Hespera was surprised by Dane's keenness, but she didn't hide anything about it.

"Yes, this war was indeed caused by Ares."

But if Mao Xiong or other countries had not had the same idea, things would not have gone so smoothly. Ares actually did more than just follow the trend.

"So where is he now? Dane asked.

Hespera did not answer directly:"He will appear when he should appear.""

She waved her hand, and even greater Nether Power emerged, and more Kryptonian soldiers appeared around her.

They were all wearing Greek-style armor, with Y-shaped faces on their helmets, and they could be seen Eyes full of murderous intent and a mouth that seems to be thirsty for blood

"I have many such soldiers, but I wonder how many of you can deal with them?"

So confident?

Dane even laughed. Are you afraid that you don't know how much kryptonite is in my warehouse?

The kryptonite is unsaleable. Please help us.

The new Kryptonians have not understood the situation. They are very kind of newborn calves who are not afraid. Tiger's spirit rushed directly towards Dane.

One thing is that the fighting skills of these Kryptonians are quite good. It can be seen that Hades did not waste their potential after receiving them, and they all had regular treatment on them. Military training.

When this group of Kryptonians found that they could not defeat Dane one-on-one, they began to work together and form a team to fight him. As soon as

Dane knocked one of them away, recruits immediately came up to fill the vacancy, trying to He was overwhelmed.

And Tes Adam was also waiting for opportunities around them, attacking him with magic from time to time.

Dane was so annoyed by them that he had to increase his output power. The divine power in his body became more surging, and the arcs on his body killed people. The force became stronger.

When a Kryptonian flew up again and tried to control him, Dane punched him mercilessly, and a burst of explosions erupted from his fist and his face.

The Kryptonian's head tilted, and there was a sound on his neck. There was a click, and the sound suddenly stopped.

Tes Adam's expression changed, and he quickly left the battlefield, trying to stay away from here.

But Dane stretched out his palm towards him, and the lightning turned into a giant hand and shot out, and he caught it instantly Him.

The lightning that crackled on Adam's body seemed to be a real entity when Dane pulled him back, immediately pulling Adam back.

"I gave you a chance Adam, but you didn't seem to take it."

Adam's whole body was wrapped in thunder, and the"greed" in his body was afraid of the power of thunder and lightning, so that he could not move at all.

Dane grabbed his neck and swung him hard, throwing him into the ground.

The Kryptonians around him seemed still When there was something strange, he used double the power of divine speed and grabbed their ankles one by one before they had time to react.

Then he pulled the two Kryptonians and plummeted from the sky until they were smashed into the depths of the ground. The two soldiers fell to pieces.

He stepped up and kicked one by one, breaking their necks.

Tes Adam struggled to get up in the pit. He was no longer a man of steel. This blow hurt him. It was a bit heavy.

However, before he could stand up again, Dane cut him on the back of the head. This blow was very hard, and Adam fell into coma on the spot.

Through the contact, Dane had discovered that he still had the power of original sin in his body. In order to trap this original sin in his body, he did not choose to kill him. Instead, he blocked his magic power like the other two goddesses.

But before Dane could continue to move, he suddenly felt a powerful force. Power gathered above his head. When he looked up, he found that Hespera was using the power of nature to create a hemispherical dome barrier.

He looked closely and was surprised to find that Hespera's face had become more serious than before. Being young, he understood after a moment's thought that she must have eaten a golden apple.

Golden apples are fruits grown on the tree of life and contain extremely majestic life energy. People who eat them will die suddenly because It cannot be replenished.

But the gods can prolong their lives after eating them. After losing their faith to maintain, the golden apple is a precious non-renewable resource for the gods.

Hespera originally hoped to plant it in the divine world, or in the world she rules. The human world below.

But with Shazam around, her wish might not come true, so Hespera felt cruel and simply ate the golden apple to gain some life back for herself.

The effect was very good, and her vitality was also After being replenished, the natural power in her body runs more smoothly.

This gives her enough power to activate this barrier magic, which is the magic used by the wizard Shazam to seal off the old God's Realm.

Once the magic is completed, Shazam or Others will no longer be able to leave here through teleportation magic.

And the barrier will absorb the magic of everyone inside to sustain itself until the people inside are drained of the last bit of magic.

When Dane looked up, Hespera had just finished This magic is completed.

The role of Tes Adam is reflected here, helping her attract Shazam's attention, and he completed his task well.

As for"greed~greed"? What does it have to do with her?

"Dane, my body's strength is draining away!"

Zatanna quickly explained the current situation to Dane, but fortunately, her mood was very stable.

"Me too, what the hell!"

Constantine threw the cigarette butt hard on the ground and crushed it with his foot.

Dane tentatively threw a bolt of lightning towards the barrier. The bolt of lightning hit the barrier and bounced off, landing randomly on other buildings.

The divine power in his body was so powerful that he couldn't feel the loss of power at all.

"What about other battlefields?"

Diana spoke in the channel at this time:"Those Kryptonians have basically been dealt with!"

Dane could hear that she was a little excited. It had been a long time since she had encountered an enemy that she could fight so smoothly.

Fighting against the Kryptonians allowed her to give full play to her Amazonian combat skills. She also killed the most enemies present. Superhero.

If Dane had not set up a dream here, Clark would have said something.

After cleaning up all the Kryptonians, all members of Zhenglian gathered together

"If I guess correctly, that barrier is used to trap us, right?"

Hal glanced at the sky. A blue dome enveloped the entire metropolis.

"I wonder if I can use the teleportation ability of the light ring to get out."

"You can try."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Just try it, Hal raised the light ring and launched the wormhole channel forward as usual, but the wormhole only lasted a microsecond before collapsing.

"It seems that it is not possible."Hal shook his head and put down his arms.

Dane thought thoughtfully. It can be seen that Hespera's natural power covers a wide range. The wormhole itself can be regarded as one of the ways to use natural power.

"Diana, do you feel your strength draining away?"

Diana shook her head when she heard this. She didn't feel anything.

"Hal, Clark, what about you?"

The two of them shook their heads when they heard Dane's question. Dane understood. It seems that it's not that he can't feel it, but that this barrier cannot absorb energy at the level of"divine power".

Yes, Superman's power has also been judged. It is the first level of"divine power". This is judged from the energy level rather than from the attributes.

"I thought maybe I could give it a try."

Clark looked at the fear barrier in the sky and was a little eager to try it.

Dane actually wanted to see it too. Shazam in the movie couldn't be broken anyway, so what about Superman?

Clark stood up and jumped up, and his body lifted into the air like a rocket. The noise of his takeoff was as loud as a rocket, causing smoke and dust to billow.

Dane swept away the smoke with a wave of his hand, and looked up with the others.

With Clark's speed, he rushed to the barrier almost instantly.

He The force was so powerful that the barrier protruded outward for a long time, as if it was about to break.

((The king is good) But unfortunately, it did not break in the end, but bounced Clark back.

He was not convinced at first, so he tried a few more times before giving up and returning to the ground.

"Just a little bit."Clark said with a bit of pity.

Yes, just a little bit. If Clark is given more room to accelerate, maybe he can really break this shell with brute force.

"We don't have that much time anymore."Batman spoke at this time.

He emphasized:"That woman has left. Aren't you curious where she went?

Hal said:"He is right. If I want to solve this incident, that woman should be the focus, right?""

In fact, Dane could directly ask Cortana to use the power of dreams to redefine the barrier, but he also wanted to test his own strength, so he chose a more direct method.

He took off upwards like Clark, and in Under the influence of divine speed, he instantly arrived in front of the dome. He stretched out his index finger. The rich power of thunder concentrated on this finger, connected with the barrier, and pulled out a cone-shaped"bubble".

At divine speed , Under the influence of , Dane continued to push forward. Suddenly, Dane heard a"pop" sound in his ears.

The barrier was broken!.

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