After the demonic incident in Los Angeles, the Justice League began to show its team spirit.

Batman doesn't resent others entering Gotham as much as before, but he still doesn't like other members of the League interfering in Gotham affairs.

And he's been having a headache lately.

After the Red Hood's massacre at Arkham Asylum, Gotham briefly ushered in a period of peace.

Some of those who fled Gotham amid fears of a gas attack have chosen to return to the city.

This situation of being unable to leave our homeland is not only shared by us, but also by some Westerners.

At this time, it is best for everything to be stable and not cause any serious problems.

This is also to give people confidence when returning to Gotham

——An illusory confidence.

Many people will think to themselves, almost all the madmen in Arkham Asylum are dead, what else can bring chaos to Gotham?

But this is Gotham, and Gotham is the birthplace of those psychos.

If the old group of"440" dies, a new group will emerge again.

Those psychopaths are not the culprits here, they are far from qualified...

Dusk has passed and midnight is not yet full.

Batman shuttles through the city like a dark shadow, his dark figure blending perfectly into the city.

He soon landed at a dock near Gotham Harbor.

There is not much time left for him at this time. There is a hostage being held in this dock.

And Batman only has 90 seconds to rescue the hostage.

Thanks to the upgraded nano-suit, he easily cut off the door lock and sneaked in.

Batman hid in the shadows and approached the robbers in the dock.

He opened the eyepiece, and the robber's identity information appeared on it.

Niles Nathan, former CIA member, part of the Intelligence Section.

From the way he holds the gun, it can be seen that this man is right-handed. The toxin on the batarang can paralyze his arm and then affect his head.

Tommy Harbaugh, a former Republic of Ireland Special Forces sniper, had a piece of metal shrapnel lodged in his skull.

He can easily be incapacitated by hitting the right spot with any magnetic object.

Carlos Valdezha, a mercenary of the Blackwater organization, loves close combat.

But he's big and slow, so he's not difficult for Batman to deal with.

Spider Hancock is a gangster in Gotham City. Batman broke one of his ribs three days ago. It seems that he has not recovered so quickly.

In just a split second, Batman builds a plan of action targeting each man's weakness.

He used the suit to hack the power grid here. He didn't build AI on himself. He didn't trust that thing.

So all operations can only be done by yourself.

Fortunately, his skills were very good. The local area network was invaded and the power was cut off immediately.

In the darkness, the bat opened its eyes.

The mercenaries became nervous, and a strong man said:"He's coming!"

Someone spent a lot of money to form this team, but Batman only took less than thirty seconds to let the people behind the scenes understand.

He hasn’t spent enough!

In the darkness, Batman walked into the cage holding the hostages.

He directly blew down the cell door and rescued the little boy inside.

The rescued boy couldn't believe his eyes, he actually saw Batman!

With thirty-seven seconds left, Batman glanced at the time in the goggles and quickened his pace.

He used the spider silk launcher developed by Dane, and even he had to admit that this thing was indeed better than the hook gun.

But he still keeps a grapple gun in his tactical belt bag just in case.

Batman escapes from the patio with the hostages.

What he didn't know was that the little boy feared him no less than the kidnapping had produced.

Just when he was temporarily relieved, the little boy suddenly alerted him.

Batman immediately took him away, and a"man" shaped like a crocodile rushed towards them!

His expression changed. Wasn't Killer Crocodile already killed by Jason? Who is this crocodile man?


The crocodile man roared, and the huge body pressed towards him.

Batman quickly dodged, and he wrapped the hook gun in the tactical belt around the little boy's waist. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! ) was launched from the other end and hooked onto a building not far away. The rope contracted and took him away from the scene.

Then Batman turned his attention to the crazy Crocodile Man.

He had a feeling that Killer Croc was even more powerful tonight. Violent, more savage.

And more...Not like a human being.

He couldn't gamble with the safety of the hostages.

Crocodile Man is far superior to Batman in terms of size, physical ability, and strength, but he is not without his weaknesses.

Batman pressed the touch screen on the arm of the Batsuit, and two ultrasonic generators were immediately combined in his palm.

Under the strong ultrasound, the crocodile man covered his head in pain and screamed wildly.

He didn't miss this opportunity, and he went up with a series of fighting skills.

The suit enhanced his strength and speed, and although Crocodile Man was stronger than before, Batman was never the same again.........

He is so familiar with the crocodile man that he knows every reaction and response of the other person by heart.

The crocodile man didn't hold out any longer than the mercenaries, and he soon fell.

To ensure that the Crocodile Man really fell into a coma, he administered a dose of powerful anesthetic.

After confirming that the surroundings were safe, he lowered the little boy hanging in the sky.

"Lemont Edward IV, you are safe now."

This little boy who was taken hostage is the future heir of the Lemont family.

Lemont Enterprises is one of the suppliers of the Lex Group. They have developed a special coagulant that can disguise petrol bombs as lipstick..

It was also the day after this news was released that Lemont Edward IV was kidnapped.

Now Batman saw that it was Killer Croc who kidnapped him, but this made him even more confused.

Because Killer Croc had obviously been waiting for a long time. It's here, and it even deceived Batman, making him think he only had 90 seconds.

But Killer Crocodile couldn't have such a brain.

Moreover, it was almost no longer human, so what did it want money for?

Before he could figure it out Happy to be confused, the FBI is belatedly arriving

"Maybe we should discuss more legal means of rescuing the hostages."

Although they have been assisted by Batman many times, the FBI people are not happy.

They are"new recruits" who have only recently entered Gotham and have not yet experienced the unique"charm" of this city.

Batman did not respond. Her topic was just a cold statement:"This is my city."

The female investigator wanted to say something but was interrupted by her subordinates.

"Boss 0.4 You have to come and take a look!"

"What happened?"

The female investigator asked with her hand on the headset.

"The money is gone!"

"Shit!"She couldn't resist yelling.

That's 10 million US dollars!

In order to redeem the hostages, Lemont Enterprises was willing to pay 10 million US dollars to save the people.

Now the people have been rescued, but the money is gone.

Do you think Lemont Edward will believe it? Isn’t this someone from the FBI pocketing the ransom?

The female investigator said angrily:

"try to find! The thief must not have left yet, find him!"

"No thanks, I found her."

Batman found the person who stole the ransom through thermal imaging.

She was above everyone's heads, holding the rope and flying over their heads.

And Batman also knew her


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