"You're asking us to commit suicide!"

"No wonder some people are saying that your bullshit X Task Force should be called the Suicide Squad. You don't want to kill us quietly and deliberately find a mission as an excuse, do you?"

When Harcourt heard this, he wanted to find the person who was talking nonsense and strangle him to death.

Didn't everyone say that the things about the previous mission could not be revealed?

However, the new members were still protesting loudly.

"Harcourt, let that fat bitch Amanda come out, I want to have a good chat with her."

Killer Frost clenched her fists with both hands, and a burst of freezing air came out of her palms. Frost instantly covered her palms. Katana was very calm, perhaps because of her identity. Compared with others, Katana was recruited voluntarily. , so the obedience is very high.

But the vixen is very angry, she was not voluntary in the first place.

To be more precise, if she could, she would rather choose to twist Amanda's head directly instead of working for her.

She He said directly to Harcourt:"Tell me why, otherwise I will never do it!"

She has this confidence. She has no criminal record in the first place, and the Sky Eye

Association can't do anything to her. Moreover, the Justice League is now very popular. At worst, she will directly defect to Zhenglian. Even if she can't do anything to Amanda, evil is disgusting. Damn her!

If you have the ability, you can let Tianyanhui go to Zhenglian to ask for someone? Shazam won’t beat you up!

Harcourt 17 is really angry when he sees the crowd, so he can only explain a few more words

"We have received definite news that a huge change may have occurred in Atlantis. You can sneak in quietly and no one will notice you."

"Do you know the exact location there?"The wise man suddenly asked.

Harcourt paused for two seconds before slowly nodding his head and saying calmly:"Yes, we do have the specific location of Atlantis."

Although this was found accidentally by the Peace Messenger, it does not prevent Harcourt from using it to create an omnipotent mystery for the Sky Eye Society.

Sure enough, when everyone heard this, the voices of protest disappeared.

It seems that the officials are not as unbearable as the outside world said. They have grasped the movements of Atlantis so quickly.

So are they starting to prepare for a counterattack against the underwater world?

The wise man is thoughtful.

Based on his attitude towards the United States He understands that if he is slapped, he will cripple you if not kill you. It is absolutely impossible for him to swallow his anger. Now this approach is in line with his consistent impression of the United States.

"Anyone still have questions?"

Harcourt described the mission they were going to carry out according to the content of the text, and asked after reading it. After everyone listened, they found that the mission requirements were not too outrageous, it was just an ordinary infiltration and intelligence gathering work..

It just transferred the tasks on the ground to the bottom of the sea, and ordinary agents couldn't complete them at all. So everyone shook their heads, indicating that there was no problem.

Harcourt breathed a sigh of relief, and then regained his iceberg expression.

"Since there are no problems, prepare yourself and you can go!"

Because we have already experienced it once, the Sky Eye Association was very efficient this time and immediately prepared equipment for all members.

It is worth mentioning that four members died in the last mission and three N-type items were lost. Water suit.

Amanda had to lower her head and beg Eagle Man to buy N attributes.

Because of the incident in Beach City, the two of them had a falling out, but Amanda begged him not for herself, but for the serious business of protecting the world (she burst into tears so claimed).

So Eagle Man finally relented. He saw Amanda's rapid weight gain and remembered that when she came here to see him, she talked lightly about her boss's unspoken rules about him. The same skin color allowed him to She is easy to empathize with, and Amanda, a woman who sells badly, is also a good hand, and she really succeeded in buying some N-genus.

Of course, the price is very expensive... very expensive! It is so expensive that Amanda herself feels distressed, although It wasn't her who paid...

Peacemaker led the team and boarded the submarine again with the new"Suicide Squad". This time, the person responsible for transporting them was still the first officer from last time.

Peacemaker looked at him and said, He nodded imperceptibly, and then passed by.

The submarine of Task Force X once again sailed towards the Bermuda waters of the Atlantic Ocean.



As mentioned before, the time in the dream and the real time are not synchronized. When the Eye of Heaven will send a new Task Force X into the Atlantic Ocean.

Dane, Arthur and others had just ended the war with Zebel and followed Nereus to the kingdom of Zebel.

The overall architectural taste of the Kingdom of Zebel is similar to that of Atlantis, except that it advocates more Roman style, and even has a Spartan flavor in some places.

This style...

Dane couldn't help but glance at Mera behind him. It's no wonder she looks so brave and good at fighting in the movie. She launched a charge and beat ten fully armed soldiers without even breathing..

This is what our family has inherited!

It's hard for Atlanna to turn her from a female warrior into a pacifist.

Nereus invited Dane and his party to the place where he kept Atlanna under house arrest, and removed all the guards.

Atlanna saw Arthur in the crowd at a glance. She was pleasantly surprised. Could it be that Arthur had solved this problem through peaceful means?

"Arthur, why are you here?"

Arthur finally felt relieved when he saw that Atlanna didn't have any injuries on her body.

He was afraid that Atlanna would have an accident before he came over, and even if Dane was very capable, he wouldn't be able to save her. The dead were resurrected.

After all, the Kingdom of Zebel was not part of the dream at that time.

Fortunately, things did not go to the worst direction.

At this time, he saw that Atlanna was safe, and asked him how he came here, I couldn't help but feel proud. I didn't care that Nereus was here and said directly:

"I convinced Zebel, and now they can only listen to me."

Nereus looked at the back of his head expressionlessly, holding his own trident in his hand and preparing to move. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Anyway, as long as Dane is here, no one can die. Is he okay even once?

Arthur suddenly felt a little cold on the back of his head. He touched his head and wondered.

Is the water temperature here a little cold?

When Atlanna heard Arthur's words, she was so angry that she was shaking all over.

She originally expected Arthur to be different from Orm and be more cautious in using violence, but she didn't expect that the two brothers had the same virtues.

Orm thought about starting a war against the people on the surface every day, and even almost succeeded.

Although Arthur solved it There was a conflict between the undersea civilization and the surface civilization, but they were cruel to their own people.

She suddenly felt very tired. Maybe she had done something wrong in the first place, and she should not have left Arthur outside to roam. It did not mean that the people on the surface had a perfect education. Is it a system?

How do they do education?

Atlanna ignored Arthur's expression asking for praise, and instead apologized to Nereus.

"Nereus, I'm so sorry. This war is completely unnecessary. None of this should have happened."

Nereus sighed, if you want to be a politician, you have to be Atlanna. Look at what Arthur does.

But Shazam is here, he doesn't dare to take Joe, he can only She said with sincerity:"You don't have to be like this, Atlanna, if you lose, you lose."

Yes, after losing, even without Shazam, Nereus knew that he was no match for Arthur. Atlanna was so lucky. She had two good sons, unlike him, who only had one daughter and always Go against him.

He couldn't help but look back and glared at Mera, but accidentally discovered that Mera was quietly looking at Dane, which made Nereus's heart move.

What if...

Arthur scratched his head in confusion:" Mom, I won, why do you look like you lost?"

Atlanna looked at this stupid son angrily.

"Arthur, as a king, cannot easily start a war. No matter what, war will kill people!

How many people will Atlantis and Zebel lose in your battle today? How many families will be torn apart by this?"

"But..." Arthur laughed,"No one died in this war!"

Dane nodded beside him, but he just didn't know how many people would suffer from PTSD from then on, and how many people would dream about Arthur mowing the grass among the crowd at night.

That feeling of being killed, It's real, without any discount.

Arthur explained Shazam's abilities to Atlanna, who didn't understand what he meant, including the reason why he did it.

When he explained, Dane felt that the dream world suddenly Several unfamiliar faces came in.

He was surprised and said:"You came very quickly, are you in such a hurry?".

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