"So the purpose of your return this time is to kill Darkseid?"

"Yes, but it's not just Darkseid that I want to kill."Greier returned to his previous appearance, as if the appearance just now was an illusion.

Just as Big Barda was digesting this information, Greer suddenly spoke

"Okay, now that the story is over, it’s time for you to come with me. I’m not very familiar with this place. Please take me to see where Darkseid keeps his trophies."

"What are you talking about, how could I..."


Under Greer's command, Big Barda's body moved involuntarily, and she was still under Greer's control.

But what Greer didn't know was that Darkseid's trophies had always been They are all under the care of the Nemesis, so when they came here, the Nemesis guarding the warehouse discovered them.

As reserve members of the Nemesis team, these people all knew Big Barda, so when they saw Big Barda When Barda followed a strange woman, she immediately sounded the alarm.

Greer did not stop her immediately. She looked down on these lowly female warriors, not to mention how many people they would come. She only cared about her. Where is what you want?

"Big Barda, how dare you come back?"The two reserve female soldiers guarding the warehouse immediately picked up their weapons and rushed forward, including Greer and Big Barda as targets of attack.

"It's strange that you were born and raised here, but your popularity is about the same as mine. Greer complained.

Big Barda had already started fighting with the female warrior on the opposite side. Even though she was using her bare hands, she still easily knocked down the two reserve soldiers.

"You actually kept them alive, you became so merciful, Big Barda."

This is also something that Big Barda is very puzzled about. Even though Greer is Darkseid's daughter, she seems to know her very well, as if they have known each other before.

"They have just warned Grandma Xiang that the Nemesis Team will be here soon."

"Then I guess we should move faster."

Greier pushed open the warehouse door. It was an alloy door that was not only five meters high but also weighed dozens of tons. However, Greer pushed it open easily.

"No, it's not here. Greer frowned. She didn't need to look for it herself to feel it.

She originally thought that the power ring was Darkseid's trophy, but it turned out that it wasn't?

"Big Barda! You are back!"

The Nemesis team was faster than they imagined. In this short period of time, they had assembled and arrived here.

The kind grandmother noticed a strange woman:"Who is she?"

"I am your master, my dears."

The kind grandmother frowned when she heard this, and immediately waved to the vengeance goddesses:"Kill her.!"

"I like your directness."

After Greer finished speaking, his eyes suddenly flashed red. Big Barda seemed to have thought of something and quickly shouted:"Get out of the way!"

But no one can go faster than the speed of light. Greer's eyes emitted red rays. After hitting the first female warrior, it hit the second, then the third, and the fourth. one, fifth...

"Omega rays!"The kind grandma exclaimed and immediately wanted to run away.

But how could Greer let her go? The red ray finally hit her, but it did not cause any harm. It just controlled these people.

"Their spirits are not as strong as yours." Greer pinched her forehead. Controlling dozens of people at once was a burden for her.

But fortunately, these female warriors generally do not have high mental quality, at least none of them are as good as Big Barda. Even the kind grandma is no exception

"It's hard to believe that you would obey such a person, she is simply a human being."

Big Barda didn't say a word. Greer felt bored and focused again on the women who were controlled by her.

"Let me see, does anyone know where the Quan Ring is?..."

In order to find the information about the ring as quickly as possible, Greer could only venture into their brains and search their memories.

This is a big burden for her

"In the meantime, if anyone approaches us, kill them!"

Big Barda did not respond, but Greer knew that she would do this job well, so she began to search for the memories of these vengeance goddesses.

However, soon, dozens of minutes passed, and Greer was not there. Any clues about the ring can be found in the minds of any of the Furies, including Grandma Kindness.

"This is impossible?"Greier began to think about what the problem was.

Her destiny had already been revealed by magic. She was destined to be the one who started the war between the two evil gods, so the guidance of fate should not be wrong.

It was she who completed the Ring of Power. It is a very important item for his mission. If he cannot get it, Greer will not be able to escape from the current parallel universe and find Darkseid's true form.

That's right, Greer's goal is not Darkseid in this universe at all. Germany.

After thousands of years of research, she and her mother finally discovered the secret of the multiverse, and also knew that as long as Darkseid's body does not die, he will not die in the true sense.

If you want to completely kill Darkseid , Kesaide must kill the opponent's true body. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But after their research, there was no result.......

There is no way, neither the Amazons nor Greer are scientific researchers. Although they can find clues about the multiverse through magic and ancient classics, there is no way to create a time-space wormhole to travel to other parallel worlds.

But the birth of the Justice League brought them new hope. To be precise, it was the birth of The Flash that gave them new hope.

As the daughter of destiny, Greer can sense the opportunity to fulfill her destiny. When the Flash successfully obtained the Speed ​​Force, Greer realized that the time was ripe.

She is not from this universe, and in the world she belongs to, she and her mother massacred all the Justice League members through assassination.

And she also took a lot of the power of the old gods from Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Shazam to enhance her own strength.

After that, she wanted to use The Flash to travel to other parallel universes to find Darkseid's identity.

However, at that time, The Flash had just acquired the Speed ​​Force and was not proficient in the skill of traveling through time and space, and Greer was overly exploited, which resulted in her not being able to find Darkseid's true form from the vast multiverse. It exhausted The Flash to death.

Before the Flash in her world died of overwork, Greer's intuition gave her another revelation, allowing her to get a message from a parallel world. The first Lantern was able to travel through various parallel worlds at will.

But since Lantern One can travel across the multiverse at will, there's no way Grell can capture him.

However, she also learned through inquiring that Firong, the first Lantern, had left a special ring. It was Firong's first work, so it had the same ability to travel through parallel universes as Firong's shuttle lantern.

This made Greer focus on finding the Ring first, so she used the Flash's ability to travel here one last time before he died.

But what she didn't expect was that the last place she came to was actually Apokolips. She could feel that this was not the world where Darkseid's body was, but her intuition brought her here.

"So this is definitely the world where Quan Ring is located, but where is it?"Greier was also a little clueless for a moment.

Since her actions have always relied on the guidance of destiny, once she lost the guidance, she became helpless.[]

But she knows that she must not be discovered by Darkseid. Even though she is now very strong, it is still unknown whether she can deal with Darkseid, even if it is just a parallel world.

She is just a demigod with empty powers but no power.

But at this moment, the whole land suddenly shook!

Greer and Big Barda stood firm in time, but the Furies had just been forcibly read their thoughts by Greer, and they were not able to recover from the mental trauma they suffered for a while. Each of them was shaken by this strong earthquake. Staggering around

"what happened?"

"There's a fight going on here!"

The earthquake showed no signs of stopping. Instead, it became more intense. The surrounding palaces were shattered. The strong winds shuttled between the buildings, blowing the distant debris to Big Barda and Greer.

Greer seemed to sense something. Immediately grabbing Big Barda's head and pressing her down, the kind grandma stood up dizzily. The next second, two red lights penetrated the building in front, and happened to pass from Greer. and Big Barda's head passed by.

The kind grandmother's body twitched, and the whole body was suddenly divided into two parts.

Big Barda looked up and saw this scene, and was suddenly stunned.

"big...Pata......"The kind grandmother struggled to crawl towards Big Barda with her upper body, her eyes full of longing for life.

Despite how much pressure and pain she had brought to Big Barda, the kind grandmother was the one who watched Big Barda grow up after all.

She couldn't help but stretched out her hand, trying to grab the kind grandma's hand.

But two beams of red light suddenly flew over and burned the kind grandmother to ashes in a very short time.

The person who did it was Greer. Facing Big Barda's angry eyes, she just lightly shrugged her shoulders.

"If you know that she can't be saved, don't do any more useless things. Letting her lose without pain is the greatest tenderness."

"But that shouldn’t be up to you! Greer rolled his eyes and mocked her:"If it weren't for me, you would have been killed by omega rays by now.""

Speaking of this, she looked into the distance with some solemnity.

"I am now very sure that someone must be fighting Darkseid. Who is that person?".

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