As the most promising reporter to win the Pulitzer Prize in recent years, Louise's thirst for news is obvious to all.

At this time, Clark didn't know whether to be grateful that she didn't care about his departure, or to lament that he was not as important as the news in her mind.

However, although Atlantis had withdrawn its troops, there was still some chaos in the area near the battlefield. He was worried that something would happen to Louise, so he hurried towards the coast.


The next day, Louise published an article about the"Atlantis Army Invasion" in the"Daily Planet" and linked this incident to the tsunami that occurred in Port Cien on the same day.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar at home and abroad!

At the same time as she published the article, those who witnessed it that day also began to upload the things they took at the time to TikTok, and more video evidence began to support Louise's article.

At the same time, Dr. Shen, who has deep faith in the Atlantis civilization, also began to appear frequently on television media to promote the existence of the Sea Tribe and the threat this race may pose to mankind.

After experiencing the invasion of the Atlantis army, the people began to believe what he said and had a fearful and hostile attitude towards the civilization of Atlantis.

Some radicals even clamored that these fish guys should be given some color!

But at the same time, another voice began to sound in public opinion, and this voice was very powerful.

They are a marine animal protection and environmental protection organization.

They claimed that it was precisely because humans' daily destruction of the earth's environment harmed the marine environment that caused the Atlanteans to hate them.

What humans should do most is not to look for those who take the blame, nor to hate the people under the sea.

Instead, they should self-examine and repent of their actions. It is best to actively find the Atlanteans for peace talks and actively find a way to peace...

As soon as this statement came out, public opinion exploded.

Then the internet began to divide the camps into battles.

Those who agreed that a strong counterattack must be given to the Atlanteans and those who hoped to promote peace talks began a war of words on the Internet.

Here they say that the opponent's knees are so weak that they can even kneel down and lick the aggressor. It's so shameless!

They say that these barbarians only know how to fight and kill. When others invade, our official army has almost no effect. How about beating them on the head?

It is said here that they have a firm will, and there is the Justice League, so it is no problem to build a small underwater kingdom.

They say that they are uncivilized, but they still want to instruct the Justice League to be executioners. It is simply ridiculous. If you have the ability to carry a gun yourself!

Dane liked this comment.

Just as the discussion on the Internet was in full swing, the military took the opportunity to stand up and claim that the military of the United States has the ability and confidence to protect the people.

But it attracted a lot of scolding!

In the Kuaishou video, people have once again seen the incompetence of the US military. Their fighter jets were accurately targeted and killed before they could even get close to the Atlantis army.

The army troops were even late for the entire journey. I don’t know where they got lost?

If not for the appearance of Superman, the army would have suffered heavy casualties!

Therefore, what they most want to see is a statement from the Justice League. As those who have experienced it, they should know the truth best.

Dane also saw the boiling public opinion, and promptly asked Cortana to sort out the copy and related videos, and selectively publish the events on the Internet.

Today, Pioneer Technology has basically dominated online media channels.

Most of the news and social media software you see on the Internet have pioneers behind them.

Therefore, when all online media reported the events that occurred in Cien Port and Metropolis in a unified manner, the public easily accepted the setting that there is civilization under the sea.

Aliens have been seen these days, and underwater civilizations are not uncommon.

But Dane also had more secret information. He also exposed the incident of the Navy's loss of a submarine in the Mariana Trench on the Internet, which once again triggered an earthquake in public opinion.

Once again, the military's capabilities have been seriously questioned.

If the military cannot protect themselves, how can they guarantee their capabilities to protect the public?

The enemy's base camp is at the bottom of the sea. If the military's submarines cannot attack the enemy's homeland, how can the military deter the enemy and organize a counterattack?

In military terms, being able to attack the enemy's homeland is a very important military capability.

You don't have to use it, but you can't live without it.

Because it does not mean that your ability to deter the enemy is greatly reduced, but the enemy can advance, attack, retreat or defend, so you have more room for tactical choices and strategic maneuvers.

Because of the release of this news, the reputation of the military, especially the navy, began to plummet, and this public opinion even affected Congress' funding for the military.

Inside the Pentagon, the admiral who originally sought General Lane's help was cursing in the conference room.

"Damn it, shake! Damn pioneering technology! How did they know this secret!"

There are other military bosses sitting here, and their faces are also very ugly, especially the general of the Air Force, whose face is as dark as that of an admiral.

His fighter unit was involved in the Atlantis invasion. It can be said that there was no output. They almost just circled the battlefield and then exited the battlefield.

There was no way, the Atlanteans' naval guns were too far and too accurate. If they didn't stay away, those fighter planes would have been killed long ago. The whole army was wiped out!

"We must fight back! Prove to the people that the military still has the power to protect its citizens!"

"We must also prove to the world that the US military is still the most powerful military in the world!"

"However, we don’t even know where the enemy’s base is."Some people raised questions.

But the admiral showed a smile and said calmly:"In fact, I have found the location of those fish guys."

He learned this secret through General Lane's intelligence, but he would not tell this to outsiders. Everyone present looked at each other, and then someone asked him:"Even if you know their location, how do you plan to attack them? Local?"

At this time, someone whispered:"They are creatures living in the ocean. In fact, they only need one nuclear..."

Then the old man saw everyone looking at him like a fool.

After the Beach City incident After that, Washington’s review of the use of nuclear weapons became more stringent.

Detonating such a thing in the sea will definitely cause strong opposition from environmental groups and marine animal protection organizations. Don’t even think about it!

The admiral shook his head:" We don't need to make such a big show of things. In fact, I have a better way."

"We all know that these fish guys live in the ocean. Seawater is a medium that spreads toxic substances more easily than air..."

He did not continue, but everyone present understood what he meant. This idea is really sinister. But it sounds very feasible.

Swanwick's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that this respected old general would actually suggest using such a move. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

You're welcome He said that those who use bacterial weapons or chemical weapons are already committing crimes against humanity.

But what he did not expect was that most of the generals present would acquiesce or even agree with the idea.

Some even Helping the Admiral refine his plan

"It is best not to involve the military directly in this matter, and no excuse can be made for any organization."

It's okay for them to know this kind of thing internally, and they must not let the public know it, especially Pioneer Technology!

Letting the internal knowledge be known is for the sake of the gentlemen of the Anhui Congress, so that they can see that the military is still capable, so that they allocate funds. Time will be happier.

In the past year, the funding received by the military has been so low that many people cannot accept it. Even the top soldiers under it are not working hard.

In the United States, most soldiers are willing to join the army. It comes for the high subsidies and welfare benefits for soldiers, and has little to do with the belief in protecting the homeland and the country.

Maybe some new recruits may still do this, but most elite veterans only care about money and have no money to do anything.!

With less appropriations from Congress, these big-headed soldiers will of course get less money.

Of course, the generals and gentlemen will not have less money.

The first thing after allocating funds is to divide the spoils among the gentlemen, and the remaining part will be given to All administrative departments share the profits, and the remaining money is the money of the soldiers.

Now even the profit sharing of each department is not even, how can the soldiers get the money?

So now many elite troops They are basically in a semi-standstill state. Before the money comes, they are the worst soldiers.

The general who just proposed this matter actually has a subtle reminder that they can no longer command the real elite troops. You You must find a way yourself!

Of course the admiral understood what he meant, and he promised:"Don't worry, everyone, I have already prepared a plan for this matter, and I will never use any power from the military!"

Hearing that they did not need to pay, the gentlemen sat back in their seats with satisfaction and unanimously agreed to the admiral's plan.

Swanwick watched all this with a cold eye. Although he could sit in the Pentagon, his position was not as high as that of These military bosses are on an equal footing.

And even if he objects, he is weak and weak. As for using mind control?

This is not a panacea. Is it possible that he wants to control these people for his whole life?

If he really wants to do that, Batman will deal with him as a villain immediately.

So Swanwick did nothing. He planned to report today's incident to the Justice League.

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