Mera watched blankly as Dane grabbed the person and lifted him into the sky, a position she could never reach.

And the underwater man caught by Dane was even more frightened. Dane could tell that he was shaking through his armor.

"Now, answer my question, who ordered you to act this time?

Also, were you responsible for the submarine accident in the Mariana Trench?"

This Atlantis soldier is still planning to fight. He wants to bet that he will not die if he falls into the sea.

In order to resist the pressure of deep water, Atlantis people generally have very high physical strength. For normal humans, The height at which they would fall to death was not certain for them.

But Dane didn't lift him up to the sky to scare him with the height.

He grabbed the opponent's helmet with one hand and exerted a slight force. The helmet was pulled out, revealing this The face of the Atlanteans.

They look no different from humans and do not have gills.

After Dane took off his helmet, the water in the helmet also disappeared as the helmet cracked.

Atlantis The Tis soldier instantly felt his skin tingling and his breathing difficult. He had just come into contact with the air, but he already felt that his body had lost too much water and lacked oxygen.

He breathed in air like a fish lacking oxygen, but he still felt that there was not enough oxygen. Use.

So he grabbed Dane's arm and slapped him desperately.

Dane said calmly:"I need an answer. The

Atlantis soldier desperately grabbed his cloak and squeezed out a few words from his throat:"O...O...King Aum...ordered us to 237...grab the submarine...send, launch a tsunami...declare war!""

Is this a declaration of war?

Dane thought, it seems different from the movie. Orm did not choose to gather the forces of several other kingdoms, but felt that the power of Atlantis alone could deal with the entire surface. Power.

Does this mean he doesn’t take the Justice League seriously?

Not necessarily. He rubbed his chin and thought for a moment. The underwater kingdom is notoriously closed, and it is said that there is a magic that specifically blocks the underwater and water worlds. , so Orm most likely didn't know the existence of the Justice League at all.

After getting the answer, he let go of the soldier and let go of the soldier.

His body fell from the air and smashed straight into the sea.

Dane did not receive the soul. , proving that the other party was not dead, and that the Atlantis people were indeed physically stronger than the people on the surface.

At this time, he saw a mermaid-like woman on the sea glaring at him, and he flew down

"hello lady"

"I am Mera, the daughter of King Nereus of Zebel!"

Mera didn't want to look up to Dane, so she controlled the water to rise and lifted her body up to be level with him.

"May I ask who you are? Why treat the soldiers of Atlantis like this!"

Fortunately, the soldier didn't die. If he had died, Mera even felt that she could fight with him. Dane looked at this face that could be broken by bullets, but he couldn't say a single harsh word. Besides, this tsunami was also... It's not her fault

(bbbf)"I'm a member of the Justice League, you can call me Shazam"

"You should know that these people released a tsunami towards Cien Port, right? To be honest, if I didn’t kill them here, I would be showing mercy outside the law."

"This is only because you undersea people are really suffering from the poison. You asked me in such a tone, as if you are the victims this time."

When Mera heard this, she actually felt that what the other party said made sense. She could only let go of the topic just now and change it to a new one.

"This is why I came here to investigate. I think... they must have been ordered by someone to..."

Dane interrupted her:"It's Om. That's what the soldier just said. He was ordered by someone named Instigated by a man named Aum"

"Om? Is it really him? Mera wrinkled her beautiful eyebrows, and there was an unexpected meaning in her tone.

Dane pretended not to know, and deliberately teased her:"It seems that you know that person, why don't you tell me where he is, and I will kill him." , so that the two worlds will not go to war. Mera

's scalp suddenly became numb and she looked at Dane in disbelief:"If you do this, then all the kingdoms in the entire sea will have enough reason to go to war on the surface!""

"oh? Then tell me, how to solve the problem of the sea clan launching a tsunami to the surface this time?

He pointedly said:"After this attack, it is estimated that the surface has begun to doubt your existence. Even if Orm does not intend to launch an attack, it will be difficult for the surface world to give up without a reasonable explanation.""

Now is the time when the United States needs to re-establish its authority. Atlantis has hit the muzzle of the gun this time.

It is true that surface civilization will never be an opponent of undersea civilization in naval battles, but the fact of living in the ocean itself is The biggest weakness of the people under the sea.

Do you expect the military of the United States to teach you martial ethics?

When the time comes, you will directly dump biological and chemical weapons into the designated sea areas. No matter how awesome the technology of your underwater civilization is, it will stop. (Read Baoshuang novels, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Unless you have more powerful technology or magic, you can create a pure land for yourself in the ubiquitous ocean.

Mera seems to regard Dane as a leader of the surface world , I couldn’t help but feel a little anxious when I heard him say this.

"Please wait a moment, please believe that we can solve this problem..."

Dane crossed his arms:"I want to hear it."

There is no way, Mera can only move out Arthur Curry, whom she has never met before.

"The previous queen of Atlantis also had an eldest son named Arthur Curry. If he could defeat Orm, he could replace him on the throne, and then he could calm the war."

When Dane heard these words, he felt that Mera was a little ridiculously naive. At the same time, he felt that something was wrong, because in his impression, Mera should be a political creature and could not be so simple.

So he asked again:"How do you see it? Have you been to Arthur Curry? Mera shook her head. She had only heard Atlanna talk about this eldest son, but had not actually met him.

In fact, Dane was the first surface person this girl had ever seen.

Wait, girl? That's right.

Dane realized that the Mera in his impression was a prepared sea queen who had matured after several years of experience, not the inexperienced girl in front of him. Although the Mera in his impression was very She rarely meets Arthur, but because Atlanna often talks to her, she often goes to Cien Port to secretly follow Neptune.

But now, she has obviously not started this voyeuristic behavior.

As a serious person, Dane, of course He couldn't watch a girl go astray like this, so he said directly:

"The Arthur Curry you are talking about is a half-human, half-Atlantean hybrid. I know him. Mera cast a surprised look.

Dane continued:"You may not know that the place where the tsunami just hit is exactly where Arthur and his father live."

Mera was shocked by the news. She suddenly thought of a terrible possibility.

Then Dane said it:"Om, it seems that he wants to kill his brother and his son.""

The fight for the throne is so cruel. Not to mention that Orm doesn't know his brother at all. Even if they grew up together, they are absolutely unambiguous when it's time to take action.

Mera came back to her senses at this time, and she hurriedly asked Dane:"What about you? Do you know how they are now?"

It seems that she still doesn't know that she has prevented the tsunami. Dane thought about it and said:

"Do you want to meet them? Most importantly, do you want to meet Arthur Curry?"

If he really has the aura of a king that Atlanna said, Mera would definitely confirm it with her own eyes, so she nodded without hesitation.

That's it, Dane said with emotion, he rarely has such a simple girl... Well, quite a bit.

Dane suddenly thought that except for Wonder Woman, the girls he knew seemed to be basically relatively innocent types.

Even Gabriel, the angel, looked naive He looked like

Mera nodded and stretched out his hand:"Grab my hand."

Mera didn't understand why. They were just rushing, and they wanted to hold hands?

But she thought that the other person could fly, maybe he wanted to take her on the journey from the sky?

Don't tell me, Mera has never flown from the sky before in her life. Looking down, inexplicably, she felt a little hopeful.

Dane seemed to have seen her intention, and he didn't know what to say for a moment. He actually just wanted to teleport directly.

But at this time, it was really Wouldn't it be a bit disappointing to her expectations? Boss Dai is a soft-hearted person and can only choose to meet her expectations.

So he followed Mera's thoughts, took her hand and flew into the sky.

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