But for Dane, it makes no sense to use the dream stone to become a god.

He is the God of Death. Even if he is promoted again, he cannot be higher than"Death"!

Does this mean that the Dream Stone is useless? That's not the case.

After understanding the functions and usage limitations of the Dream Stone, Dane had new ideas.

In reality, scientific research experiments often require very harsh experimental environments and conditions.

Such as absolute vacuum, such as absolute zero, such as controlled high temperatures of hundreds of millions of degrees.

In reality, it is very difficult to achieve such conditions. Let’s not talk about whether it can be achieved for the time being. The cost will be very high.

But what if the experimental site could be moved to the dream world?

Using the dream stone, he can create an experimental environment that fully meets the requirements, and then complete the research in the dream world.

For another example, in the world of dreams, things can be created out of thin air. In other words, pre-technologies that cannot be manufactured on earth due to insufficient industrial standards can be directly embodied in dreams by imagination.

For example, if you don’t have a qualified photolithography machine, you can’t make something like a chip.

But he can take the raw materials into the dream world, then use his imagination to create a photolithography machine and then make the chip.

This way you will have a finished product after it comes out.

Of course, this approach is a bit stupid. If you really want to do it, it would be great to mass-produce photolithography machines directly in the dream...

Although there are many restrictions on its use, the ability of the Dream Stone is still the most powerful among Dane's many artifacts. , the scepter will take a step back.

As long as he can drag his opponent into a dream, Dane is God. He doesn't even need to do anything to make the opponent fall into a dream forever.

Then he can return to reality in his true form and kill the opponent's physical body.

One virtual and one real, perfect coordination.

But even so, Dane always felt a sense of violation in his heart. He always said what he wanted to say, so he directly asked Morpheus

"I feel a little strange, is this dream stone...well, how should I put it, is it not as powerful as I thought?"

Morpheus nodded and said:

"You are right. In fact, the biggest role of the Dream Stone is as an energy source. Most of the time, its energy is inexhaustible.

Because as long as there is a living being dreaming in the world, he is providing energy for the dream stone."

"But the Dream Stone's ability in dreams cannot surpass mine, and I think you should know why."

Dane can understand that after all, it is a tool created by himself, or the ability of the same source.

If the ability of creation exceeds the creator, then who is the Lord of Dreams?

Is it Morpheus or the Dream Stone?

So obviously, the Dream Stone's The upper limit of ability cannot exceed Morpheus.

The reason why Sandman is powerless now is because he has lost all his power and needs a period of time to recover, and Dane just happened to take advantage of it.

Just like the humans who imprisoned Morpheus, they took advantage of it.

Dane sighed. Although he didn't reach the sky in one step, he still gained a lot. People still have to be content.

Morpheus spoke again at this time:

"Now that the agreement has been reached, it's time for you to choose. Each dream lord needs to control a part of the dream. You can choose the dream you want to control."

"whatever? Dane asked with raised eyebrows.

"As long as it is a concept in a dream, you can choose it."Morpheus gave him an affirmative answer.

Dane made his choice without hesitation:"I hope to master the dream of inspiration. The inspiration of all smart people in the world will be generated in the dream I master."

Morpheus thought thoughtfully:"It is true that no one is responsible for this concept. Dane smiled slightly. In this way, everyone in the world who gets inspiration in their dreams is working for him.

You must know that"inspiration" covers a wide range, not only the creations of artists, but also the creations of scientists. Research results.

All sudden thoughts can be counted as part of inspiration, which also allows Dane to learn those abilities in disguise.

You know, many magicians' abilities can be predicted in dreams. This is a precognitive dream.

God They can also dream, so gods will also exist in inspired dreams.

Dane waited for a long time in the real world and found that the gods who wanted to rob hell as Lucifer said had not appeared.

Then he could only find a way to take the initiative. Everything is in order. Dane patted his butt and returned to reality under Morpheus's unhappy eyes.

And Morpheus will continue his journey. Although he has only recovered part of his power, he is enough to solve some problems. For example, the problem of the dream vortex...

When Dane returned to Gotham, what greeted him was not his reliable teammates or his lovely girlfriends, but Lucifer, who was full of resentment.

"How did you come?"Dane said in surprise.

Lucifer almost wanted to get angry. Why don't you know I'm here?

But he was a graceful man and finally held it back.

Seeing that every part of Dane's body was missing, he looked coldly. He left without saying a word.

Dane looked up at the dark sky and felt that the other party was too lazy to wait here for so long just to take a look at him.

He went to a high place to observe the entire Gotham and discovered that the Justice League People are arresting people everywhere.

Arresting those who take advantage of troubled waters, arresting those who can't distinguish between reality and dreams, and those who go crazy because they can't distinguish between reality and falsehood.

Everything else is easy to say, but what about Hawkwoman? Fucked Gabriel?

Dane suddenly realized that it couldn't be because of N, right?

He guessed it right, and set the time to when he and Morpheus entered the dream.

When Gabriel was in the doomsday sect When they slaughtered the mad believers, these madmen were no longer afraid of death.

They firmly believed that there was really a"Lord" from above to protect them, so a group of mad believers shouted jihad and charged towards Gabriel.

Of course, how many of them were there? It’s hard to say whether she had evil thoughts because of her beauty. Anyway, it goes without saying what kind of person he is who would risk his life for seventy-two pure girls.

And facing these pagans with dirty eyes, it ’s hard to tell. Bailie showed no mercy at all, her heart was colder than the sword in her hand! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

One sword after another, he harvested the lives of every arrogant person who came forward..And this scene happened to be seen by Shayera, the Hawkwoman who rushed here.

"Another one using the N attribute!"Hawkeye was depressed.

It was also Dane's fault. He had been busy grabbing Morpheus's artifact these days and forgot to tell her that there was still this one.

And members of the alliance would not use it unless necessary. N-type.

What's more, there is a huge difference between the Evermark-N-type alloy and the pure N-type armor she wears. She didn't notice that it was normal. So much so that Hawkwoman still doesn't know that Dane actually has a self-propelled A way to synthesize the inferior N-type.

So when he saw that Gabriel actually had N-type full-body armor and used it to kill"powerless" civilians everywhere, she immediately attacked Gabriel..

413 When Hawkgirl's war hammer was about to hit Gabriel's head, Gabriel's suit automatically closed his helmet and spread it out like the wings on Valkyrie's head. In fact, this suit of armor is Dane's. Designed with reference to the style of the Nordic Valkyrie's armor, it just highlighted Gabriel's superior body curves and made it easier to move.

Gabriel was hit on the head by a war hammer without checking for a moment. Fortunately, the helmet automatically protected him in time, otherwise he would have had to do this. Her brain was bursting.

She was smashed into the ground by the hammer, creating a deep pit. When she looked up, she found that Hawkwoman was chasing after her. It would never end, right?

She felt angry, and suddenly Dane started the attack program of the armor, which was a combination of science and magic. Dane did not deal with her.

On the surface of the N-type armor, countless tiny nanoparticles suddenly appeared, which were suspended on the surface of Gabriel's helmet. Above, a circular ring was formed, just like an angel's halo.

Blue light lit up on the edge of the ring, and the power of magic surged through it.

Gabriel waved the sword in his hand, and thunder light surrounded it, Defeat Hawkwoman

"What is this?"Shayera has never seen the N attribute used in this way.

But Gabriel has already rushed forward, as fast as the wind!

Hawkwoman only had time to raise her hammer to block, and the huge force knocked her away again.

"What a strength!"Shayera obviously felt that the opponent's strength and speed had been greatly improved.

Moreover, the blow she just hit on the opponent's helmet did not hurt her at all.

And that lightning... it was magic, right? ?

Speed, strength, defense and magic, are you the female version of Shazam?.

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