After the war, Morpheus turned around and cast his eyes on Dane, his eyes meaning unknown.

"I don't quite understand what you mean by doing this?"Morpheus said this.

Dane raised his eyebrows and said indifferently:"What are you referring to?"

"Don't try to deceive me, demigod, you are clearly capable of solving this problem on your own."

With the Sand of Dreams and the Sandman's helmet, Dane himself actually has enough ability to try to kill Destiny.

But he still pulled the Justice League over, and even let the Birds of Prey team. Overall, their combat effectiveness is not very high. The team participated.

Morpheus didn't know the meaning of his doing so, but what Dane said immediately made him understand and resonated.

Dane asked:"Then let me ask you, based on Sandman's Ability, do you need the help of 1062 vassals to govern the dreamland?"

Morpheus suddenly realized, he smiled and said:"Of course not."

Being a powerful person is actually very lonely, so most of the time, they will deliberately limit their power so that they can get along with those who are not as powerful as themselves.

Lucifer is like this, Morpheus is like this, Clark is like this, The same is true for Dane.

No one knows that the arrogant Sandman Morpheus actually has a human friend.

That is a mortal who was given eternal life by"death". He and Morpheus meet once every hundred years..

On that day, no matter how busy Morpheus is, he will definitely set aside a day for that friend to gather. They listen, they communicate, they express their opinions and share their lives.

Morpheus understood Dane , and her impression of him became much better.

Dane then changed the subject:"Then the next thing is between you and me, how about it? Do you want a civil fight or a violent fight?"

Morpheus thought for a while. First of all, fighting by force is not possible.

Even if the two set the battlefield in a dream, Dane, who has three artifacts, has the same ability as a dream god.

But Morpheus's power has not been able to He still needs some time to recover

"It's still a literary fight, but how do you plan to proceed?"

Dane showed a smile, which Morpheus thought was sinister.

He took out the Dream Stone, and the red stone emitted a dazzling light, bringing him and Morpheus into the dream world again.

The Justice League and Birds of Prey saw At this scene, everyone looked at each other in confusion.

Yeyi scratched his head, feeling like he couldn't get involved no matter what.

"Isn't this matter over yet?"Clark looked at his body, and he found that the original blood stains were gone.

It was as if they had never happened.

Batman did not speak, his brain was quickly analyzing this matter, and the CPU was about to burn out.

"I think we still have work to do now."

Wonder Woman looked around. After returning to reality, people who were originally trapped in dreams woke up one after another.

But it was obvious that they could not adapt to the rapid transition between dreams and reality.

In dreams, the perception of time is very confusing.

Although In the real world, you may only have slept for a few minutes, but in your dream, decades have probably passed.

And the dream of City Spirit further stretches this sense of time, and many people who have just woken up They all feel like they are in another world.

But the doomsday sects who originally died in their dreams have gradually woken up and are preaching to the surroundings even more excitedly.

"I told you! I told you so! This is the test the Lord has set for us!"

"We are soldiers of the Lord! We are immortal! And everything around you is proof of it!"

The man who called himself the"Prophet" had a red face and was drooling when he spoke.

And his speech soon inspired a group of not-so-smart guys to worship him, and a group of people flocked in his direction like they were meeting a saint. Come here.

He can even do things like bring the dead back to life, which proves that what he said is true!

These are all tests given by the Lord to them, and they have passed the test.

Does that mean that the seventy-two pure girls Is this true?

Thinking of this, this group of believers went crazy.

They began to shout the name of the Lord loudly, thinking that their atrocities were doing sacred things, and they were convinced of this.

However, just when they were about to fight When she was acting in the name of"God", a real angel came!

It was Gabriel.

She now has a pair of golden wings, which Dane used N to help her build.

And there is holy light engraved on them. and the rune of disciplinary flames, which made her whole body shine against the armor.

Recently, she often performed"miracles" in the area where the church was located, mainly to punish those churches that had a bad reputation among the people. At the beginning , Gabriel was still unwilling to use extreme means, such as killing people.

But Dane, a bastard, tore apart the church's disguise and darkness directly in front of her.

He took Gabriel to a certain church welfare home and buried the When the corpses of countless boys and girls were dug up from the ground, Gabriel was so shocked that she lost her voice.

When she saw the evidence of the church's crimes so directly exposed in front of her eyes, she, who had become a mortal, could not suppress her inner anger and directly He slaughtered the church and burned them with flames.

Dane believed that if people in heaven saw Gabriel like this, they would definitely think that she had fallen.

And Dane might be the one who tempted her to fall. The devil.

By coincidence, it was Gabriel who had just arrived near Gotham to investigate a church that was said to be hiding demons. It can be said that these guys happened to bump into her.

After hearing that this bunch of trash actually dared to In the name of God, Gabriel suddenly became cold-eyed, put on the Valkyrie armor and began to clean up the local doomsday sect. The leader of the magic stick was directly killed by her sword, and the holy flames burned around him. All those who were infected were instantly ignited and then burned into cokes.

Even Lucifer, who rushed here to watch the fun, couldn't help but sigh. Compared to him, Gabriel was more like the fallen angel at this time.

Shouldn't he? Will it take away her power and let her release her inner self, right?

Lucifer had arrived here long before the battle between the Justice League and Destiny began, and he was just here to watch the fun.

He told Dane about Sandman. What kind of intentions are there? Now that the two of them are about to confront each other directly, of course he has to come and watch and join in the fun!

Discovering Gabriel's transformation is an unexpected surprise.

"How did you turn her into this?"

Lucifer said to himself.

Generally speaking, angels have no gender, and their gender after they come into the world is determined by the receptor.

But generally, holy virgins are easier to find than holy virgins.

According to him Gabriel's understanding of Gabriel should not have changed so much in such a short period of time even if he became a powerless mortal.

He could only understand that it was Dane who did something to her that made her become More like a"person", and a woman.

But he quickly abandoned Gabriel because he felt the power of dreams, which meant that the duel between Morpheus and Dane was about to begin.

But when he was excited When he flew over from the ground, he found that the two of them had already disappeared into the real world and went to the dreamland.

He was dumbfounded.

It was not because he couldn't enter the dreamland, but because he didn't know which dream the two of them went to.

The dream. There are thousands of types, and each one has certain uniqueness and independence in its own field.

For example, the divine realm where the gods were born and the fourth dimension where they now live have the power of dreams involved. The exact location is not known. Even Lucifer couldn't find anyone.

At this time, he felt that he had made a mistake. He never thought of leaving one or two dream artifacts for positioning, and now he couldn't watch the show.

He was in a not-so-pretty mood now. , he was very sure that this must be the joint action of those two people against him.

"Damn it!"


The land of dreams.

Dane and Morpheus smiled at each other.

Just kidding, as an old Yinbi, how could Dane not know Lucifer's bad thoughts.

Still want to watch a show? Shit!

"Now no one can disturb us here. Tell me, how do you want to compare?"

Morpheus showed a very majestic demeanor. As one of the supreme beings, he did not bear any grudge against Dane because of his targeting. Instead, he showed his magnanimity. Of course, this is also an unspoken rule of the game. You will fight in civil and military combat. Once it was decided, I had to decide the content.

Dane was not polite to him and directly expressed his thoughts:

"Our competition is very simple. Name the seven most powerful powers in the world and see whose one is stronger. I won’t take advantage of you. You have to go first."

Morpheus frowned when he heard this, not understanding the meaning of Dane's game.

If he knew his identity, he should also know the seven members of the Endless Family. Now that he is competing in this way, he is definitely not helping him intentionally. ?

But he suspected that there might be a trap in the other party's words. However, out of trust in the Endless Family, he immediately nodded and agreed.

And as Dane expected, he fell into the trap.

Morpheus said:"As you said, by I'll start first, crazy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding dreams shattered instantly. The fragments of the dream were randomly mixed and reorganized in the space, making everything a mess.

People don't know that the sky is heaven, the earth is earth, everything is chaotic, everything is Crazy.

This is indeed a powerful force!

However, Dane said lightly:"Order!"

The chaos in the dream suddenly stopped, and the broken fragments were reorganized as if they were going back in time, bringing everything back to normal.

Morpheus frowned deeper, and he continued:"Despair!"

All the creatures in the dream suddenly felt a sense of hopelessness in their hearts. An extremely negative force prevented them from thinking about anything.

Everyone stopped, and the development of all things stopped.

The dreamland felt the withering of life, and therefore dimmed.

Dane spoke softly again:"Hope."

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden light fell in the sky, illuminating the darkness in the hearts of all things in the world. Despair was dispelled, and all things regained strength.

Now Morpheus stopped talking, and instead stared straight at Dane :"what do you mean?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Every time he said a word, Dane said the opposite meaning of the word.

And he also realized that the power of the Endless Family has a corresponding negative force that can compete with them. Competing, but this is also what he does not understand.

Because in fact, he did not find that there is another endless family in the world that can compete with the power represented by the seven of them.

But he cannot deny Dane, because this game is not just two Individuals are standing here bragging, and every concept they say will materialize under the power of dreams.

Concepts without practical value cannot be realized in this game.

That’s why Morpheus dares to bring the Endless Family to Move them out, because they are real. Even if the power they represent is abstract, they are entities.

However, the anti-words Dane said can also achieve the same effect, which makes him puzzled...

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