"This is never allowed!"Arthur shouted loudly.

He is still young and vigorous now and has a very simple and strong sense of justice.

So when he heard that Orm was actually planning a completely unnecessary war, he immediately said:

"We must stop him!"

"well said!"Dane applauded him.

Then he said:"There is only one way to stop him from starting a war. Arthur, you must become the new king of Atlantis!"

"Ah, this?"Arthur's momentum waned instantly.

He said unconfidently:"Can I do it? Will Atlantis accept a hybrid as king?"

Vico saw that his persuasion for a long time had no effect but now Dane's few words convinced him, so he quickly struck while the iron was hot:

"It doesn't matter Arthur, after all, you have the same royal bloodline as Orm. As long as you return to Atlantis, they will naturally recognize you over time."

"Moreover, you are the eldest son of Queen Atlanna. Legally speaking, you should be the king. Orm's throne has always been controversial..."

Dane couldn't help but think after hearing this, maybe it's because of this. , Orm had to launch a war to prove himself, and the power of victory was naturally enough to overcome all dissatisfaction in the country. Revenge for his parents is just a deliberately created image, which adds a little more convincing to his motivation for launching the war.......Maybe you can't say that. Maybe only Aum himself knows how much true love he has for his mother Atlanna.

At this time, Vico was still cheering Arthur on.

Dane understands Arthur's concerns. He is not a person who loves learning very much, so his knowledge is not high.

He worried that even if he was legally qualified to inherit the throne, he would not be able to lead the people to live a better life.

What a simple child, completely unlike him a few years later, who acted like a mess and didn't want to talk to anyone.

Seeing that he was trying to back down again, Vico gritted his teeth and said provokingly:

"Arthur, you must defeat Orm and become the new king. Do you want the people of the two worlds to meet again after a thousand years and end up fighting each other?"

"No, Vico, but I can't just go up to Orm and tell him to give up the throne to me, right?"

At this time Vico finally revealed his real plan:

"Of course it can't be like this. I have already planned that as long as you can get the legendary Neptune Trident, you can naturally become the ruler of Atlantis, regardless of whether you are pure blood or not."

The Neptune Trident is a weapon passed down from generation to generation by the kings of Atlantis...

Even so, in fact, since the first king disappeared, this trident disappeared with him.

Later kings only He can make a silver pentadent as the king's weapon, which is the one in Atlanna's hand.

However, this weapon is not at the level of an artifact, and it does not have the power to control wind and rain. It is just a very high-tech weapon. Energy conversion weapons.

Since the Atlantis Empire split, the kings of each kingdom can create their own king weapons.

This is why the Kingdom of Atlantis has been unable to unify the seven kingdoms for nearly a thousand years. Now that Neptune's Trident has been lost, they lack a key inheritance token.

Orm also has a silver trident in his hand, which has even higher technological content than Atlanna's pentadent. During the battle between the brothers for the throne, The pendulum was directly chopped off, instantly making Neptune emo.

But the Neptune Trident was different. It was a real artifact, with divine power and power inside it.

It had the power to control the sea, and could stir up wind and waves, create It can create tsunamis, trigger tides, and release magical lightning.

In a certain version, the lightning it releases can even release Shazam's transformation, which shows that it is the same power as Shazam's thunder.

However, the technology of the underwater people has developed to this day. , it has been possible to reproduce some of the power of Neptune's Trident through magic technology.

For example, the Atlanteans can use some technological equipment to create a large tsunami, but compared with just waving it, it can be controlled Neptune's Trident of the Sea, a little more troublesome……

——It's really what you say.

While Arthur was listening carefully to Vico introducing his plan to him, Cortana suddenly reported to Dane

"Dane, there is an abnormal energy signal off the coast of Mercy Harbor, Maine."

"Turn on satellite monitoring and analyze the cause!"Dane immediately stood up and came to the screen.

The screen projected the temperature difference and air flow direction on the sea surface. They were very different from those formed naturally, which means it is likely to be man-made.

"What's wrong?"The illiterate Arthur couldn't understand it at all.

Vico didn't understand the technology of the surface people and couldn't understand it, but he was very quiet and he knew Shazam would explain.

Sure enough, Dane immediately turned to them and said:

"The energy flow and vector analysis above show that a huge wave is about to form in this area towards Cien Port, and eventually it will form a huge tsunami.

He emphasized:"It's very big!""

Vico instantly understood what it was. It was the technology of Atlantis.

But Arthur only heard"Tsunami" and"Port of Mercy" in his ears, and then a person appeared in his mind, and he yelled :"Father!"

Arthur's father, Thomas Curry, still lives in the lighthouse at Mercy Harbor

"It has already started!"

On the screen, a huge wave formed on the sea, and then rushed towards the coast at an extremely fast speed. All objects along the way were wrapped up in this huge wave and pushed forward together.

There was no time to notify the emergency there. Escape!

Dane immediately said:"We will go there immediately!"

Arthur followed without hesitation. Vico was a little hesitant. It was impossible to block such a wave. He didn't want Arthur to be in danger.

But you want him to say that he doesn't care about Arthur's biological father. This kind of He couldn't say anything. He stayed like this for a while, and when Vico wanted to follow him, he found that the two people had disappeared.

He was stunned, no, don't you feel that there is one person missing?

But Dane and Arthur were no longer heard. They followed the magic flash and arrived at Cien Port. Where the sea and the sky met, they could already see a high wave wall rushing towards this direction.

"Arthur, while you still have some time, hurry up and find your father and take him out of here."

"how about you?

Dane looked at where the sea and the sky meet:"I want to see if I can stop it.""

In Arthur's eyes, Dane seemed to be coated with a layer of divine brilliance at this time, so dazzling that it was difficult to look directly at him. He almost wanted to stay.

But Thomas's face appeared in his mind again, and he had to go. Save him.

So he could only solemnly say to Dane:"You are a real hero. If we all survive this tsunami, I am willing to be your pawn!""

"Exaggerated. Dane smiled at him:"In the Justice League, everyone is a brother and sister, no matter who is superior or inferior."

But Arthur just said stubbornly:"You got my promise!""

After that, he left without looking back, his target was in the direction of the lighthouse.

Dane refocused his attention on the waves in front of him.

"Okay, how should I deal with you now?"

He does not have the power of Poseidon and cannot directly calm the waves. The power of the lamp ring can actually form a huge high wall to block the waves, but the diverted waves will hit other coastlines.

Is there a straightforward solution? ?

Dane thought for a while, but the power of magic is easier to use. He can also control water magic. Although it is not as arbitrary as power, the effect is not bad.

In addition, he is not short of mana now, so he can try the dream stone. Is it really unlimited energy like Morpheus said?

So he flew to the coast and watched the waves coming towards him.

He stretched out his hands as if embracing it.

And many people in Cien Port found him

"Look! what is that!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Someone raised his phone and zoomed in on the screen

"It's Shazam! Oh my God! It's Shazam!"

The people below cheered, but after a few minutes, someone finally realized something was wrong.

Heroes often come to solve disasters, but why did Shazam come?

Soon they knew that the coastline suddenly dropped sharply, and the seawater was Gathering into the distance.

Everyone on the shore can see that a high wall of waves is coming towards Cien Port


They were stunned by the scene in front of them. Someone held up a mobile phone to record the scene and turned on the live broadcast function.

Ever since the guy named"Fu N" became famous, there are always people who want to copy him. Achievements, there are quite a lot of people who are still staying in Cien Port and are still live broadcasting.

They are all young people who are not afraid of death.

Of course, maybe among themThe underlying reason is that they firmly believe

"Shazam will protect us!".

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