"Are you really sure that 'god' lives in a place like this?"

Diana looked at the neatly arranged frozen pork in the slaughterhouse and covered her nose with some discomfort.

The smell of this place was too bad.

She thought that even when Ares was at his most depressed, he would not stay in such a miserable place.

"Miktrant Kutli is a god of death who needs the breath of death to stay alive."

Dane threw a ball of light, allowing it to automatically follow and illuminate the two of them.

"Logically speaking, the place where He should stay the most is actually the primitive witchcraft tribe."

Dead energy is not just a dead body, but can be produced in the complete process from life to death.

In other words, worshiping the God of Death requires the act of murder, whether it is subjective or objective

"But the pure Aztecs are basically extinct"

"Now there are no His believers in this land, and He cannot rely on the living sacrifices of believers to restore his strength."

"Only in this kind of place can one obtain some insignificant amount of death energy to maintain the minimum vitality."

Killing pigs in a slaughterhouse is a very clear act of murder, and it also involves a complete process of life from birth to death, which satisfies the sacrificial ritual of the God of Death.

But the death energy produced by humans is not the same as that produced by animals. This is why It's as if people who used to be rich in fish and meat can now only survive by drinking porridge.

This god of death is probably the weakest in history.

Dane felt the place where the death aura was strongest, then stood on it, and he took a look diana

"I'm not very good at black magic, so I had to just break in and start fighting.

Diana showed a sassy smile:"Just what I want!" Dane smiled and muttered something:

"Mictrantkutli, god of bones, the gates to the spirit world, and the beginning of death, open your door here."

No matter how destitute Mictlantkutli is, he is still a god of death. His residence is hidden in the void between life and death.

Just like the Rock of Eternity is hidden in a dimension outside time and space, no owner agrees. , outsiders can't get in.

Generally speaking, after you have mixed up to this extent, the other party should be more cautious.

But apart from the civil war, the Aztec gods have little experience in facing foreign enemies. So much so that the God of Death Mi When Cetland Courtley heard Dane's spell, his first thought was to blame him for not offering a sacrifice.

Then Dane and Diana discovered that a strange figure suddenly lit up under their feet. Magic circle.

This is the angry god of death calling them.

He seems to regard them as the few surviving believers.

Dane and Diana looked at each other, both dumbfounded. This god doesn't look very smart.

"what to do?"Diana has already put on the artifact.

Dane said concisely:"Let's go down and chop him!"

As soon as the words fell, the magic circle cracked like tofu.

At the same time, the floor tiles cracked, revealing a dark pit that went straight to the ground.

They did not resist the pull of gravity and fell directly into the abyss.

Not long after, they saw There was a dim light source below.

Both men had very good eyesight, and they saw piles of animal carcasses directly below.

Dane took Diana's hand and led him to fly over the pile of carcasses.

There were no clouds and Let her catch the lightning, it will be inconvenient to fly

"The smell here is even worse than up there!"

Diana covered her nose, her delicate face almost wrinkled.

The corpses here have been there for a while.

Although they will not rot, the smell of blood is so strong that it cannot be dissolved and is very pungent.

If Superman were here , you have to be knocked unconscious by somersault.

Dane observed this place and found that it was a place similar to an altar.

The animal carcasses placed in the center were the sacrifices.

"How did you find me?"

In the dark field of vision, a pair of big yellow eyes lit up. From the position of the eyes, it can be seen that He is extremely tall.

The thing asked again:"How did you find me?

Dane looked back at Diana:"Ladies first?""

Diana raised her chin proudly, clenched the buckler with her left hand, and pulled out the Vulcan sword with her right hand.

Only then did the God of Death, Mictlantcutri, realize that something was wrong.

"Wait, you are not mortals!"

"I am Diana, the daughter of Zeus, the king of gods, the evil god of heresy, come and fight me!"

Feeling deceived, Mictrantkutli angrily yelled:"Damn the pagan gods, die!"

He opened his mouth and spat out, and flames spread from his mouth, instantly covering the place where Diana and Dane were standing.

However, the next moment, Diana's war cry resounded through the altar.

A figure quickly rushed out of the firelight, the round face The shield hit the God of Death directly in the face, knocking him away!

Even though Mictrant Kutli was over three meters tall, he was a skinny guy.

His bones almost fell apart after being hit by Diana.

Diana was very In terms of martial ethics, she did not pursue the victory, but stood there waiting for Death to recover.

As a proud Amazon warrior, she would not kill her opponent when she recognized him as defenseless. That is not called fighting, it is called massacre.

"Take out your weapons and fight me fairly!"

Miktrant Kutli was furious:"You are so brave!"

He spit out a ball of fire, and a rough-shaped obsidian spear was caught in his hand.

Dane's eyes flashed, and he felt a very strong death aura from the spear, as well as part of the power of the godhead.

This ugly-looking spear is an artifact!

Diana smiled instead of being surprised, waved the Vulcan Sword and rushed forward. The God of Death's combat skills were very versatile. Even though he was huge, his steps were extremely flexible.

Diana, on the other hand, is extremely skilled. After joining the JLA, she often consulted with Dane....

Superman is a weak demon and his skills are not very good.

Moreover, he is now sunbathing every day, so his strength is getting stronger day by day. He often relies on tortoise boxing to deal with Diana, and she is unwilling to sparring with him.

The death energy condensed on the obsidian spear tip also made Diana quite afraid. Fortunately, the divine shield was impregnable and guarded her firmly.

Although relying on his size advantage, Death had the upper hand for a while.

But soon, Diana, who had adapted to the rhythm, began to fight back.

The Vulcan sword flashed with a cold light and struck with the obsidian spear. Mictrant Kutli was unable to bear the strength.

He was shocked and quickly distanced himself from his opponent, but with Diana's battlefield sense, how could he possibly give him a chance to react?

Once again, she set up her shield to deflect the spear thrust, and with a quick movement of her hand, Diana cut off one of the God of Death's legs with the sword of Vulcan.

This calf is thicker than an adult's thigh, but when it flies up it feels as if it is nothing.

The God of Death lost a calf and his center of gravity suddenly became unbalanced. He subconsciously used the spear as a crutch to support his body.

Diana had been waiting for this moment. She adjusted her posture and stabbed out with her sword, aiming directly at the opponent's eyes.

But Mictrant Kutli was also a bit quick-witted. He opened his mouth wide and blazing flames spurted out, drowning Diana again.

"Are you serious about using the same trick twice?"

Diana's disappointed voice came from the flames, and the God of Death was shocked when he heard the words.

In the firelight, Diana blocked the flames with her shield and walked forward step by step.

The God of Death couldn't help but retreat, and there was a trace of fear in his heart.

He had just When he wanted to swing the spear, he saw a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Then there was a stinging pain in his chin, and it felt as if the heavenly spirit cap had been lifted.

If Dane knew that he thought so, he would definitely be very sincere. I mean, not"as if", His Heavenly Spirit Cap has really been lifted.

Diana's Vulcan Sword has pierced Mictrant Kutli's head, straight through the Heavenly Spirit from the chin.

Now , this is called transparency!

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