Eagle Man's manor is large, but there are not many servants.

This is not only where he lives, but also the base where he operates as Hawkman.

Therefore, those who can stay here are all trustworthy subordinates. They all know Carter's identity and are willing to serve him.

"Hello, are you Ms. Amanda Waller?"

"Mr. Hall is waiting for you in the lobby. Please come with me."

After an old butler confirmed her identity, he bowed to invite her in and led the way.

Soon Amanda saw this rich superhero in the hall, and surprisingly, he also a black man

"I heard you were looking for me, Amanda Waller from The Eyes of Heaven"

"Yes, Mr. Eagleman."

Eagle Man signaled to the butler, who stepped back knowingly.

"I looked into you, Ms. Waller."

"It seems that the Tianyan Society has not given you this authority. Are you coming to me in a private capacity?"

Carter turned around and sat down on the sofa, crossing his legs.

Amanda found a place to sit on her own and said calmly:

"I know something about you, Mr. Hawkman, and I also know something about your Justice Society."

"I am here just as an ordinary person hoping to get your help."

Carter thought for a moment and didn't agree directly, but he didn't refuse either.

"Before that, should you explain what happened?"

Amanda was overjoyed. She didn't explicitly refuse. In fact, she already explained the other party's attitude.

She quickly showed it to her boss.He took out the documents and information and handed them to Eagle Man.

Unlike that loser, Carter could easily extract useful information from these materials.

This information made him look solemn

"Shouldn't you give this information to your superiors from the Sky Eye Society for review?"

"Believe me, Mr. Hawkman, I tried"

"But the guy didn't have any reaction other than staring at my breasts."

Eagle Man seemed stunned for a moment, and then looked at her with some sympathy.

"I understand what you mean, I will take the time to check it out."

Although Carter seems arrogant, he will not hesitate to help whenever he thinks it is necessary.

Especially when facing those supernatural forces.

These Amandas have done enough homework before coming, and Carter has this The decision was within her expectation.

But as an ambitious woman, Amanda tried to dig out more valuable things.

So she tentatively asked:"I heard that you and Dr. Fate are very good partners...."

"Ms. Amanda Waller!" Carter stopped her sternly.

"Doctor has nothing to do with what we are talking about!"

Amanda seemed not to give up,"I just think that if you all take action together, this matter may be more secure."

"This is just an investigation, isn't it? Then I alone will be enough."

Eagle Man said and ignored Amanda's ugly face and walked straight out of the hall.

The housekeeper walked in at this time.

"Ms. Waller, what services do you need?"

"No need."

Amanda knew that Eagle Man was giving her an eviction order, so she didn't hesitate and left directly.

After she left the manor, Eagle Man entered his underground base.

There were all high-tech equipment made of N metal.

Due to his extremely superior properties in materials science, Hawkman's technological level is even close to Umbrella's Kryptonian technology.

However, due to his over-reliance on N metal, his technology tree is seriously biased.

In the field of artificial intelligence, Hawkman's underground base is not very advanced in this regard, at least not as good as Cortana.

During this period, Dane often borrowed Jor-El's memory for research.

Now Cortana It has evolved to the level of sub-strong artificial intelligence.

This means that all the network firewalls on the earth are paper in front of Cortana. She is the Kryptonian on the network, and she has no shortcomings.

Since Dane discovered Amanda After trying to use the Justice Society to track down incidents in South America, Cortana tracked her cell phone.

During the time when Amanda was talking to Hawkman, Cortana even used WIFI to invade the internal network of Hawkman's manor.

So. Now it can be said that every move of Hawkman in the underground base is watched by Dane.

Dane does not want him to go there so quickly.

Because he himself only discovered later that the place where the witch and her brother are sealed actually exists. An unstable entrance to a different space.

The witch and her brother also came to this world through this entrance.

So he had reason to suspect that there were more evil gods like witches in that different space.

Although the witch killed indiscriminately, It's barely on the order side.

After eating enough sacrifices, I can still do some serious things and call myself a"god".

If it is messed up by uninformed people, if some ghosts come out again, I'm afraid there will be no That's easy to talk about.

It is his Shazam's responsibility to prevent extradimensional space creatures from invading the earth dimension. Of course, Dane does not want Hawkman to interfere at will.

But he has no intention of meeting Hawkman. Dane knows that Hawkman is Superheroes value procedural justice more than other heroes.

Then just use the reason of procedural justice to stop him.

So when Eagle Man drove his aircraft, which was said to be made of N metal even the screws, just entered the airspace of South America , and was warned by the local government fighter pilot.

"Unknown sequence aircraft, you have entered our country's airspace, please identify yourself immediately!"

Eagle Man secretly said something bad, who would have thought that a South American forest would actually have air traffic control!

Carter Hall did not want to reveal his true identity, nor was he willing to antagonize the authorities.

So his aircraft hovered over South America. After a while, he finally returned.

But he was not completely wasting his efforts. What N metal can do is unimaginable to many people.

Eagle Man also has his own private satellite, and he uses these devices to monitor the local energy in the past few days. The crest of the wave was used for comparison.

He quickly discovered several locations where this incident occurred. Dane who peeked at the screen could see clearly that that was where they fought.

But he could only know so much.

Although Hawkman and the mysterious force Related, but he is actually on the technology side and does not have in-depth research on magic.

"Maybe I should ask Kent for help?"

This is why he simply left.

On the one hand, he did not want to antagonize the officials, and on the other hand, he would not be able to find out more even if he stayed.

"In the future, I must make the plane invisible! Carter thought bitterly.

As for why there are fighter jets and pilots in this area where only tribal people live, of course they are sponsored by Umbrella.

Arms are always the best way to knock on each other's door in countries that cannot produce them independently. Good sincerity.

When Dane expressed to the local government that he needed a small favor from them, the military readily agreed.

Dane tasted the sweetness of having official power, and he wondered if he should have one on his own. A real country?

In the future, when the beautiful country tries to use official power to find trouble, he can also use the same weapon to fight back.

Look at Neptune, there is almost no official power to cause trouble for him.

Because behind him is a real national power. Moreover, it is a superpower whose technological level far exceeds that of land countries.

In order to avoid diplomatic incidents, organizations like the Sky Eye Society will try to avoid Neptune.

The more he thought about it, the more necessary it became for Dane, and he also thought that there is a country that is actually very suitable. He.


The small African country that owns the Eternal Metal is now controlled by the international gang with strong military force.

Both the Sky Eye Society and the Justice Society turn a blind eye to such political issues.

Huh? You said The Justice League can't interfere in politics?

What does that have to do with me, Dane Davis? I'm just a businessman!


On the other side, Batman finally caught clues about Constantine in London.

But he soon found out that it was not that Constantine stopped avoiding him, but because the other party was tripped up by something.

On this day, on Constantine's only path, Batman blocked his way in a dark corner.

"When will we stop playing games like this?"

"After this period of chasing, you should know that I have no ill intentions towards you."

When Constantine faced Batman's words, he didn't have any unusual reaction. He just smoked silently.

Batman noticed that he was in a low mood, and a look of surprise appeared on his face under the mask.

Judging from his understanding of Constantine these days, he Not such a taciturn person

"You're in trouble, right?"

"Yes, yes, you are so smart, why not come and help me think of a solution."

This is not the first time Constantine and Batman have talked.

It's just that both of them are smart people and like to test each other, so the matter of recruiting him to join the Justice League has not made much progress.

But Batman is a person who likes to put everything into perspective. With the paranoid in his hands, even if he cannot recruit the other party into the JLA in the end, he must make sure that the other party is completely harmless.

But unfortunately, Constantine is a man with all five poisons.

Batman has learned about his It is impossible to rest assured after his glorious deeds.

What kind of person would think that even the devil in hell thinks he is a scumbag!

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