On this day, Dane was checking Khandak's information in the Justice Building.

Constantine suddenly walked in with a strange look on his face.

His expression aroused Dane's curiosity.

"Look at your expression...~What's going on here?"

Constantine seemed a little embarrassed to say it, but Dane knew that he was just showing off.

Sure enough, after hesitating for a while, Constantine finally said it.

"Boss, I owe a debt."

How new this is! Dane looked at him with a strange look.

Isn't it common for you to be in debt? What's so surprising about this?

He lost interest in an instant and lowered his head to continue reading Khandak's information.

Constantine Seeing that he didn't care at all, he immediately became anxious:"Boss, you must help me with this matter!"

Now Dane really felt a little strange. With Constantine's ability, he actually had a debt that he couldn't afford?

He immediately understood that Constantine probably owed a debt to the magic world.

Sure enough, this This time Constantine stopped being secretive and told the matter directly:

"I owe a big shot...It was a big favor for him to do me a favor...."

Constantine told Dane exactly what had happened to him recently.

As the Justice League's magical advisor, Constantine is one of the rare members of the League who has not chosen to hide his identity.

Because he needs to accept some commissions to earn money for tobacco and alcohol. From time to time, he also needs money when he sprints bravely for the happiness of his second brother.

And no advertising can be more powerful than the identity of"Member of the Justice League."

So as a hell detective who has recently become famous, he received a special commission

"A girl named Angela came to me recently and asked me to investigate the suicide of her sister."

"Do you still care about this kind of thing? Dane was surprised.

Constantine explained:

"Angela suspected that her sister had gotten into something dirty, because she was a devout believer, and according to the teachings, suicide was not allowed to go to heaven."

When he said this, Dane suddenly realized, this is the story of the movie version of"Constantine"!

He glanced at Constantine, your honor is inferior to that one.

Constantine felt His eyes looked a little strange, but he continued to talk:

"I did find something when I was looking into this, you know what, Gabriel?"

Of course Dane knows, the angel in the Bible!

"She's in Los Angeles! She planned all this!"

"This seems unlikely?"Although I have read this story in my previous life, Dane, who is no longer a magic newbie, still wants to ask questions clearly.

"Angels, like demons, cannot appear in person in the human world. This is an iron rule. Constantine took a drag on his cigarette and then said:"You are right, unless Gabriel finds an opportunity to bypass this iron law." Dane's face darkened:"

She found a receptor in the human world?""

Devils can come to the world through some means, and angels of course have similar methods.

That is to find a pure and devout virgin, and let her voluntarily sacrifice herself for the angel to possess her body.

Although in this way the angel's power will be Most of it is sealed, but it still has enough strength to destroy most demons.

And what about the voluntarily dedicated virgin? Her soul will enter heaven and return to the embrace of the Lord.

From a human perspective, this behavior looks like... Murder, to be honest, is not sacred at all.

However, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer between the saint virgin and the angel, and Dane is too lazy to pay attention to them.

Constantine confirmed Dane's guess:"So you can imagine, face My magic doesn't work on an angel."

He has mastered black magic, and his magic level has improved a lot recently due to the sufficient casting materials.

But no matter what, he can't beat a serious angel!

Although Gabriel has sealed most of the power, she can control it Constantine is just like playing

"In the end, I really had no choice, so I borrowed some power from a being in hell...."

Having said this, Constantine looked regretful.

Dane's heart moved and he remembered the plot in the movie. He asked tentatively:"Did you find Lucifer?"

Constantine looked at him in surprise:"How do you know?"

Dane was speechless. Who can you ask for help? Okay, do you have to invite this boss?

Even if you pick up the wool of the three palace demons?

"I did ask Lucifer for help, but you weren’t there when I looked for you...."

Dane's expression was subtle. He was on Oua at the time, and maybe he was still having a heart-to-heart talk with Miss Death. How could he have time to talk to a rough old man like you?

"Lucifer responded to my request."At this point, Constantine's tone dropped.

"He easily defeated Gabriel, tore off her wings and reduced her to a mortal status. He said in a deep tone:"But as a price for helping me, he wants to take away my soul!""

Ah, this...But your soul does not belong to you.

Dane scratched his head.

Constantine's tone suddenly became lighter:"But guess what? Lucifer can't get my soul, hehe..."

The conversation changed suddenly, and he gritted his teeth:"He said he couldn't get my soul, he said I had already sold it!"

"Boss, can you tell me, who did I sell my soul to? Dane slowly took out the contract signed by Constantine from his inventory. The cover was burned by the flames, revealing the parchment inside the white paper.

He said leisurely:"Of course you sold it to me. , your soul has been my property from the moment you signed this contract, and Lucifer can’t take it away!"

My suspicions were confirmed in this way. Constantine's hands were shaking like a Parkinson's patient, and he was pointing at Dane without saying a word.

I, John Constantine, have been traveling around the world for many years and have never failed to trick anyone.

Today, I fell into the hands of a thick-browed guy like you!

"Don't look at me like this, I'm doing this for your own good.

Constantine pointed at himself in disbelief:"For my own good?""

He has a word with an M and a word with an F that he wants to use in combination, and there are also many words with an S that he wants to blurt out.

0 asks for flowers

, but he has a secret, his soul and finances are in someone's hands. , he can only follow his heart

"Your soul is safer in my hands than in your own, because you love to write bad checks to others."

Although he regarded the other party as a tool, Dane regarded himself as a good boss who was considerate of his subordinates. He patiently explained:

"There are many benefits of placing your soul with me. First of all, you will no longer encounter misfortune when using black magic."

After hearing what he said, Constantine suddenly reacted, as if...Indeed!

The bad luck he encountered while casting spells was almost gone, but Lucifer's incident made him know that the misfortune didn't happen, but that it had accumulated even more.

However, Dane quickly said this:"Of course the most important thing is that for those empty promises you made to the outside world, if there is such a persistent creditor, it is not you he is looking for." (Read Baoshuang novels, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Constantine was thoughtful after hearing this.

"That Lucifer you summoned, I suspect he was originally coming for me!"

At night, after 21 o'clock, Dane teleported to Los Angeles.

As soon as he arrived here, he was noticed by the spirit of Los Angeles.

So when Dane turned around, he found that the spirit of Los Angeles had changed his body. Pi stood there waiting for him


This city spirit transformed into a female high school student, wearing a hot girl style.

"See you again. How are you? Dane nodded and exchanged casual greetings:"It's not bad. I save the world and make a little money. My life is very fulfilling.""

Angelis rolled her eyes. She walked up and put her hand on Dane's arm.

"Have you found the city you want?"She was talking about the spirit of Khandak.

Dane shook his head:"She seems a little shy and is avoiding me on purpose."

He entered the world of nothingness in Kandak several times and almost caught the spirit of Kandak, but she let her slip away every time. But it does n't matter, he is patient. At worst, he can wait until Kandak is completely obtained before taking his time. Sit back and wait, there is a trend that the International Gang cannot handle it recently.

What a joke, can you be Umbrella's opponent compared to industrial capabilities?

Angeles looked at the direction Dane was heading, his eyes flashed:"You want to go to the bar?"

"I heard that a new bar opened here recently and I came over to check it out."

Angeles quietly grabbed his arm and reminded:

"There are better bars everywhere in Los Angeles and we don’t have to go there."

But when she was persuading Dane in a subtle way, he had already taken Angeles into the bar called"Lux".

Then she heard Dane say meaningfully:

"It's very common in ordinary bars, but the bar opened by Lucifer Morningstar is naturally different. What's more, he has already invited me. It would be rude not to come, don't you think?"

In the bar, a man who was not tall but had a handsome face and blond hair turned around.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, the new god of death...."

"Mr. Dane Davis &"

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