"play! play! Nanawi wants to play!"

Nanawi probably didn't understand what he was going to do when he went out to play. In short, he was very happy.

After he was happy, he bit his thick finger and said nonchalantly:"Can we eat people when we go out to play?"

He started to get greedy again.

Amanda's face darkened, and she was about to refuse, but then she thought about it and changed her words:

"If you are obedient, I can feed you! -"

Nanawi immediately shouted:"I obey! Eat it for me!"

After Nanawi was done, Amanda immediately ordered an operation on him.

Nanawi has grown very big now, and it is said that even bullets are difficult to penetrate his skin.

Amanda is worried that after a while, Even the scalpel couldn't cut his skin, so it was better to perform the surgery now to feel at ease.

While Nanawi was in a happy mood, the staff began to inject powerful anesthetic into the water cell. The amount of the drug could kill ten blue whales. Nanawi fell asleep.

The staff quickly fished him out and transplanted the micro bomb into the back of Nanawi's head.

Nanawi had such a big head, but his brain capacity was not that big. It took them a lot of effort to install the bomb in the right position.

They moved very quickly and successfully completed the operation before Nanawi woke up.

Nanawi has the blood of the nostalgic god, so his recovery ability is very good , after only ten minutes of sleep, the surgical wound on the back of his head was completely healed.

At this time, he woke up dazedly, but he did not notice any changes in his body.

Amanda received the report from her subordinates and nodded with satisfaction.

In this way, even if Nunaway really loses control, she can deal with the threat in time.

With a wave of her hand, all relevant personnel immediately set off to the sinking site of the"California".

A few days later, their aircraft and salvage The ship has arrived near the Mariana Trench.

Amanda took the trouble to teach Nanawi on the ship. The shark head nodded blankly, and she didn't know how much the other party heard.

And Nanawi, since he came to the sea, He often stared at the sea in a daze.

He no longer chased people on the boat for food, but just stayed alone, not knowing what he was thinking.

Amanda was a little worried, but there was no turning back, so now she can only bite the bullet Got on.

She stepped forward in person and put on an underwater suit developed by the technical department.

The suit was full of various signal transmitting devices and sensors, including several underwater probes and strong light flashlights.

Trying to get to the shore of people can simultaneously see what Nanawi sees

"Nanawi, you must obey orders when you get down there! Understand?"

Nanawi still nodded blankly. Amanda felt a heartache and could only adjust his earphones again before giving up.

Then under her order, Nanawi put on all the equipment and went into the water.

As soon as he touched When he reached the water, Nanawi's spirit immediately became different. His shark gills suddenly sucked in the seawater, and then filtered it out. The rich oxygen content in the seawater instantly gave him great strength, and his limbs jerked back. He kicked off the ground and dived towards the deep sea like an arrow from a string.

He swam so fast and the ocean was so vast. An inexplicable thing grew in his heart.

He didn't know what it was, but he liked that feeling..

If it were other inmates, everyone would seriously tell this Shark Head, who has never left the prison, that this is fucking freedom!

He was having fun underwater, but the people on the boat were already in a mess.

"Ma'am, we lost his signal!"

Amanda's face suddenly became ugly, and her chubby features were squeezed together.

Nanawi swam too fast, and the water flow damaged some of his positioning equipment, so that the command center on the ship can no longer monitor it. His real-time location.

Amanda immediately called into the intercom:"Nanawi, Nanawi!" Can you hear me? Report your location quickly!"

However, there was only the sound of water rushing over the microphone, and Nanawi didn't respond at all. He was going crazy!


The subordinates of the Sky Eye Society around were looking at her, waiting for her to make a decision.

The signal range of the micro bomb is limited, and it will explode if it leaves this range. Nanawi must not know this.

If he is allowed to run away, the other party will He is definitely going to die, so do you want to save him?

If you want to save him, then you must modify the explosion settings so that he can survive outside the signal range.

But in that case, once he chooses to escape, he is likely to be like a dragon into the sea. It's hard to say whether he can be caught again.

Amanda also knows this very well, so her attitude is very clear.

Even if she lets him die, she will never let him become a hidden danger to the United States in the future!

But she still gave Nanawi the final An opportunity, if he could respond in time……

"Madam, there's a signal!"

Amanda immediately rushed to the computer screen, where a dented steel structure appeared, which was the USS California.

She breathed a sigh of relief, but her words were not very polite.

"Nanawi! Why didn't you reply just now?"

It took two seconds before the reply came back:"Nanawi, have fun!"

He really thought he was here for fun. Amanda was a little bit annoyed, but she didn't want to pursue this anymore, so she could only urge him to take a look inside the submarine.

Fortunately, Nanawi had already vented some energy. He was very obedient and followed her instructions and sneaked into the submarine.

There were no other creatures except deep-sea fish inside. Nanavi was as quick as a rabbit, so he grabbed one and stuffed it into his mouth, swallowing it without even biting it. go in

"Nanawi! Do things first!"Amanda couldn't help but remind him.

Nanawi reluctantly went to the cabin designated by Amanda, which was the weapons depot.

As he shook the camera, Amanda had seen the empty torpedo warheads, and couldn't help but look solemn. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, at this moment, the tip of Nanawi's nose moved a few times, and suddenly turned his head to look outside the cabin.

0 Please ask the people on the flower boat to look at the camera The picture sent back was incomprehensible, and Amanda was about to give the order again.

Suddenly, a figure rushed out of the empty hatch and rushed towards Nanawi.

"friend! play!"

Nanawi shouted, and immediately the huge shark raised its head, opened and closed its mouth to an extremely exaggerated degree, and bit the arm swung by the figure.

He held on like a bear trap. , shaking the person in his mouth up and down.

It was like a real shark hunting, but the prey was so hard that he couldn't bite it through for a long time.

Nanawi got angry and added A burst of strength.

The next moment, the hard shell in the mouth cracked, and a pool of blood burst out.

The figure screamed and struggled more fiercely.

But Nanawi's nose twitched, sucking the blood into the gills, and suddenly , his dark eyes widened, and then he went crazy!

He swam as fast as a fish, pushing the figure directly into the steel bulkhead, but in this way, the probe on his head also shattered instantly.

The picture can no longer be seen in the control room on the ship.

"What the hell is that?"

In that fleeting shot, Amanda and others saw something very quickly.

Someone said hesitantly:"That seems... to be a person?"

Amanda picked up the communicator and kept calling Nanawi.

But Nanawi, who had entered the crazy mode, could not hear her voice. He used his teeth and claws to tear the person in his hand like crazy.

He just wanted to kill and eat now!

After two or three blows, he tore off the opponent's arm and swallowed it whole.

But it was not enough, and he continued to bite.

At this time, from outside the cabin Several similar figures swam in again. When he saw this situation, he immediately raised the weapon in his hand.

Nanawi was unconscious. When he saw more prey coming in, he felt even more joyful, and he suddenly pounced on those people.

However, several people on the other side opened up the queue, and the strange weapons in their hands lit up.

"With a muffled sound, an ion beam hit Nanawi, breaking his defense with one blow, and a large amount of blood floated out.

Nanawi roared, and the injury stimulated his ferocity!

He used both hands With a wave, a propulsive force seemed to be generated behind him, allowing him to rush in front of the armored men in an instant.

He grabbed the man's weapon with both hands to prevent him from shooting, and then bit off his head, leaving only one A headless corpse was floating in the water.

A large amount of blood dyed the small cabin red, and the remaining armored man could not see clearly. He only heard the roar of the beast and the screams of his companions. He finally got scared and wanted to escape. Here.

But the crazy monster didn't give him this chance. In the red water, a bloody mouth suddenly appeared. The last man only felt his head light up and lost consciousness.

In the submarine in the deep sea, There is only the sound of chewing flesh and blood, and the roar from time to time...

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