Neptune is the sea god who rules the sea in Roman mythology. In this world, he is actually a vest of Poseidon, and it is public.

Therefore, in Atlantis, which believed in Poseidon, possessing Neptune's Trident was equivalent to naturally possessing the royal power to rule Atlantis.

This is the power granted by the gods to the owner of the trident, a power that all sea people must recognize.

The Atlantis here refers not only to the current kingdom, but to the entire Seven Seas, and is the true ruler of the sea.

No one expected that the new king could actually recover the Poseidon Trident, and everyone's resistance to him instantly became much less strong.

This is probably one of the benefits of this kind of feudal society. As long as certain conditions are met, the people are always more likely to accept the new ruler.

Arthur floated in the middle of the ring of fire, and his figure and appearance were reflected on the screen at 360 degrees.

He does not have the aristocratic temperament like Orm, but he is not without merit. His appearance and his eyes all reveal a kind of wildness that Atlanteans do not have, and even a little aggressive.

Overall, the Atlanteans' first impressions of their new king were not bad.

But what they didn't know was that Arthur, who looked very mighty in their eyes, had a short circuit in his brain.

He really didn't know what to say.

Although Vico had read the speech to him in advance, do you expect an ignorant guy to memorize an entire speech of several thousand words in one night?

Give me a break!

So Arthur could only pretend to scan the people around him deeply, as if he was examining something.

But in his heart, he kept using his power to urge Dane to go faster, and go faster!

Dane was also amused when he heard Arthur's thoughts. He originally wanted to follow Vico's wishes and let Arthur show off, but he didn't expect Arthur to be so shy.

There is no other way. As a good boss, of course he has to help his little brother.

When no one noticed, he had quietly reached the top of the giant stone statue in the Ring of Fire, and started casting spells with both hands.

In the void, the Dream Stone emits bright red light. Under the radiation of the light, the entire Atlantis gradually falls into a dream.

The spirit of Atlantis is different from the spirit of cities in the surface world. It is truly invisible and has very little self-awareness, as if it has been suppressed.

But it still entered the dreamland along with its people under the power of the Dream Stone.

There, every Atlantean saw the image of the most perfect king in their hearts under the influence of dreams.

Arthur is really lucky today!

It would have been impossible for him to satisfy every citizen.

But under the power of dreams, his image has been completely left to the minds of the Atlanteans.

King Arthur looks different in everyone's eyes, and each one actually hits their strike zone.

This makes the new king Arthur's support rate reach a rare 100%! This is a miracle that no previous king has been able to accomplish!

Dane continued to cast spells, giving Atlantis a second layer of dreamland. In this dreamland, there was no King's Speech or the Ring of Fire Gathering.

All Atlanteans are still doing things according to their own living habits, which is for the X Task Force and the mastermind behind the scenes to see.

Now everything is ready, just waiting for the Suicide Squad to throw themselves into the trap!


At the Tianyanhui branch base.

After a short period of training and equipment upgrades, Team X finally embarked on a journey to Atlantis.

According to information from the Sky Eye Society, Atlantis is located on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean somewhere.

They couldn't tell the specific location, so they could only search over and over again in the Atlantic waters on a submarine.

The Celestial Eye Society must not know that Atlantis is actually disguised by magic, and it is impossible to detect it using practical technological means.

Dane was the first to discover this problem. He felt speechless. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack. If no one helped guide them, they would never find Atlantis in this life.

Because Atlantis is actually hidden in the Bermuda Triangle, close to the Kingdom of Zebel.

If the Sky Eye Society only patrols the outer reaches of this sea area, then it will be useless no matter how long they look.

He thought that if the Sky Eye continued to be unable to find its destination for many days, then the mastermind behind the scenes would most likely take other unpredictable ways to open a breakthrough.

So one night, Dane dragged the Peacemaker sleeping in the submarine into his"inspiration" dream and gave him a precognitive dream.

In his dream, the Peace Messenger dreamed that he had become a dolphin, and he swam in a daze into the Bermuda Triangle, known as the"Devil's Triangle".

It kept swimming forward and down, as if something was calling him.

He didn't know how long he swam, but when he stopped, he saw the most beautiful scenery he had ever seen in his life.

Extremely brilliant colors, extremely spectacular huge buildings, and artistic statues full of ancient Greek style.

This is an incredible underwater city. There are not only lights and man-made technology in the city, but also people! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Especially those who look exactly like humans. They can breathe freely in the water and swim faster than fish.

Their clothing is full of a strange medieval style, but with a touch of modernism.

Peacemakers who don't understand art don't know how to describe them. Anyway, when you see them, you can recognize them as the people of the sea at a glance.

A hint of understanding arose in the peace messenger's heart, this is Atlantis, and these people are Atlanteans!

He found them!

When he woke up the next day, he told his teammates about his dream in an attempt to gain their support.

However, everyone's thoughts are surprisingly the same

"You are absolutely fucking crazy!"

It's normal to go crazy after being held in a submarine for so many days. No one took his words seriously.

Considering the weird sea properties of the Devil's Triangle, the submarine captain also refused the peace messenger's plan to go there. The suggestion of the sea area.

He did not get any support, and the Peacemaker himself had some self-doubts.

But for the next few days, he had the same dream.

The paths, scenes, and characters in the dream were all the same, and the Peacemaker began to believe that this was God gave himself a revelation.

So one morning, the Peace Messenger woke up again and forcefully asked the captain to change course and sail to the Bermuda Triangle.

This aroused strong opposition from the whole ship!

"You are disregarding everyone's life!"The captain pointed at his nose and cursed.

In the Bermuda Triangle, no matter whether it is a ship or a submarine, as soon as it enters that sea area, all navigation and communication equipment will fail.

Those who enter will almost die. How does the Peace Messenger plan to take them to find their destination? How to bring them out safely?

However, these peace messengers didn't care. He only knew that once he entered the waters, God's revelation would tell him what to do.

The captain felt that he was simply crazy and refused to carry out this order. Order.

The peacemaker just took out his pistol and pointed it at the captain's forehead.

"I ask you again, Captain, are you willing to obey my command and enter the sea area I request?"

"no way!"The captain is very tough.


The Peacemaker shot the captain's head without any hesitation, and then pointed the gun at the first mate

"Now, you are the biggest boss here, tell me, what will you do?"

The first mate quickly found his position and immediately shouted to his crew:

"What are you still doing? Everyone, listen! Target Bermuda, move forward!"

Peace Messenger nodded with satisfaction, and pointed the muzzle of his gun at the black guard who was about to move.

Considering that Peace Messenger's shooting skills were much more accurate than his own, the black guard raised his hands in resignation, expressing surrender.

Others were also decisively killed by him. The behavior was so frightening that no one dared to object for a moment.

Only Nanawi bit his finger and looked helplessly at the dead body on the floor.

The Peacemaker kicked the body towards him

"Now, he is yours."

Nanawi was so surprised that he immediately pounced on it. In just a few minutes, he ate up the captain's corpse.

In the deep sea, a submarine gradually penetrated into dangerous waters that it did not understand and perished.

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