"Where is Jason? Why haven't you seen him lately?"

Clark said strangely

"He told me some time ago that he was going to find a place called 'Assassin's League'"

"It is said that the place seems to be somewhere in the Arabian Peninsula. It will take him a long time to find it."

"How did he figure out where to go? And where is the 'Assassin's League'?"

"‘The League of Assassins is the organization that trained Batman. Jason wanted to go there, probably in pursuit of power."

As for why he pursues power, Dane, not to mention Clark, also knows.

In this year, the overt and covert business competition for Pioneer Technology has been extremely fierce.

Even if there has not yet been an explosion of superpowers, there are killers who are trying to assassinate Dane. He's not a small character.

And these characters are usually solved by Jason.

After he recovered from his injury, he did not leave, but stayed to help on the grounds of repaying his kindness.

But Dane actually knew in his heart that Jason and Bruce stayed together After being together for a long time, he also contracted some paranoia.

He stayed to observe what kind of people he and Clark were and whether they were dangerous to the world.

This quality made Dane appreciate it very much, because Jay Sen must have known that even if he and Clark were not good people, Jason would never be able to stop him with his own strength, but he still did it.

But Jason must not have expected that he had been with the two of them for a long time.

In the end, they were killed Impressed by his character and ideals, he naturally joined the fledgling Justice League.

And because it was inconvenient for Dane to take action when he was doing business outside, Jason actually ended up becoming his personal bodyguard, helping him deal with those who tried to He used malicious means to harm his mercenaries and killers.

There was no problem at the beginning. Jason was also the second generation Robin, Batman's carefully trained assistant. Ordinary killers and mercenaries were not his enemies at all.

But After those ordinary goods were disposed of, more troublesome guys came.

First of all, Deadshot, this sharpshooter who has been ranked first on the killer list for many years did not meet Jason at all.

He sniped from a distance of two kilometers, After the bullet passed through the glass window of a building, it actually hit Dane's temple accurately.

At that time, Dane was conducting business negotiations with others, and suddenly felt a mosquito bite on his head.

He touched it, but unexpectedly A flattened bullet head.

Jason, who was standing next to him at the time, realized later that when he chased towards the shooting position, the building was already empty.

The second time it came was the death knell. The next killer came directly to the door, but Jason was no match for him.

Of course, Deathstroke's fighting skills are even better than Batman's.

In addition, he doesn't care about human life at all, so many times he will take up a lot of time in hand-to-hand combat with Batman. The upper hand.

If Jason had not stopped adhering to the"no killing" principle and resorted to deadly attacks, it would have been difficult for him to last a few rounds in the hands of Deathstroke.

Even so, he finally managed to retrieve a small animal thanks to Dane's rescue. Life.

As for Deathstroke, that guy flew away without knowing where Dane waved his hand.

It was at that time that Jason really confirmed that Clark was not lying when he said Dane was a god.

He tried his best to leave Deathstroke on him. Half a wound, Dane waved his hand to make the other party live or die.

Jason now understood how valuable the Justice League Dane planned to establish was, and he himself was far from qualified.

From that moment on, Jason Sen hopes to gain stronger power, but he is only a mortal and cannot have magical abilities like Clark and Dane.

Then he will simply increase the power he can control to the extreme, just like Batman, not only his body In terms of quality, he has reached the pinnacle of mankind, and he also possesses the best tactical thinking among mankind.

If he wants to become a better person than Batman, he can only go to the place where Batman was trained, the legendary League of Assassins.

So he refused Dane's help and planned to treat this journey as a spiritual practice. He hoped to find the place himself.

"You see, he acts like he doesn't care about Batman, but he actually respects him, so he involuntarily chooses the same path as him."

Dane said to Clark with a smile, and he nodded.

They had talked about Batman's experience before, and Clark already knew that Batman was Bruce Wayne.

At that time, Clark secretly went to Gotham and saw it with his own eyes.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that Gotham's famous playboy is the Dark Knight who performs heroic acts on the streets every night.

This shock is no less than when we discover a superhero in the real world, but when the truth is revealed, it turns out that It's like Wang tearing off green onions

"Are we prepared enough now?"

"The preliminary preparations are almost complete."

Facing Clark's question, Dane nodded.

"I remember you said some time ago that you designed a gathering place for the Justice League?"

"Yes, it is a building built by Umbrella and located on the outskirts of the west coast. It is close to the sea and the scenery is very good.

Clark was a little surprised:"Oh?" Completed so quickly? I remember it was only a few months ago, right? Dane sighed and patted Clark.

"Clark, technology is the primary productive force. When will you understand this truth?"

"With the knowledge in the Kryptonian archives, it is normal to have such a construction speed. I am afraid that it will be too shocking, so I am more restrained."

Now Umbrella's production workshop has begun to install intelligent robots, and Cortana is responsible for scheduling.

In order to facilitate her to better control these robots, and to give her a better working environment on earth, Dane also A"brain" was specially designed for her.

It was a huge light pillar, standing in the building on the west coast, where Clark's Kryptonian spacecraft and the rescue capsule of his childhood were also parked.

For a better To protect these properties, Dane also set up a magic circle around the building.

It is equipped with magic to repel idlers, protection spells, and alarm spells to ensure that when someone attacks, he can protect himself immediately and send an alarm to him.

Over the past year, Dane He also learned a lot of practical spells through"Solomon's Wisdom". He always felt that the one given by Solomon in Shazam Power was the real plug-in, and it was really easy to use.

He once met Solomon's"spirit" while meditating and had a conversation with each other.

It's a pity that it is a virtual spirit like artificial intelligence and can only answer questions according to established procedures.

But it was enough to guide him. He now understands why the wizard disappeared so safely in the first place. The power of emotional Shazam actually comes with its own instructions!

"So now we can finally move on to inviting new members, right? To tell you the truth, I've been almost rusty lately."

In addition to helping Martha at home in the past year, Clark has been observing the reserve teammates Dane mentioned. Generally speaking, he is very idle.

The most important thing is that he has become a multi-millionaire and does not need to go out to work anymore. Now, taking care of Jonathan's farm has become his biggest hobby.

It feels as if Jonathan is still with him.

But he listened to Dane's advice and would go to space to bask in the sun from time to time, and his abilities were steadily improving.

"Don’t worry, this time we are going to invite a hero who cares about the overall situation."


"wonder woman"

"Didn't you say she was in Baji?"

"Your news is out of date. I just received new news that she is back due to work adjustments."


"She now works at a museum in Washington"

"Shall we go there now?"

"Don't be impatient, you have to send Zhang Jianzi to inform him first, otherwise it will be rude."

"What kind of thing?"

Dane swiped his hand into the air, and a screen unfolded. He reached out and clicked on a file, and a black and white photo appeared.

On it was a group of soldiers, and a woman standing in position C. Her dress was different from ordinary people. , she is wearing a battle armor

"This is…"

"This is a photo from the First World War."

Dane explained.

Even Luther can get this photo, which is not a problem for Dane.

Diana must have the original version of the photo, but that thing is almost an antique, no matter how carefully it is maintained, it will be difficult to It was well preserved.

So Diana must have scanned an electronic file and stored it in the computer before the photo was completely damaged. Cortana discovered that the computer was connected to the Internet.

"Dane, you are invading personal privacy..."

Dane ignored him. He edited a message and sent it together with the photo.

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