Sector 0 of the Antimatter Universe.

Sinestro is staring at OA here, and he feels that there seems to be something strange in the Ring Legion recently.

The good news is that OA failed to summon more power rings to return to OA. Most of the power rings are used to being domineering on the planets they occupy, and are not willing to enlist in the army in order to conquer a remote planet.

What's more, they have already heard that the planet called"Earth" originally had a divine power ring, but it was defeated by others, which led to the failure of the conquest.

And they also know that there is a Kryptonian living on Earth.

Kryptonians are notorious and hated in the universe. Before the destruction of Krypton, the Kryptonian civilization once established a huge hegemonic empire in the universe.

But just like Krypton in the positive matter universe, when the civilization of the Kryptonian empire developed to its most powerful, a civil war broke out that affected the entire universe.

Different from the restraint of the positive matter universe, the Kryptonian civil war in this universe was large-scale and long-lasting, and there has never been a call for an armistice since the war began.

We all know that Krypton in the positive matter universe was destroyed by resource depletion, planetary energy exhaustion, and the bet between"Rao~" and the Sandman.

However, the Krypton in this world is entirely the fault of this nation. They were exterminated in the civil war!

The situation is almost exactly the same as that of the Martian civilization in the solar system.

In fact, most civilizations in the antimatter universe were extinct due to civil wars. These civilizations will self-destruct due to a certain war when they develop nuclear technology.

There are not many planets that can sustain the development of interstellar civilization. It can be said that every civilization that relies on its own strength to develop to the level of interstellar spaceflight is the proud son of the antimatter universe.

Most civilizations must maintain restraint under the intervention of external forces, cease war in order to survive, and continue to continue civilization.

In this process, I have to say that OA played a certain positive role.

Although the Power Rings have always implemented high-pressure and authoritarian policies in their rule of civilization, they have indeed greatly reduced the self-destructive intentions of the world they rule.

Even the Divine Ring does not want to rule a dead planet. He needs his world to have a stable and developing society. Only in this way can they enjoy it better.

Therefore, from the perspective of the entire universe, OA actually symbolizes an effective order. From a macro perspective, its existence is beneficial to cosmic civilization.

This is also one of the reasons why Sinestro chose to join the Ring Legion in the first place.

At that time, his home planet was also in a civil war crisis. At this time, a divine power ring fell from the sky, but he died before landing.

Sinestro's home is located not far from where the spaceship of the Power Ring crashed. He was selected by the Power Ring to be his successor because of his strong thirst for power.

After receiving the Ring, Sinestro thought it was a gift from God to end the war.

He temporarily bid farewell to his family and spent ten years ending Koruga's troubled times.

Affected by the Ring of Power, Sinestro had to use a dictatorship to rule the planet after ending the troubled times to prevent his people from starting civil strife again for various reasons.

But he made a fatal mistake. He synchronized OA through his own Ring out of curiosity. In the Ring Legion, this behavior usually means telling everyone that your planet is the public property of the Legion.

Therefore, when OA's other divine rings came to the planet Koruga, Sinestro was not prepared at all. He naturally refused others to enter his planet, which aroused the dissatisfaction of those divine rings.

Later, Sinestro witnessed with his own eyes how cruel the OA's ringmaster army could be, as they massacred every living thing on the planet.

Whether it's the Koruga people or the flora and fauna of this planet.

One of the divine rings tore the bodies of his wife and daughter into pieces, and said to him with a smile:"Inferior animals like this will have as much power as you want when you conquer the starry sky in the future, starting from the moment you put on the ring. , you are no longer a mortal.

You are a god! Sinestro, gods are immortal, so gods do not need offspring, let alone partners. You must understand that you should treat these lower animals as your own. Pets, don’t put too much personal emotion into them..."

They call this behavior"re-education", which means that every divine ring must go through this and understand that feelings have no value. They only need to"conquer" and"dominate"..

The planet they rule and the civilization on it should feel honored to be visited by"gods"...

He forgot the rest. Sinestro only remembered that the bodies of his wife and daughter were broken in front of his eyes, and their deaths became the last straw that overwhelmed his sanity.

He had never felt so angry, and he brutally killed the power ring that was chattering in front of him and cut him into pieces.

This behavior naturally violated the laws of OA, and Sinestro was arrested by the Ringmaster and put on trial.

He tried to argue, but none of the Power Rings felt that the dead guy was wrong.

"This is how everyone comes here."There was a divine power ring that explained to him this way.

"I killed my father with my own hands."He said,"I was really sad at the time."

Sinestro was shocked to hear him laughing and joking about this kind of thing. From that moment on, he understood that OA is a planet where a group of beasts live. He must destroy this place, he must destroy the ring bearer!

Killing his companions is not A very serious crime, therefore, Sinestro, who had been tortured for three months, was finally able to see the light of day and continue to serve as the Power Ring.

The candidates for the Power Ring were selected by the Power Ring, not by the OA Council, so they only It can punish Sinestro, but it cannot take away his identity as a power ring.

The purpose of setting up the punishment law is to control the spirit of the ringer by torturing his body. After all, most power rings have no willpower at all. A little torture will turn it into an obedient dog.

But they were wrong, they were wrong about Sinestro.

Sinestro has been staying on OA. He not only recuperated here, but also learned the knowledge here and became familiar with it. The environment here, and here he trained how to use the Ring of Power.

When he felt that the time was right, Sinestro began his action.

With full of rage, he attacked the Council and massacred the little blue men here. , leaving OA in a leaderless situation.

And he also obtained a crucial thing - the method of making the Ring, which was stored in the brain of one of the little blue men.

Sinestro read from his brain After obtaining this information, he finally escaped from the OA. After wandering in the universe for a long time, he finally found the center of the universe, the Kovad Star.

Although it had been destroyed by the ravages of Sinestro in the positive matter universe. He became depressed, but fortunately, the people of Covad seemed to misunderstand him as the one in the parallel world, and responded to all Sinestro's requests.

On Covad, he transformed the power ring into a yellow light ring.

These The memories went around in his mind, and finally returned to the deepest part of his memory.

"Arlene, Soranik, wait for me, I will avenge you....

Looking at Planet OA from a distance, Sinestro's eyes flashed with unforgettable hatred. Just killing a few power rings or little blue men was not enough. It was far from enough for him.

It wasn't enough to extinguish the fire of hatred within him.

What Sinestro wants is for them all to die!

Therefore, for Sinestro personally, it is bad news that the Ringers are scattered, which means that he has no way to annihilate this army.

Is there any way to get them all to return and gather OA?

Sinestro thought hard, and finally an idea came to him.

For this group of selfish guys, only major interests can make them leave their comfort zone and return to the OA planet.

OA's current power ring has a furnace like the light ring in the positive material universe, so it also needs to be recharged from time to time. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But because they don’t need to recite the oath, they don’t need to be close to the lamp furnace. Most of the divine power rings only need to be invisible and close to the OA, and they can directly provide assistance to them by staying near the planet. Ring recharges.

Many divine power rings secretly hidden on the planet have escaped the OA's pursuit in this way, and after the collective sudden death of the little blue people, the OA's dominance has essentially fallen to several leaders of the Ring Ring Legion.

They are warriors, but not scientists. They cannot use technological means to detect the lost power rings wandering around OA and"steal electricity", nor can they drive them away by any means.

After all, everyone uses the same ring, and no one is better than anyone else.

Before Sinestro's power ring was transformed into a yellow light ring, he often returned here quietly to"steal electricity" invisibly.

But there is no need for it now. There is a new yellow light furnace on Covad, which is enough for Sinestro to use alone.

Sinestro thought that there was such a legend circulating on OA.

0 Request for Flowers

Legend has it that among the ownership rings, there is a supreme power ring. It is the ring of the first-generation power ring bearer. It has endless energy and does not require a lamp to recharge.

Sinestro, like everyone else, thought it was just nonsense until he discovered Hal Jordan, the powerful ring on Earth.

He had observed that the ring on Hal Jordan's finger had never been charged, and he had never even been to OA, but the ring could still be used normally.

Sinestro therefore suspected that the ring in Hal Jordan's hand was the legendary Supreme Ring, a ring that did not require charging.

Think about it, what would happen if this news was known to these powerful men?

They'll go crazy looking for it! Fight for it!

This is an opportunity. If Sinestro can use the Supreme Power Ring as bait, he may be able to attract all the wandering power rings to OA.

Sinestro still remembers that there is something called a"quantum true bomb" on the earth, which can directly blow up a planet.

Under such an explosion, there is no chance for the Ringers to survive!

The more Sinestro thought about it, the more he felt that this idea had a chance of success, at least it was more reliable than the other methods he had thought of.

The only question is whether Green Lantern is willing to hand over the Supreme Power Ring to him. The Power Ring, which does not require the charging of a lamp furnace, is a very powerful weapon.

Even if Hal is not greedy for the power of the ring, he still has to consider whether he is willing to join Sinestro's plan.

After all, what he wants to do now is to destroy a planet, destroying not only the power ring, but also all living things on the planet.

In OA, there are not only the ruling class of powerful men, but also a larger slave class.

They are all the people captured by the Power Rings from various planets for the enjoyment and use of the Power Rings who now live on OA.

Sinestro's ideas are more pragmatic. He feels that in order to completely eliminate the Ring Legion and all the Power Rings, some necessary sacrifices must be made, and these slaves are such sacrifices.

But would Green Lantern agree? Will the Justice League agree?

Sinestro is not sure that with the power of the Green Lantern Ring, he cannot lie, so to get the Ring from Hal, he must tell the truth.

Moreover, Sinestro also knows that the super bomb that is said to be able to blow up planets is now being kept by Shazam.

Even if he could fool Green Lantern, he would not dare to lie in front of Shazam. This was a man who defeated the Kryptonian effortlessly. Sinestro was definitely not enough for him to pinch with one hand.

With his heart full of thoughts, Sinestro temporarily left OA and flew towards the earth.

Users of the Ring can also open wormholes during interstellar travel, so Sinestro quickly returned to Earth. Instead of looking for Hal Jordan first, he turned around and flew towards Alcatraz Island first. go.

On Alcatraz Island, Dane was studying the devil's magic with two witches. Suddenly, he looked up at the sky and saw Sinestro's figure falling from the sky.

"Why do you have time to come here today?"Dane felt a little strange.

In other words, seeing the person he killed standing in front of him, Dane felt a little weird. He suddenly remembered, was Sinestro's soul still in his hand?

"Shazam, I got something...I want to discuss this with you. Can we talk alone?

Hearing this, Zatanna took the initiative and said,"Then Circe and I will stay away for a while.""

Cersei didn't know what they were going to talk about, but seeing the serious atmosphere, she nodded obediently and followed Zatanna away.

"If you have something to do, just tell me. Dane was also curious.

Sinestro hesitated for a moment and then said firmly:"I hope Mr. Shazam can hand over the quantum bomb to me."..."

Dane's eyes suddenly became sharp, staring at Sinestro like a knife, which made him feel cold all over.

"What do you want to do with it?"

"I'm going to blow up OA with it!"

After Sinestro said this, the chill that enveloped him suddenly dissipated.

Dane looked thoughtful, and he felt a little happy. A few days ago, he was secretly discussing this matter with Batman. The main thing is to destroy a planet, which is a big evil, and they don't know who to leave it to.

Whoever does it will be tainted as an"executioner".

Originally, according to Dane's idea, he himself Go there in person, detonate it on OA, and leave, it's just a short walk.

But Batman is firmly opposed!.

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