After listening to Arthur's story, Atlanna took it very seriously. Now Atlantis' self-confidence has been deeply affected. If there is another problem at this time, let alone revival, it will be almost impossible to maintain.

They made Orm's crimes public as soon as they returned to Atlantis. There was always someone to take the blame for the failure of the war, and only Orm could take the blame.

Although Atlanna has returned, her affair with people on the surface has not been revealed, so she is no longer suitable to be the queen.

After the parliament's negotiation, now that the royal bloodline was withering, they had no choice but to pinch their noses and admit that Arthur had become the new king.

What's more, Arthur also possesses the Holy Trident. The Parliament can deny Arthur's bloodline, but it cannot deny that he is the successor of King Atlan chosen by the Trident.

But he and Orm did not go through the ceremony of the king's challenge, so it is conceivable that his throne is not stable.

Arthur has a very straightforward temperament, and he and the Atlanteans basically dislike each other.

As for Atlanna, she and Vico worked hard to teach Arthur how to become a qualified king, but the effect was not as good as expected.

She could tell that Arthur wanted to join the Justice League and become a superhero more than becoming a king.

But this doesn’t work! At least not now.

The Atlantis army had just been beaten by the two giants of the Justice League, and as a result, their own king came to serve as their little brother. How hurtful was the national pride...

But all this was in the face of the survival of the race. piece of cake.

Not only the Justice League, Atlanna also wants to use this opportunity to re-establish brotherly and friendly relations with other kingdoms.

Under Orm's rule, the connections between the several kingdoms had gradually become estranged. Now, perhaps it is an opportunity to repair this relationship again.

"Arthur, this is not only a matter between us and the people on the surface, we must also inform other kingdoms about this matter so that they can also prepare!"

After the Atlantis Empire sank to the bottom of the sea, it split into seven kingdoms.

In addition to the Lost Kingdom that has become the Sahara Desert, the Trench Kingdom that has degenerated into a sea monster, and the Unknown Kingdom that is so mysterious that no one can figure out what is going on. Kingdom.

The remaining four kingdoms have been in a state of peace and stability for a long time. Although there are some minor frictions, they are generally advancing and retreating together.

This fact in the Kingdom of Zebel can allow the princess to go to the Atlantis Magic Academy This can be seen in going to school.

Because of this relationship, Atlanna set her first stop in the Kingdom of Zebel.

At the same time, she also agreed with Arthur to give Shazam the right to enter and leave Atlantis freely.

Anyway Even if she disagreed, there was nothing she could do about that person.

Atlanna originally wanted to take Arthur to the Kingdom of Zebel to meet King Nereus.

But considering that Atlantis cannot live without the king, and himself In the end, she could only choose to lead the team alone.

What a pity. She originally wanted Arthur and Mera to have more contact. It would be better if they could have some feelings...

This would make Arthur's succession to the throne It would be more smooth.

So Atlanna left with a diplomatic team. They would go to a secret place in the Triangle of Haimu, where the Kingdom of Xebel is hidden.

At the same time, Dane once again appeared in the Hall of Justice. They started shaking people.

Not long after, all the members of Zhenglian gathered together again.

They all knew that something big was going to happen this time.

Nightwing couldn't help but complain:"Am I the only one who thinks so? In recent years, I feel that disasters happen too frequently~!"

The red hood didn't say anything, just nodded in agreement.

"There's no use talking about it now, Dane, tell me, what's the problem this time?"

This time Hal also came to participate in the meeting. He finally returned to Earth from Oa. He has been tortured by Carol a lot in the past few days, and he has lost a lot of weight visibly. The experienced men present, They couldn't help but cast meaningful looks at him.

This made him very embarrassed. He couldn't help but want to slap himself in the mouth. Why did he say this?

Dane brought everyone's attention back

"Martian Manhunter just gave me the news not long ago, saying that the generals of the United States are planning to carry out military revenge against Atlantis."

"As far as I know, the military does not have this capability, especially for underwater operations."

Batman obviously also has his own information channel. He has found out that Atlantis sank the submarine with only a small team.

And it did not use any large underwater facilities.

Dane nodded:"That's right. So this time, the military plans to do the same. They hope to use a small team to attack Atlantis."

"How to do it?"Batman frowned.

Dane signaled, Martian Manhunter nodded, and said slowly:"Everyone, please relax your minds."

Batman seemed slightly disgusted. He didn't like people entering his brain, whether he wanted to take something from it or put something in it.

But this time he didn't resist, but calmly accepted the Martian Manhunter's mind. Sensing.

Standing there alone, Hawkgirl felt a little baffled.

Her N-type helmet happened to be able to completely suppress Martian Manhunter's telepathy, so she didn't feel anything.

In the end, Dane took action, and he transferred his memory to Pass it to Hawkwoman to let her know what happened.

"this is crazy"

"This is simply ridiculous!"

"Isn’t the military inhumane?"

Mars Manhunter was silent. It seemed that few people knew that he was actually from the military...

He had no choice but to suffer this mute.

Batman was doubtful that after the incident in Beach City, these guys still dared to Making such a hasty decision?

"That admiral, is there something wrong?"He raised his doubts.

Dane nodded with some emotion. Batman is Batman. It only took a few minutes to find the real problem.

".~Yes, I suspect that this admiral has impure intentions. My investigation of the genetic weapon shows that it targets all humans, not just the Atlanteans as he said."

Good guy, this is even more insane!

"Why did he do this?"Batman immediately asked. (To read exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

But Dane shook his head:"Unfortunately, the location where this general lives is isolated from the Internet, so Cortana cannot find more information. More information.

Batman immediately said:"Leave this matter to me!""

He's the best at investigating crimes.

"We're here to help too!"Nightwing quickly pulled Red Hood over, and Jason looked like he loved Tower and ignored him.

"Everyone, I have a strong feeling that this incident may be another alien threat, so everyone should be careful!"

"So what do we need to do?"Wonder Woman asked

"It's business as usual, always alert and ready to fight."Dane said so.

As long as Amanda's actions are still under his nose, this matter is still under control.

The most important thing right now is no longer the genetic weapon. After stealing this weapon from the Lex Group After getting the specific data, he spent a little time and developed a chemical agent that could reversely neutralize this weapon (Zhao's).

So the problem of genetic weapons is really not a problem, what is more important is how Uncover the mastermind behind the scenes.

It can be seen from this operation that the mastermind behind the scenes and the alien forces are deeply hidden, and they are following a route similar to Marvel's"Secret War".

Huh? So are these aliens involved? Maybe they can change their appearance freely like the Skrulls?

Dane rubbed his chin and thought for a moment.

Isn't it impossible? So is there such an alien force in the DC world that invades other planets through secret infiltration?

En took out his green light ring from the warehouse and put it on, searched for the database inside, and he found it. An unknown life form, codenamed"Parasite".

This race absorbs the energy of other life forms by parasitizing them. Vitality to survive, with extremely high biochemical technology and strong self-adaptability

"The best among"Parasite", he can even absorb the opponent's abilities for his own use. This ability includes super powers.

This reminds Dane of a very troublesome villain.

——Parasitic demon!.

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