After saying his final words resentfully, the five demons were wiped out in the lightning.

"It’s the first time I’ve seen someone speak shamelessly so confidently. That’s great, I’m optimistic about you!"

After Dane released the thunder, he was in a very happy mood and was joking with Constantine.

"I don't have many good qualities, but honesty is one of them."Constantine spoke without shame.

Dane looked at the dead demons around him and nodded perfunctorily:"Ah, yes, yes."

After talking and joking, Constantine was a little worried:

"Nilgai is hard to kill here, and if you don't kill it this time, it might run away."

Just now, Neil Gai, the old silver coin, was killed once by Dane in a rage and then disappeared.

But it was not dead yet. It must have escaped to a certain place in the manor for rebirth.

As for where it went, Dane and Constantine both guessed that it must be a stage hall with a lot of people.

The demon Nilgai has a little hobby of his own, and likes to gather captured humans to have parties.

It and its demon minions are in This party wanted to torture those poor people with Fa'er in order to accumulate negative energy.

But if it thought that hiding there would gain some advantage for the next battle, then it probably thought too much.

Dane answered Kang this way Standing:"What do you think Batman and Diana are doing?"17 As soon as he finished speaking, the whole haunted house suddenly shook, and the ceiling fell with a rustle, submerging the pool of blood.

It also buried the sin and blasphemy.

"May your remaining souls rest in peace."

Dane held the scepter, and the power of death in it released a dark but not sinister aura.

Under the rubble, in the corners, or from the gaps in the wall, souls riddled with holes flew out.

Quan. The staff emits a gentle white light, and the black energy in the center rotates like a whirlpool, absorbing the remaining souls.

The God of Death is the messenger of soul extradition.

He is not cold, on the contrary, he is kind to all the dead.

Dane does not consider them. Do not judge their good or evil deeds during their lifetime, or condemn them for making a deal with the devil.

In the face of death, everyone is equal.

No matter how many mistakes they made during their lifetime, Dane hopes that death can bring peace to their souls. last comfort

"Thank you..."

"Sorry, really sorry..."

"Lord, please forgive my sins..."

"Lisa, my Lisa, I'm so sorry..."

"Fuck.Demon! You.Hear.Me? Fuck.You!!"

Dane listened to the whispers in his ears, which were the last whispers of the deceased.

Either thanks, confession, or the last roar.

But after a moment, they will all return to the embrace of death.

Constantine looked at it in shock. Looking at him, he has yin and yang eyes, so he can see that Dane has a"pattern" that only a real"god" can have, just like the halo above the head of an angel. It is so bright that it almost blinds his eyes!

"What the hell are you?"

Constantine was very sure that the original Shazam was definitely not like this.

He was about to become a real god of death!

Dane raised his eyebrows and put away the godhead he had obtained.

Unexpectedly, he had tried hard for so long but failed. , but at this time, he felt compassion, and he naturally gained recognition as a godhead. He became the new god of death. Although he was only a half-dead Aztec god, he was still a genuine godhead!

In this third acre of America, he cursed everyone to death!

"There's a fight going on above, can't you get up there?"

Constantine shook his head wildly:

"My little arms and legs are broken, what are you doing up here? Give Nilgai extra food? I won't cause any more trouble."

"Okay, then you go out first"

"That what?"Constantine was a little embarrassed.

"John, tell me what you have to say."

"Okay, that's it, Trish...."

"Rest assured, we will rescue her. This is a promise from a God."

After Dane said that, the scepter was grounded, and Constantine was sent out of the Devil's Manor like a phantom.

Constantine stood there stunned for a moment, and then cursed:"You are the God of Death!"

We have to bring the person back alive!

Dane put away the scepter and flew up towards the open ceiling. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) In the ballroom hall, except for the demon Nilgai, With its minions, there is no longer any living human being.

Nilgai is going crazy. It has just been reborn in this hall and is preparing to catch a few delicious humans to make up for it.

Who would have thought that all of them would be killed? People were kidnapped!

It also knew the guy who kidnapped those people, the human who killed it once yesterday night.

Wearing a ridiculous costume with pointed ears, what do you think you are!

Nilgai gritted his teeth with hatred, It wanted to eat him alive on the spot!

It happened that Nilgai had also coveted his soul for a long time. This kind of complex and special soul was the first time Nilgai had encountered in his demon career.

So it stepped forward without hesitation and wanted it. Eat him.

But this freak with his butt and chin suddenly raised his arm and launched a small missile.

Ridiculous, how could Neil fall to the same trick twice?

Neil covered himself He put on the magic protective shield and felt that it was foolproof.


Then it was blown up by the eternal metal missile. The magic protective shield was like paper and had no effect at all.

If Nilgai had watched"Black Adam""You will know that this is normal.

After all, even the divine body cannot protect against the Eternal Gold Bomb, let alone a mere demon.

But counting this time, this is the third time Nilgai has died in two days!

Moreover, the energy source of the manor, humans, have been transferred outside the manor by Batman.

Even he himself took advantage of the time when Nilgai died to leave here.

Nilgai had no choice. It originally wanted to survive. There are no people, and the remnant souls of the dead can be used to relieve temporary emergencies. Who knows that even the remnant souls are gone.

Who can clean up the battlefield to such an extent!

Nilgai also discovered that someone has already cleaned up the battlefield. surrounded by a manor.

Now they cannot return to hell through magic, nor can they get out of this manor.

"Los Angeles!"It soon thought that it was the city spirit that was responsible.

"One by one, they all have no credibility at all!"

Both Constantine and Los Angeles made an agreement with it, but both betrayed the agreement.

Who is the villain?

This is when it is in a dilemma.

Suddenly, a woman smashed the ceiling and landed, and she put the shield aside The hand hit the ground, and sparks flashed.

Nilgai saw her equipment clearly, and his heart skipped a beat.

His eyesight was pretty good, and he could see that these were"holy weapons."

But for a human, even if he was equipped""Sacred Artifact", so what?......

Before it could think any further, Diana rushed forward impatiently.

As soon as she stepped on it, the floor tiles collapsed instantly.

This is definitely not human!

Nilgai almost cursed, grabbed a little devil and threw it out.

The Vulcan Sword cut it in two, the cut was smooth, and the blood seemed to have not reacted yet.

It wasn't until it hit the ground that the demon's body spattered a two-meter-high column of blood.

Diana's feet did not stop. She was so incredibly fast that several afterimages almost flashed in the hall.

Nilgai kept throwing his demons as weapons, but they were all killed by the opponent's sword.

It was terrified in its heart, this was definitely the top demon slayer!

Then without paying attention, Nilgai suddenly found himself trapped by a rope emitting golden light, unable to move.

"Pay for all the innocent people you killed! demon!".

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