"Victor Stone, we need your help with something.

Dane's tone was very gentle for this child who had been deprived of his mother and normal life by an accident.

He originally thought that his appearance had caused a butterfly effect, and Victor Stone would no longer encounter this accident. That's right, but he didn't expect that he still encountered misfortune.

This made him think more, is there really such a thing as fatalism in the DC universe?

It's like Barry Allen is destined to become The Flash, Victors Is Wang destined to become like Cyborg?

Victor seemed to be thinking. After they waited for a few minutes, a line of text finally appeared on the screen:

What do you need me to do?

Look, how important is a good reputation?

In the movie The first time Wonder Woman invited him, he refused!


Dane called her, and Cortana stepped forward knowingly, showed Victor a 3D model of the mother box, and explained it thoughtfully.

"It should be an item labeled 6-1-9-8-2 in your home. Its energy comes from the same source as you."

As soon as Cortana finished speaking, Victor replied:

I know this thing, it is hidden where I live, and this thing has been making some strange movements recently. When

Diana heard this, she immediately asked:"Specific details What's the noise?"

I...I don't know how to describe it, it's like it suddenly came alive...It seems to send a signal.

Dane immediately felt something was wrong when he heard 377. He immediately said to the screen:"Victor, you are now! Now! Get out of there!"

But the big screen buzzed a few times and suddenly went out.

Dane immediately said to Cortana:"Send the coordinates of his home to the bracelet!"

The data light in Cortana's eyes flickered, and she said:"It's done."

Then Dane turned around and looked at Arthur and Diana:"I suspect something happened to him, will you come with me?"

Of course Diana and Arthur agreed, so three teleportation lights flashed and took them to the place where Victor lived.

When they arrived here, a group of demonoids had surrounded Victor, who was 99% mechanical creations.

At this time, Victor had transformed his hands into white noise cannons and was shooting the demonoids from left to right.

Without saying a word, Diana drew her sword and stepped forward. She used the mantra rope with her other hand to catch one of them, and pulled hard, causing the others next to it to fall down.

Then she rushed up and killed them one by one like chopping melons and vegetables.

Arthur also stepped forward at the same time. He squatted and jumped up to four or five stories high, and stepped on the back of one of the demonoids.

Then he inserted the golden trident into the neck of one of them and cut off its head with one stroke.

Before it fell, he jumped onto another one and repeated the operation, killing several unresponsive demonoids in an instant.

When the ajei were attacked, they began to change their targets and shot Diana and Arthur with their energy weapons, but they were all blocked by their artifacts.

Moreover, both of them have the blood of the old gods, so even if they are hit by one or two bullets, it will not hurt or itch.

Dane did not join the team that attacked the demonoids, and the demonoids seemed to be a little afraid of Dane and did not come to disturb them.

He frowned and looked at an apartment next to the street. The wall suddenly broke through, and a tall alien wearing spiked armor appeared. It was Steppenwolf.

Steppenwolf also saw Dane, his expression changed immediately, and he immediately looked up at the sky.

Dane knew he was going to open the sonic blast channel to escape, and rushed out in an instant.

However, before he could catch Steppenwolf, a huge thing rushed over and knocked him away with its weight greater than Dane.

At this time, Steppenwolf had successfully opened the sonic blast channel and left, not even caring about his demonoid.

Dane quickly gained a foothold on the ground. He pulled out the two feet inserted into the ground and looked ahead. This new Doomsday!

And now it's daytime!

Dane immediately said:"Cortana, unfold your dream and block this neighborhood!"

Cortana immediately executed, turning this neighborhood into a dream battlefield.

Doomsday roared up to the sky, stretched out his legs and ran towards Dane.

Dane also ran towards Doomsday at the same time, using the super speed given to him by divine power.

Two steel fists, one large and one small, collided in the center of the battlefield. There was a loud bang, like a bomb exploding in the middle of the street, directly destroying the neighborhood!

Diana, Arthur, Victor and the remaining demonoids were affected at the same time and were blown away by the impact.

Dane, who was in the center, nailed his feet into the earth and relied on the friction of the earth to stop his backward trend. The same was true for the Doomsday opposite him.

This fist is already 80% as good as Superman's, this Doomsday is the real thing!

Dane suddenly thought of a lot in his mind. He knew very well that the Doomsday he killed was now waiting to be studied in the dream.

But the Doomsday in front of us will appear at this time, which only shows that Steppenwolf has probably mastered the method of mass-producing Doomsday.

But Steppenwolf should be a warrior. He knows tactics but not necessarily technology. Dane has some doubts in his heart.

But he suppressed this doubt for the time being and tried his best to deal with the day of destruction before him.

So he flicked his wrist and released the kiss of death again, preparing to give the same package to this day of destruction.

However, he saw a piece of metal spread out like a liquid on Doomsday opposite him, instantly covering his whole body.

It formed an armor very similar to Steppenwolf's on Doomsday's body, even blocking that ferocious face.

Dane suddenly felt that he was being targeted. Although the kiss of death in his hand had been strengthened by divine power, its basic material was still eternal metal, and it was not indestructible.

He already had a hunch that the silver armor on the opponent was specifically designed to protect against his"stinger".

But in order to test the strength of the armor on his body, Dane still flew up.

He flexibly avoided Doomsday's claw and stabbed him with the kiss of death.

As he expected, the armor was extremely hard, and the kiss of death deformed directly on his body, with one end of the sharp thorn compressed inward.

It’s so funny that I can’t get in at all!

Dane flew back, then straightened the kiss of death. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It seems that this magical weapon has finally encountered a natural enemy. It can't even break through the defense, so it can't be said to be a one-hit kill.

He simply put away the kiss of death and took out a half-human battle ax from his back. He didn't believe that this armor could withstand the attack of the eighth metal artifact!

So Dane flew forward again, splitting Huashan with one move as fast as lightning.

Doomsday raised his hands, his arm armor and battle ax struck each other, and another violent impact erupted.

Dane stepped back again, but he had already figured out the reality of the armor.

It seemed to have withstood the attack of the battle ax intact, but in fact, the countless metal parts on the battle armor worked together to dissipate the attack of the battle ax and let the whole body of armor share the load.

But there is a limit to this kind of unloading force. The blow just now was not completely withstood, and Dane felt something abnormal about the other party.

But Doomsday is not so delicate.After thinking about it, he saw that he had received the attack without any injury, and he roared and pounced again.

Dain fought him again, swinging his axe.

Seeing how anxious the battle was, Arthur wanted to step forward to help, but was stopped by Diana.

"He alone is enough."

Diana, who returned to reality from hell, knows what kind of abilities Dane has, so she is not worried at all.

To be honest, if he is willing, his power can even break the upper limit of the dream and attack the real world at the same time..

But that goes against the original intention of protecting the people. Sometimes it is very hard to have to suppress one's strength in order to protect a fragile world. Finally, there is a sandbag to relax, and no one wants anyone to interfere..

Cyborg stood aside silently and did not express an opinion.

But the biochemical computer in his body had helped him analyze it, and Shazam's chance of winning was far higher than that monster.

Five minutes later, Shazam and Doomsday had gone through thousands of The first fight.

Dane did not use energy, so he would not give the opponent a chance to absorb divine power.

And Doomsday's heat vision had no other effect except to warm Dane's body.

Ten minutes later, Dane finally found Doomsday's body. The endurance of this armor was at its limit. He caught Doomsday's punch with one hand, threw it into the air with a back throw.

Then he jumped up, and the power of the God of War instantly condensed in his body. He held the ax in both hands. Swing it down hard.

This time, it will directly cut the Doomsday in half!

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