Killer Frost and Katana felt their hands and feet were cold, and they looked at each other.

"Do you, do you see what it looks like? Katana shook his head:"

But you can tell from the voice that he should be a man.""

"Now I doubt whether he is human at all."

Killer Frost already wanted to give up, but Katana said:"We should go in again."

"Are you crazy?"Killer Frost frowned.

Katana just shook his head,"If he wants to kill us, he can do it directly. There is no need to spare our lives."

Killer Frost thought thoughtfully, what he said was not unreasonable.

"You mean, he intentionally let us go, why?"

"This is the question we should figure out."After that, the katana sheathed the"Soul Reaver" and walked into the control room again.

Killer Frost weighed it and felt that it would be difficult for him to survive at sea alone, so he could only bite the bullet and follow.

This time they saw the figure from behind again. He was still sitting in the same chair, exactly as before.""Three eight seven"

"Excuse me, who are you?"

Katana did not choose to face each other with swords this time, but came with awe.

"I have many names."

The tall man turned around, his face covered by a black cloak, with only a pair of golden pupils looming under the hood, which made people look intimidating.

"This is no longer the realm of the living. You should not come here."

"We...are here to find someone."Katana hesitated for a moment.

"I know. The man nodded, but he added:"The living people in this submarine are now my property.""

Katana and Killer Frost looked at each other, with the same meaning in their eyes. He had indeed killed everyone here.

But there were not even corpses. This fact made them think deeply.

The two of them did not dare to think too much. Dare to ask more questions.

But Katana knows more than Killer Frost. She can communicate with the souls in the"Soul Reaver".

So she can feel that they are afraid of him and the man in front of her.

This is her It was something she had never encountered before. At this moment, she suddenly had a whim. She did not detect any hostility from that person.

So with Killer Frost's surprised or even shocked expression, she asked the man in front of her:"Do I have any I want to ask you something, are you willing to listen?"

The corners of the man's mouth slightly curved upward under the cloak.

"Yes, as long as you are willing to pay the price."

As soon as Killer Frost heard this, she grabbed Katana instantly, and she growled in Katana's ear with a low voice.

"Do you know what you are doing!"

"If we don't find a way to get out of here, we will probably never get out. I have an intuition that this deal is not entirely bad..."

Killer Frost didn't know where she got her confidence. Was this woman stupid due to martial arts practice or was she deceived? ?

But Katana has been practicing swordsmanship all year round. Warriors like them believe most in their inner intuition, which can also be called the swordsman's intuition. It is as rare as a whim. The last time she believed in her intuition , got the family artifact"Soul Reaver". This time, she will believe in this intuition as before.

And her intuition tells her that the man in front of her is probably a god.

Her family believes in Shinto, so he is full of reverence for all gods.

The tall man nodded,"I am the messenger of dreams and the guide of death. Mortal, tell me your wish.""

As soon as she heard this tone, Katana knew that she had guessed correctly. The man in front of her was indeed a certain god.

She was even guessing in her heart that this god was probably the god of Atlantis.

And according to what he just said Judging from his self-introduction, he is probably here to fetch the souls of Atlantis.

This is very reasonable!

They have all seen the tragedy of Atlantis, where there are almost no living people left.

If there really is one A god of death is in charge of this area, so it is not impossible for them to encounter him.

Moreover, she already knew through the"Soul Reaver" that the Atlantis incident was actually caused by an alien race led by the"Peacemaker" Then it is understandable that the God of Death massacred the people on the submarine. The area under his jurisdiction was completely slaughtered by a group of alien species. Everyone is angry, okay?

Dane himself doesn’t know, what about him? Without saying anything, Katana had already helped him figure out all the causes and consequences.

Of course the man standing in this submarine was him, but now he was standing here as the god of death instead of Shazam.

Katana respectfully proposed Own request:"Sir, I hope we can leave this sea and return to the shore. Dane nodded:"Yes, but the price is your soul.""

"Shit!"Killer Frost knew that the other party wanted the lion to open his mouth, and before Katana could speak, she opened her mouth to object.

"What if we say no? Dane smiled softly.

"Even if you don't agree, I can wait until you are lost in this sea and are tortured by loneliness until you commit suicide before I take over your soul."

"The dead souls in this sea are all my property. From the moment you come in, your souls no longer belong to you."

Dane did not scare them by saying this. As an orthodox god of death, he is a top-notch death walker stamped with"death".

As long as he is willing, all the souls he sees can be his property.

And he is not subject to the old Due to the limitations of God's rules, ordinary Death cannot directly kill human beings.

Otherwise, if he directly kills people and takes their souls, wouldn't his performance be like riding a rocket to soar?

But Dane can do it, but he is more restrained as a person and as a god. Didn't choose to do that.........

If he ignores the repercussions and kills people wantonly to steal souls to enhance his divine power, wouldn't he become the kind of devil he despises the most? Just a ghoul.

But even if you don't do that, there are still some other uses for this power. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) When

Killer Frost heard Dane's words, his heart suddenly went cold. The truth hurts people precisely because it is true.

If this man really did what he said, then it seemed that no matter what she did, it would be useless.

Damn Amanda Waller!

Killer Frost, who had no idea, could only scold Amanda over and over in his mind. It was because of this fat woman that he ended up in this situation.

But before she could scold Waller like a grandpa in her heart, Katana had already made a realization.

People from their Japanese country can even bet on the fate of their country, let alone their souls?

"I am willing to give my soul if you can fulfill my request."

Killer Frost was shocked. She found that she had underestimated the determination of this Japanese woman. She was a ruthless person!

Dane raised his head, his golden irises lit up with golden light. These golden eyes were like those of a samurai sword. Looking at each other.

Katana suddenly felt that she had lost something.

She thought about it carefully, and suddenly realized that it was her name.

Her name... her name... what was her name?

Dane stretched out his arm, and stretched out the tip of his long index finger. A jet-black spike came out, which was the kiss of death.

Katana felt a strong aura of death enveloped her, and the fear in her biological instinct was warning her crazily.

But she held back!

The kiss of death was light Tap lightly on the small red 0.7-colored heart of Katana's mask. The auntie's scarf is ugly when she wears it on her head!

A black substance spreads out from the center of the black thorn tip, instantly dyeing her mask pure black..

Under the mask, the sclera of the katana turned black and the irises turned red. She also had the same but weaker divine power as Dane.

The gods can give part of their power to believers.

Like the spider god An Sally can give the vixen a smooth path necklace and share his divine power with believers.

For example, the god Naboo can share his divine power with Kent Nelson.

As a serious god of death, Dane certainly has this ability, but he does not need it. Believers don't need faith, so I've never done this before.

But a katana? Dane thought she would be a good knife.

When she decided to dedicate her soul to him, she actually also gave hers Life and even loyalty are dedicated to him.

No different from a believer

"I accept your name. From now on, your new name will be Katana."

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