On the restored Apokolips, Greer stood alone on the battlefield.

Although the dream of Apokolips has awakened, the suspicion of war lingering in everyone's mind has not been completely eliminated.

Under the cover of the divine war, Greer absorbed enough divine power from many new protoss, but now it is time to leave.

It was okay when Darkseid was still busy, and no one would care what she did on the battlefield, but now that Darkseid's battle is over, when can she escape now?

But escaping from Apokolips is not that easy. If just anyone could escape from Apokolips, Big Barda would not be trapped here for so many years, and those slaves would not work hard and complain here. Endure the exploitation of the New Gods.

But Greer is different, she has a magic weapon.

When Apokolips was reversed by the dream, some things that had been sucked into the space cracks returned again. Greer found a tool that happened to be useful to her from these returned things.

It was Orion's star skateboard. With the help of the star power, she successfully positioned the skateboard and held it in her hands.

The Star Skateboard can get her out of Apokolips, but it can't get her out of the current parallel universe, but it doesn't matter. Although she didn't get the Ring, she knows the exact coordinates of the Earth. She's going to find the Flash and do it again.

When it comes to how to use the Flash's ability to travel through time and space, Greer may be more knowledgeable than the Flash.

It's just that she has some concerns about the current situation of the Justice League. It's obvious that this is a parallel world that she doesn't understand at all, which means that Greer's grasp of history has become less accurate.

In her impression, Superman never seemed to take the initiative to invade Apokolips, and always left room for action.

But based on what she saw last time, Superman seemed less pedantic, which made her feel a little uneasy. If the Justice League was different from her impression, it might be difficult for her to replicate the feat of single-killing the League 477.

She planned to observe the situation secretly before deciding how to act.

So she stepped on the star skateboard. Because she had the power of the stars in her body, the skateboard was very obedient to her and took her away directly into the sky of Apokolips.

Greer ran away with Orion's car, but this was a hardship for Orion.

Having lost the power of the stars, Orion not only cannot feel his skateboard, but his sanity is often attacked by the inexplicable force in his body. Sometimes he is awake, sometimes he is confused.

Every time he lost his mind and woke up, there were only dead bodies everywhere except himself.

Orion felt a little panicked, because the blood in his hands told him that he had done all this.

"My dear heavenly father, please help me......"

In a no-man's land, Orion fell to his knees in despair, praying for guidance from his heavenly father.

Apokolips was too weird, everything he felt here made him feel out of place, and he began to miss the days on the new founding planet.

But obviously, it is absolutely impossible for him to leave Apokolips on his own.

In order to escape from the planet, Orion finally chose to take a desperate risk. He secretly sneaked into the planet's launch base and tried to steal a spaceship to leave Apokolips.

Of course Apokolips has spaceships and even a fleet, and they occasionally invade other worlds through more traditional methods (non-blast channel transmission).

Orion was eyeing this batch of spaceships, but unfortunately, his plan ultimately failed.

The power hidden in Orion's body suddenly went crazy when the guards of the launch base discovered him, making him tear into pieces all the new gods and demons that stood in the way like an irrational beast.

If someone could see Orion's current appearance, they would find that he is so similar to his brother Kalibak, as if they were carved from the same mold.

The difference is that Orion looks crazier...And strong!

All the living creatures in the launch base were killed by Orion in less than a moment. According to his previous rules, as long as a period of time passes, Orion, who has lost his target, will regain his sanity.

But before he could recover, Darkseid noticed the situation here.

Since the New Founding Star's army was coming nearby, Darkseid also wanted to ambush the opponent. This plan required the cooperation of the fleet, so he was more concerned about the launch base.

Unexpectedly, he just discovered the news that Orion had massacred this place, and he rushed to the scene immediately.

As Orion's father, he could see where the power in Orion's body came from at a glance, and couldn't help but smile.

Judging from the power in Orion's body, he has more potential to become the main god than Kalibak.

Kalibak's soul had long been completely destroyed by Yuga Khan's poison. Greer was a woman of unknown origin, so the best successor in Darkseid's mind was actually Orion.

But under normal circumstances, Darkseid himself is immortal. If he does not die, Orion will never be able to make a difference.

Therefore, rather than cultivating an heir, Darkseid now wants to cultivate Orion into his loyal war beast and conquer the world for him.

Originally, he wanted to train the son of Heavenly Father into a qualified war general, but the child had the same cowardice as his father, which made Darkseid give up this idea.

But now seeing Orion's state at this time, Darkseid couldn't help but think that if it were Orion, he might be able to cultivate him into what he really wanted.

After all, he is Darkseid's son.

Orion was about to regain his sanity, but the appearance of Darkseid plunged his thinking into chaos again.

He roared, a roar that didn't sound like a human voice coming from his throat, jumped up, and rushed towards Darkseid.

Darkseid lowered his hands behind his back and swung a punch before Orion was about to touch him, punching into Orion's relatively soft abdomen.

This heavy punch almost knocked out Orion's bile.

Orion opened his mouth wide, his body bent like a prawn, and his whole body was suspended in the air by fists. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The next second, he flew out directly and crashed into a stationary spaceship, causing a huge explosion.

This heavy punch seemed to bring Orion back to some sense. He staggered up from the wreckage of the exploding spaceship. The tongue of fire licked his body, but it failed to cause him any harm.

When Orion noticed who had punched him, he knew he had to run away.

But reason told him that in front of Darkseid, he had almost nowhere to escape.

So he could only walk out holding his abdomen, and Darkseid stood there expressionlessly waiting for him.

Orion looked at him for a while, and was overwhelmed by Darkseid's momentum.

"I have to go back to New Founding Star. Darkseid suddenly smiled:"You belong here, Orion, look around you, you won't deny this, right?""

Olian looked around and found broken corpses everywhere, his face a little ugly.

He knew that these things must have been done by him, and the power in his body was getting more and more out of control.

"The power within you does not belong to the New Founding Star, it belongs here. Darkseid continued his psychological offensive against Orion,"Do you want your other side to be exposed to the hypocrites of the New Founding Star?""

When Orion heard this, a trace of fear emerged in his heart.

If he goes crazy on the New Founding Planet, he will hurt many innocent people, as well as his friends.

Seeing Darkseid's expression, he couldn't help but ask :"You know what happened to me, right?"

"Yes, I know, kid. Darkseid showed a smile:"Because this is the real you, Orion, you are the god of Apokolips. This is a destiny that you cannot resist. Your power exists for conquest, and it is also for me." existing..."[]

"No!"Orian can't accept this.

"You were educated by New Founding Stars, what did they teach you? Darkseid mocked:"They teach you to control your violence, to put away your claws, and to teach you love and peace, right?""

"Orion, you shouldn't be so naive and believe that the New Founding Star is really a world that always loves peace, right?

Orion said in a stiff tone:"That's true!" Darkseid said meaningfully:"Doesn't the new founding star have its own army and never launch wars?" Orion didn't realize that Darkseid had dug a hole for himself. He was eager to prove that the New Founding Star was a better world than the living hell of Apokolips, so he said categorically:"Of course!" Our military is only used to maintain our own security. Our military is only deployed during peacekeeping operations. We never launch wars with foreign countries!"

Olian has always believed in the beautiful blueprint drawn by Heavenly Father for him, and has always believed that the New Founding Star is a world that advocates peace. Their wish is not to dominate the universe, but to promote peaceful coexistence between worlds.

And the New Founding Star The attitude towards Apokolips should also be to hope that it can transform this desperate world and make it as peaceful and peaceful as the new founding star. At least Orion thinks so. Darkseid did not comment on

Orion's idea. He just said:"You have been deceived by that hypocrite of Heavenly Father. There is no essential difference between him and me. As long as there is an opportunity, he will not let go of any opportunity to get rid of Apokolips."

Olian didn't believe Darkseid's words at all. Seeing his stubborn face, Darkseid decided to tell him the truth.

He opened his palm, and a three-dimensional star map appeared in his hand. He turned the star map screen Zooming in, a huge fleet group of tens of thousands of battleships was displayed.

Orion's pupils shrank, and he saw the paintings on the outer walls of those fleets, which were several famous aerospace forces of the New Founding Star.

Darkseid A demonic voice appeared in Orion's ears:"Then how do you explain these heavily armed New Founding Star troops rushing towards Apokolips? Could it be that they are here to help?".

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