Dane's idea finally proved to be feasible. After some manipulation in his hands, Dream Sand became much more docile.

But now that time was short, he did not do any more operations on this soul.

In his mind, artificial intelligence like Cortana is a truly qualified assistant. Dream Sand, which starts to let itself go after leaving its master, is definitely not good.

He wanted to try, maybe program the soul? This will be a very interesting subject.

After conquering the soul of Dream Sand, Dane controlled the sand to restore its original form, and then the sand squirmed back into a small bag.

Dane and Constantine stepped forward and opened the door, revealing a woman inside.

Not surprisingly, this person is Constantine's ex-girlfriend, Rachel.

But her condition was very bad, her body had been eroded by dream sand and she was no longer human-like.

This woman was covered in sores and flesh, and was so skinny that Constantine could hardly recognize her.

"Rachel!"He lost his voice.

Constantine was heartbroken and worried, and he couldn't help but get a little closer to her.

But Rachel was delirious now, and couldn't even see the person standing in front of her. She just kept giggling, as if she was addicted to something. Wonderful dream.

Although Constantine is nicknamed"Zha Kang", he actually has a passionate side in his heart.

So seeing Rachel in such desolation, he couldn't help but plead with Dane:"Boss, please save her."..."

Dane understood his mood at the moment and patted his shoulder with his hand.

"Don't worry, we will find a solution."

He stepped forward to take a closer look and found that Rachel's internal organs had suffered multiple irreversible damages. No wonder the Sandman was unable to save her in the original work.

Without Mengsha, her body was rapidly heading towards death.

But coincidentally, Dane He is the god of death now.

So he used his power and temporarily refused Rachel's death, so that her injuries would not continue to worsen.

But this behavior could not last long, and Dane could not act like"death" yet. That directly rejects a person's death and gives him eternal life.

What's more, the woman in front of him has already reached the end of her life.

But persisting until she is cured is not a problem.

"Your ex-girlfriend's internal organs have completely failed, and no medical technology on earth can reverse this process.

But you're lucky, I got a very useful ability in the end. Dane said, snapping his fingers, and he, Constantine and Rachel on the bed teleported to the medical cabin on Krypton.

"Cortana."Dane shouted into the air.

Someone in the empty cabin answered:"I'm here. Dane pointed to Rachel on the bed:"Extract this woman's genetic information and clone a new body.""

Morpheus couldn't cure Rachel because he wanted to start with Rachel's body, so of course there was nothing he could do.

But Dane is different. His current body is no longer good. At worst, he needs to change his body.

Even Lex Luthor has human cloning technology, and Dane has learned Kryptonian technology, of course, and it is more perfect and comprehensive.

Just to mature Rachel's clone to the current age, it may make the other party's theoretical lifespan shorter, but This is completely worth the price.

Later, when he uses the gift of life to stuff Rachel's soul into this new body, she can regain her life.

Dane patted Constantine hard:"You earn Big!"

"ah?"Constantine scratched his head, what do I earn?

But suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed across his mind.


He suddenly understood, this is a new body!

A healthy, drug-free, and most importantly, flawless body!

And he vaguely remembered that Rachel's kung fu was very good, but if it didn't work anymore, he wouldn't dare After thinking about it further, he needed to smoke a cigarette to calm down.

Constantine thanked Dane seriously:"Thank you very much, Boss!"Boss," he shouted with conviction.

Dane waved his hand, leaving a handsome figure on his back.

Rachel's new body still needs some time to develop and grow. During this time, Constantine will take care of her every step of the way.

And Dane continued to work on collecting artifacts.

The Sand of Dreams has been obtained, and his next target is Sandman's helmet, which is now in hell.

But Shazam doesn't know how to open the portal to hell, but it doesn't matter, he Returned to Los Angeles and came to the Lux bar again.

Lucifer was still the only one sitting in the corner drinking alone, and Dane sat unceremoniously opposite him.

"Your bar business is really bad!"

"It's daytime now!"Lucifer couldn't help but retort. He looked at Dane carefully and suddenly said,"Have you found those artifacts?"

"Be one of them!"Dane corrected him, and then he took out the sandbag.

Lucifer knew it was genuine just by looking at it, and his eyes instantly became a little weird.

"You didn't pick it up right when you went out, right? What I just told you yesterday, you brought one over today?"

For Dane, this artifact is really just like picking it up for free.

But fortunately he got a very powerful ability from"Death", which allowed him to conquer the Dream Sands so easily. He must also be grateful. He had brought Constantine into the Justice League in advance, otherwise he would have missed such a good thing.

Dane didn't waste any words at the moment:"I have already fulfilled the conditions you requested, and now it is time for you to fulfill your promise."

Lucifer smiled and took out a very simple-looking key.

How can I say this key? It's like a manor door key in the Middle Ages. The key teeth are very simple, with only four teeth, and it's a little big. Big.

Dane took it over, and instantly there was a heavy force pressing on his hand.

Fortunately, this weight was nothing to Shazam, who had super strength. He put the key in front of his chest and observed it carefully. , the magic goes deep into the core of the key.

This key is a bit like the door key in"Harry Potter". Its main function is to be able to travel freely through all areas in hell.

It can also freely travel between earth and hell. In hell, some The portal even leads to the fourth dimension, which is the realm of the gods.

After handing over the key, Lucifer felt as relaxed as if he had thrown away a big burden.

He crossed his legs and drank heavily in the bar. He raised his glass and signaled to Dane:

"Now you are the Lord of Hell, Dane Davis. Dane smiled and drank the wine he served, and said modestly:"Not yet, at least not enough yet.""

In his plan, he had to collect three major artifacts before he could make a strong claim on the entire hell. Now, he was going to find the second one.

So he asked Lucifer:"Do you know there is a man named Ke? Which area of ​​hell is Rong Zorn's demon in? It would be better to have his exact location.

Lucifer shrugged:"I have been away from hell for a long time, Dane, and I have no impression of many demons anymore.""

"But you can ask Beelzebub and Azaze1, they should be clearer."

In the power structure of hell, Lucifer's family is not the only one.

In terms of actual management, hell is jointly governed by Lucifer, Beelzebub and Azazel.

Although Lucifer claimed that he was affected by the great darkness Only under pressure did he have to give up two-thirds of his dominance. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But Dane knew that the so-called great darkness was just a vest created by him.

Separate rule Quan itself is Lucifer directing and acting, and the reason is just because he is bored and wants to have fun.

But Beelzebub and Azazel obviously really regard themselves as a dish.

Beelzebub even wants to monopolize the power of hell. Secretly, he found five other powerful demon lords to form a demon alliance called the"Rock of the End".

Does it feel familiar?

That's right, this so-called Rock of the End is a reference to the Rock of Eternity. It is the other side of evil.

They even have their own"guardians", or conquerors.

They call them"Shabak", an alternative"Shazam" with the power of six hell demons, and also the"Dark Lord". The villain Boss in"Adam".

In the DC universe, the ruler of hell is called"Satan".

Satan is not the name of a certain demon, it is a title, similar to the King of Demons, the Lord of Hell, etc.

Since the First Fallen met two other powerful demons in hell, the position of"Satan" has begun to exist in the form of a trinity.

This generation of Satan consists of Lucifer, Beelzebub and Azazel. Demons share the responsibility.

But Lucifer has the power to destroy all the demons in hell with one person. Of course, this was in his heyday.

Beelzebub and Azazel succumbed to Lucifer's strength and have always been willing to submit to him..

But if it were another person who wanted to be on an equal footing with them, it would be impossible to even think about it with their toes.

So, you still have to show your fists, B!.

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