The members of the Justice League suddenly lost their goals and were still a little confused, but when they saw Dane at the end of the disappearance of the demonoid, they felt that it was not that surprising.

"Where have they all gone?"Barry Allen ran over like the wind.

"They are now in a different space called the Hidden Sea in the Center of the Earth, temporarily far away from the real world."

And in the sea hidden in the center of the earth, a blast channel suddenly appeared, and a large group of demonoids flew around in this space like headless flies.

They could not find the person who gave the order, and they could not see the original target of the attack. They can choose to kill all the living creatures they can see in this world.

Although the individual strength is not very strong, the demonoids are after all a well-known biological weapon in the universe, and their notoriety is second only to the number one Doomsday..

They easily slaughtered countless species in the Hidden Sea in the Earth's Core, but soon they kicked an iron plate. The legendary monster Karasen!

The massacre of the demons in the Hidden Sea in the Earth's Core awakened the sleeping Karason , it roared and broke through the earth, stood up from the ocean, and just turned around, crushing countless"little bugs". The laser weapon in the demonoid's hand hit Karason's thick carapace without even leaving a mark.

It He swung his two large claws casually and killed groups of demonoids. He opened his big mouth and ate the demonoids as snacks like chewing jelly beans. The entire Justice League worked hard to allow the number of demonoids to appear. It dropped a little bit, but Karason only took a few shots and achieved far greater results than the Justice League. As soon as it turned over, countless demonoids were crushed into pieces.

Even demonoids have fears. They are in There was no replenishment for the depletion here. After more than half of the dead and wounded, many demonoids began to flee.

But Karason, who had woken up at this time, did not want to let them go.

It was very hungry now and urgently needed to eat.

Single demonoid The energy is still much stronger than the local creatures. For Karasen, it is a high-calorie food. Although it is small, the amount of countless demonoids gathered together is quite large. Although the rice grains are small, they can be made into a bowl of rice. It’s also very impressive.

So with Karason’s efforts, the number of demonoids is getting smaller and smaller, and it seems that they are being eaten to extinction.

This is because Karason doesn’t understand how demonoids reproduce, otherwise it might Will these demonoids be raised like other creatures for sustainable development?

Back to the underwater kingdom.

After Dane packed up all the demonoids and sent them away in one go, the only problem now is Superman.

"How long will they continue to fight?"

Hal used the light ring to project the underground battlefield into the air for everyone to see.

He now has two rings, one of which can act as an eye to track the three Kryptonians.

"Two against one, how despicable!"

Dane's expression was a little weird, because the person who said this was Constantine, and yes, this guy also came with him.

But Zatanna didn't come with him this time. She and Circe had some magic research to do. , still staying in the Rock of Eternity.

She has become more and more like a witch recently, maybe she was infected by Circe?

"Since you also think they are despicable, why don't you help Clark? Aren't you the best at this~?"

When it comes to black magic, Constantine is better at it. Their family's bloodline seems to be somewhat involved in the darkness of hell.

Hearing this, Constantine immediately showed a malicious smile and took out a magic spell from his windbreaker. He made a doll made of straw.

Then he muttered something to the doll. After reciting the spell, an unknown black aura suddenly emerged from his body, which was the aura of a curse. The surrounding Zhenglian members quietly moved away. Without him, Constantine really doesn’t look like a good person now.

"This guy is actually one of you?"Doomsday Batman said in surprise.

Their Justice League once discussed letting Constantine join the main league, but this guy's life style is simply...Rotten is not enough to describe it, it is clearly a mess.

Moreover, Constantine himself is full of all kinds of poisons. If such a person joins the Justice League, it is easy to bring in bad habits, so Batman did not agree at the time.

But the Justice League in the parallel world obviously made a different choice.

Dane explained:"We...Be more tolerant."

Although Constantine looks like a scumbag, as a controversial superhero, his popularity is as much as the controversy he receives.

Among the members of"Weiguangzheng", Constantine is This type of hero is like a scorpion daddy, one of a kind! There are many people who criticize him, and there are also many people who love him.

Under Constantine's spell, the three Kryptonians on the screen suddenly stopped what they were doing.

Their sight was deprived!

It turned out that in the Justice League, Dane asked Constantine to do a lot of experiments on Clark in order to make Clark adapt to the attacks of magic.

Among them were curse experiments.

Kryptonians generally do not There is very little hair loss or even skin flakes, so it is very difficult to obtain their genetic material.

Unless you are Lois, Superman will send the most valuable genetic material himself.

Constantine has some in his hands The hair collected from Clark was brought up by him on his own initiative.

Constantine does not need blood. For black witchcraft, blood is a costly witchcraft, which cannot be used to deal with Superman.

So. He just wanted Clark's hair.

He used the hair to make a monkey version of a voodoo doll that could synchronize the curse on the doll to Clark.

He had just used voodoo to curse the doll, causing it to lose its sight.

This is also the magic that Superman often encounters when receiving anti-magic training, magic that deprives him of his ability to perceive.

Even with super hearing, Superman mainly relies on vision to identify directions and guide actions most of the time, so he suddenly loses his vision. , Superman lost at least half of his combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

Before he gets used to using other super senses to replace vision, the sense of loss caused by the sudden loss of super vision will always haunt him.

But this is the Clark before, and he is now, After many trainings, he has been able to quickly adapt to this sudden loss of vision in a short period of time.

But Constantine's move was not to trick Clark, on the contrary, he was helping him.

Although the three Kryptonians each belong to Different parallel universes, but because they are the same person, there is almost no genetic difference.

Therefore, Constantine's curse not only affects Clark, but also affects Doomsday Superman and Speedmaster. Their adaptability is not as good as Clark's.

The two people were running rampant in the underground space, either crashing into another submarine channel or falling into magma.

And because the three people had the same voice, Doomsday Superman and Speedmaster would even get into an inexplicable fight. They completely lost Clark's voice. Accurate position.

Clark, on the other hand, hid himself immediately and sensed the position and situation of the other two opponents through hearing and touch.

He quickly adapted to the feeling of having no vision, and then relied on other super senses to sense the position and situation of the two opponents. Launched an attack and instantly defeated the two peers.

"mean!"Superman was hit in the face by Superman's fist for the third time, and a mouthful of blood was drawn out!

He couldn't help shouting into the void:"Fight me fairly like a man!""

Clark was about to speak, but suddenly he closed his mouth again as if he remembered something.

Although Clark was fooling around, the other two were also Kryptonians after all. They could not adapt as quickly as Clark, but that didn't mean that they were really They can only be at his mercy.

After all, they also have super hearing. As long as there is a frame of reference, they can quickly grasp Clark's accurate position.

But Clark did not give them this chance.

Seeing that Clark was not fooled, Speedmaster felt a little disappointed. He was cursing in his heart that all the decent people nowadays have no integrity and are more cunning and cunning than the orthodox villains like him.

Clark had already heard the location of Speedmaster from his voice just now, and suddenly sneaked behind Speedmaster and immediately treated him naked. Hanging.

Doomsday Superman heard the sound, and without saying a word, he swung his fist in the direction of the sound.

Speedmaster also heard the sound, and thought it was Clark's fist, and quickly tilted his head to avoid it.

But Clark was the one The person who heard it most clearly grabbed Speedmaster and twisted it, sending his head up in the direction of his fist. The fist swung by Doomsday Superman hit Speedmaster directly in the face, causing a concussion immediately. Speedmaster felt His whole brain was sloshing around in his skull like paste.

Doomsday Superman didn't know that he hit the wrong person. He only knew that he hit one, but he didn't know which one. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Clark threw the Speedmaster in his hand. Doomsday Superman thought it was an enemy attack, so he punched the confused Speedmaster again with great force, and immediately hammered the Speedmaster into the magma.

No When Doomsday Superman retracted his fist, Clark followed the sound and came to Doomsday Superman. He clasped his fists with both hands (Nuo Zhaohao), and slammed Doomsday Superman's Tianling Cap with a cannon punch, allowing him to enjoy the same treatment as Super Superman.

Kang Standing saw this scene through the screen projection, and immediately revoked the curse, allowing Clark to regain his vision.

After regaining his sight, Clark understood at that time that Constantine was helping him. No wonder the other two opponents just behaved so strangely , their feelings were also tricked!

Doomsday Superman was hit hard on the head, and he crawled out of the ground in a daze. He needed sunlight, and the yellow sunlight could help him recover from his injuries as soon as possible.

But Clark did not give him this chance, and he used Super Dive downward at speed, carrying the power of gravity, potential energy and inertia, and once again gave Doomsday Superman a heavy blow on the head, making him unconscious on the spot. The

Man of Steel also has limits. When faced with the same level of power, even Superman will Injured.

But Clark could see that the opponent's recovery ability was also not limited. The Kryptonian's physiological function was quickly repairing his injuries. He had to find a way to imprison them as soon as possible. So he used one hand to move Superboy and Doomsday Superman together. Caught in hand, returned to the ranks of the Justice League

"they will wake up soon"

"Don't worry."Batman walked out at this time, turned his hands, and instantly there were two more handcuffs with kryptonite radiation, one green and one blue.

Clark directly dropped the two people in his hands and moved away from Batman...

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