals as he wished. The first was to obtain knowledge about Oa, the second was to take the Parallax Monster as his own, and the third was to possess a fully functional Green Lantern energy source.

After obtaining the gift of life, Dane was thinking about a question.

Does Parallax have a soul?

It should have one. Although it is an energy life, as long as it is alive, it should have a soul.

So can Dane's ability also work on Parallax?

It's worth researching, isn't it?

If he can reshape Parallax's soul like other souls, he can use this lantern beast for his own use.

In this battle, he has realized that the lack of blue will be an embarrassing problem when facing a more powerful opponent.

It turns out that he didn't feel it when he was on earth, because no one could beat him.

But In this cosmic battle, it will indeed be more troublesome to face Sinestro, who has infinite blue.

This guy relies on the infinite energy of the Parallax Monster, and he is simply a super big blood bull, an enhanced version of Wolverine.

Just like Superman's ability requires the accumulation of yellow sun energy, Shazam's divine body also requires the maintenance of divine power, but he actually lacks effective means of replenishing blue energy.

Divine power is a relatively advanced energy and must be replaced with the same energy.

So those magic If you really need to use the mana recovery technique, the conversion rate will probably be very low, and it will take too long to wait for the automatic recovery of divine power.

Therefore, the best way is to find a mutual conversion of energy of the same level to minimize the energy loss during the conversion.

And you said that by coincidence, the color light energy is just enough to reach this level.

As mentioned before, the color light energy is likely to involve the divine power of creation, so it is appropriate to use it to supplement the loss of divine power.

Since it takes a certain amount of time to make a new lantern battery, Dane decided to take advantage of this time to go to Krypton for archaeological research.

He found Hal Jordan:"I'm going to take a trip to the Andromeda Galaxy. Do you want to come with me?" Hal shook his head when he heard this:"The destruction of Oua Star is serious this time, I need to stay and help.""

"Need help from other alliance members?"This time Dane did not notify the members of Zhenglian in advance. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

First, because among the few members who can fight in space battles, Martian Manhunter's weaknesses are too obvious, and he does not He is too willing to meddle in Oua's affairs.

I guess he may have had some grudges with the little blue people in the past, and he still holds grudges now. Second, Superman Clark has too much of a mother's heart. If Clark comes here, he will never let Dane massacre the Yellow Lantern Corps.

And. Dane didn't have time to argue with this boy scout, so he simply didn't play with him.

Wonder Woman was willing to come, but they had just confirmed their relationship.

It didn't matter that they had only gone on a few dates. It would be a bit unethical to bring a girl to kill people. Yes.

Huh? That’s not even possible....

Dane rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, suddenly feeling that he had made a mistake and that it was the best choice to bring her here.

But this would probably make Zatanna jealous.

Putting these thoughts aside, he brought his attention back to reality.

Just listen to Hal's reply:"No, everyone has their own things to do. There is no reason for them to pay anything for Oa Star."

You are right to think so!

The earth is your home, and Oua is a place where you clock in and go to work.

After the parallax monster is dealt with, maybe there won't even be a need to clock in and go to work.

The Green Lanterns work in their respective sectors on a daily basis, and the earth happens to be in the sector that Hal is responsible for. Using this place as a base is not fishing, but making the post your home!

He patted Hal's shoulder with satisfaction, making him feel confused

"In this case, I (the king's) will leave first. Hal nodded and watched Dane fly into the sky and get into a green wormhole.

He scratched his head and asked a little strangely:"Why can Dane use the light ring to open the wormhole now?""

Only in hindsight did he realize that Dane might have become the new Green Lantern.

But...Which sector is he responsible for?

According to the data recorded in the Lantern Ring, Krypton is located in sector 2813, and the Lantern Ring database has detailed coordinate information.

As soon as he exited the wormhole, Dane came to a field of meteorites. These meteorites were all fragments produced after the destruction of Krypton.

He shuttled among the meteorites and found many green shiny stones, the texture of which looked like jade.

Dane did not hesitate to start buying in large quantities and put all the kryptonite he could find into his personal space.

However, he discovered that there was only green kryptonite here and no other colors.

It seems that other types of kryptonite can only be developed by himself.

After picking up enough kryptonite, Dane set up a portal here so that he could come here to purchase bundles in the future.

Then he continued to search around to see if he could find any technology left by the Kryptonians..

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