On the other side of hell, the light ring in Dane's hand was connected to three thick chains, dragging the demon in the distance to him.

Asmorton was furious, and before he even landed, his fist was already in front of him.

Can Dane pamper him?

He pulled on the chain, knocking Asmerton off balance, and then punched him in the face.

The air was shaken by shock waves, and Asmerton flew away in response, but Dane's feet stomped on the ground, like two old trees rooted in the ground.

He pulled his arm back, pulled Asmerton back and continued to beat it with his fists, ignoring the other two demons.

Have you ever played with a boxing reaction ball?

It's a small ball that is worn on the head and tied with a spring rope. Asmorton plays such a role at this time.

Don't think that Asmorton is very strong just because he can fight Superman a few times. In fact, he is not very strong. In addition, the demon lords have already pledged half of their magic power in the Shabak ceremony.

So they basically choose to fight with their own strength and use magic as little as possible.

Asmerton can fight Superman back and forth. First, its basic abilities are indeed not weak. It has rough skin and thick flesh, as if it was born with armor.

Second, its self-healing ability is very strong, stronger than that of Wolverine, and any injury it suffers can be recovered in the blink of an eye.

The third is that its attack comes with magical real damage, which has a huge effect on Clark.

Because of this, it is the first echelon in hell, and there is no problem in treating it as hell's version of Superman.

But Dane is a person who can fight against the First Fallen, so why would he take these people who are obviously a lower level in his eyes?

After beating for a long time, Dane felt that his hands were almost sore. Asmerton was no longer as angry as he was at the beginning and learned to be"calm".

Ani and Belial were as quiet as chickens and stayed aside without making a sound.

Aini's personal combat power is not strong, and all his abilities are in the legion. But when his own people came back, all the legion stayed in the human world.

It's not that he hasn't tried to summon his own legion, but it seems to be imprisoned here. He can't sense the existence of the legion at all, let alone summon them to his side, so he chooses to know the current affairs.

Belial had a similar idea to Aini. Its ability was about the same as Asmerton's. It had just had a fight with his son. At this time, he was seriously injured. How could he offend Shazam?

And they have not forgotten that the strongest one among them,"Satan", said that he would hold Shazam back.

But now the fact is that Shazam is alive and powerful in front of him, and the"Satan" guy is missing.

Thinking about this makes people feel extremely scared.

"Okay, now I believe we should be able to talk calmly."

After beating for a long time, Dane moved his wrist and dragged Asmorton back, who had been beaten like a dead dog.

"What do you want?"Ani asked directly.

Although Shazam is much stronger than they thought, it believed that it would not be easy for the other party to kill the three of them.

Moreover, it did not see that the other party wanted to kill them. intention

"Before we officially start talking to you, I have something to show you."

As he spoke, Dane opened his palm, and a simple-looking key appeared in his palm.

The moment it appeared, strong greed suddenly burst out in the eyes of the three demons. That is the key to hell!

Open the door between hell and the world. You can tell how difficult the passage is just by seeing how hard they have tried for so long without success.

But as long as they have the key to hell, they can open the passage between the two worlds at will and come and go between the two.

Lucifer used to be in hell When he was a child, he often used the key to travel between the two worlds, making other hell lords extremely envious.

Unexpectedly, this key fell into the hands of a human!

No, it can’t be considered a real human being....

"I believe you all know what this is, so I don’t need to introduce it further. Dane grabbed the key to hell and played with it on his fingertips. The three demons just watched the key swinging at his fingertips, with indescribable longing on their faces.

Dane smiled and said,"I'll just say it." Well, the key to hell is in my hand, I want to be the Satan of hell..."

"This is impossible!" Before Dane could finish speaking, the three demons spoke at the same time.

"Don't be so absolute, I haven't finished yet."

As soon as the light ring in Dane's hand lit up, the three demons all had a pair of mouthparts on their mouths, making them unable to speak.

"Although I want to be Satan, I don’t want to be bound to hell and face a bunch of weird guys every day, so I need an agent to help me govern hell."

"I see that hell is still at war, and the lords are fighting for power and grabbing each other's territory. This is good, hell is very dynamic...."

The eyelids of the three demons twitched at the same time, but their mouths were blocked and they could not complain.

Then Dane changed the subject:"But I heard that some demon lords are beginning to want to draw attention to the human world, and want to smuggle into the human world through some heretical methods? This is not good." (Read the Baoshuang novel, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this point, Dane looked at the three demons with meaning, meaning that you are the kind of unruly demons.

The three demons looked at each other, but they were not embarrassed. As long as all demons have some ability, they want to go to the human world to enjoy the special A-level soul.

Now listen to what this person means...Do you want to set rules in hell?

Is it possible to completely ban the circulation between hell and earth?

Dane does have this idea. In fact, hell should be a one-way passage like heaven. Souls on earth can pass through, but souls in hell cannot come out.

The original rules were like this, but the spread of black magic changed this rule, or to be more precise, a loophole in this rule was discovered.

That is, when someone in the human world (usually a black magic user such as a dark wizard) uses rituals to summon demons, hell creatures can sneak into the human world through summoning magic.

Supposedly, it is nothing if the demon kills the summoner, but most of the time, the demon will cause other additional casualties.

And those who are most vulnerable are often those who devoutly believe in God. It is obvious that they can automatically ascend to heaven as long as they wait for natural death.

Who knew that the devil would take away his soul along the way, and he would go through another period of inhuman torture until he went crazy and became the devil's food.

Dane is willing to take care of this situation if he has the ability. After all, he still has the identity of the God of Death. Before the souls finally decide their ownership, theoretically all souls are under his jurisdiction.

Asmorton tore off the gag from his mouth and said to him directly:

"~It is impossible for you to become the Lord of Hell, those demons and demon lords will never obey you!"

This is mainly because no one in hell knows who Shazam is, and Dane lacks enough reputation.

As for the small matter that Shazam is not a demon, it is not important at all. Lucifer is not a demon strictly speaking.

Although he fell from heaven, his essence is He is still an angel, and God cannot take away this essence.

But Dane shook his head:"I don't need all the demons to admit it, I only need the three most important demons to admit it."

When he said this, the three demons reacted instantly, and Belial said in a deep voice:"Trinity. Dane smiled and nodded. As long as the threeThe"Satan" admits his ownership of hell. It doesn't matter whether the remaining demons admit it or not. The power of hell is still in his hands in the end.

But in this way,"Satan" has completely become Dane's puppet, and"Satan" has been downgraded from the real lord of hell to the king's prime minister. This gap is not small.

"I disagree!"Asmorton's hard bones have grown back. He would rather (Li's Zhao) die than surrender to a mortal.

"That's it..."Dane nodded,"What a pity."

After saying that, Dane shook his hand, stretched out a black thorn from his arm armor, and stabbed Asmorton's heart at super speed.

"It's such a pity. I quite like a straight person like you...."

Dane smiled warmly, but in Asmerton's incredible eyes he looked like a real devil


Even Asmerton, who had the magic power in his heyday, could not withstand the power of death, let alone the half-crippled demon now?

You must know that Dane is still the god of death, a master of playing with souls. He captured Asmerton's soul the moment it died, leaving it without a chance to be resurrected.

In front of Belial and Ani, Dane pulled Asmerton's soul out of its body, kneaded it into a ball, and stuffed it into his mouth.

He chewed it twice and swallowed it whole. When he was done, he smashed it in his mouth, and then looked at the remaining two demons.

Ani immediately raised his hand:"I agree with you becoming the Lord of Hell!"

Belial looked at it with a sneer, and then raised his hand:"I agree too"

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