"No, man, who are you? Why is it in my room, and...Why are you using my face? Did you steal my face?

You can actually steal my face? So can you still steal other people's faces? Oh.My.God......But your face looks much older than mine."

Barry's head was pounding when he heard this. Barry Allen talked too much, and it made his head hurt.

He couldn't help but shouted:"Shut up! Shut up!"

Baby Barry made a gesture of pulling up the zipper and closed his mouth, but he was still beaming, as if he was not worried that Barry was a bad person at all.

"Why do you talk so much? It’s so unpleasant. It’s both unpleasant and tiring......."

At this point, Barry also uttered the catchphrase"Oh.My.God, I just realized that I am so annoying."..."

But this sentence allowed Xiaoli to capture a different meaning:"Wait, what did you say? You said you? Do you mean you are me? No, I am you? It doesn't seem right either...."Little Barry got himself confused.

Barry had no choice but to grab him with both hands and ask him to calm down:"~How old are you this year?"

"18 years old, what happened?"Barry Jr. replied.

18? That means it's 2013 now. Wait, Dane, Superman and Wonder Woman should have already debuted at this time, right?

Barry was a little unsure.

Barry Jr. observed across from him Half a day later, there was a sudden scream, which startled Barry.

He was secretly thinking that his identity had been exposed. You must know that his identity as the Flash had been seen by Barry when he was a child, and he gave it back to him. It left a deep psychological shadow.

At this time, Barry was already thinking about how he should escape.

But fortunately, things were not what he thought. After he finished screaming, Barry suddenly said:"Are you from the future? Are you my future self?

Barry was shocked:"How do you know?" Do you have the Speed ​​Force now?"

"Speed ​​Force? What it is?"Barry Jr. beat Barry's chest very familiarly and said,"I've watched"Back to the Future."》"

Barry breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"OK, listen, the two of us shouldn't meet. We don't know what will happen if we do."

"Oh, this is the time code?"Little Barry is very excited.

"No...That's right."Barry had no choice but to follow what little Barry said.

"So how do you travel through time? Do you have a time machine? What does it look like?"

Little Barry kept talking. For the first time, Barry felt that he was a talkative person.

"I travel through time through the Speed ​​Force."Anyway, Little Barry will know about this kind of thing in the end....Wait, he hasn't gained the Speed ​​Force yet?

"Speed ​​Force? Cool ~ what is it?"

Barry's mind moved, and he thought that the current development of the world still seems to be on the same old path. Although his mother did not die, she went to jail. Little Barry still entered Central City University to study criminal evidence identification.

If nothing goes wrong, Barry will still gain the Speed ​​Force, and then try to go back in time to modify the time.

Even if the other party will not modify the timeline, Barry is afraid that the other party will know that he caused all this, and he must correct everything as soon as possible, as soon as possible. Before Barry became the Flash.

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to re-enter the Bowl of Time and Space, but at this moment, there was a sudden thunder outside the window, followed by pouring rain.

"It's raining? I have to get back to do my experiments quickly."

Hearing the word"experiment", a flash of lightning flashed through Barry's mind. He turned his head sharply, startling Barry.

"What's wrong?"

"What date is today?"


"No, I'm asking what day it is?"

"What happened on September 29th?"Little Barry felt that the Barry in front of him was chattering. Will he be like this in the future?

"Shit, this is the storm, this is the day"

"Which day?"

Barry turned to look at him, with a complicated expression:"The day I gain abilities, the day you gain abilities."

Little Barry's eyes widened immediately:"Ability? You mean superpowers? Is the Speed ​​Force a superpower?"

"Yes, in my time and space, I interned at the crime lab in Central City when I was a freshman in college, and that's where all of this happened, and it's going to happen."

"Hey, I'm going to the crime lab tonight...You mean this is the time?"Little Barry looked eager to try.

He is also a young man and has absolutely no resistance to superpowers.

But Barry's heart is in chaos. If Little Barry is going to get the Speed ​​Force tonight, he can't leave, otherwise Little Barry will get the Speed ​​Force. It is very likely that he will travel through time after using the speed force. He wanted to prevent the other party from obtaining the speed force, but he had no way to tell Xiao Barry about this thought. He raised his head and glanced at the other party, and disappeared directly in the next second, which made Xiao Barry confused. He was stunned for a while.

But he couldn't figure it out and had no other choice. He could only pack up his things and go to the research center in Central City to complete his experiment. Of course, he also looked forward to gaining superpowers.

At night, In the Crime Laboratory of the Research Center, little Barry was drowsy while doing experiments here.

After the initial excitement, he was now only full of exhaustion. He was supposed to take a rest in the afternoon, but instead A little time was wasted because of Barry's arrival.

Little Barry was sitting in front of a pile of chemicals, and wanted to lie down on the table and squint for a while.

At this moment, Barry sneaked into the laboratory quietly, and he raised his watch to see After a while, he felt that the time was almost up.

This day was of great significance to him. Barry had long remembered the time when he was struck by lightning, but he could not accurately remember the time to the second. He could only roughly remember the time. occurred in what minutes

"Soon, soon."

Just when Barry couldn't help feeling sleepy and closed his eyes, a bolt of lightning suddenly penetrated the window and hit the chemical counter in front of him. It was about to hit him. At this time, Barry moved!

He ran towards the minibus quickly. As long as his speed did not reach a certain threshold, he could still use the Speed ​​Force while wearing regular clothes, but this would generate a relatively high temperature on the clothes and accumulate a large amount of charge.

But now he cares That's not the end of it. He must prevent Barry from obtaining the Speed ​​Force. He himself has already been in great trouble by traveling through time, and he doesn't want Barry to be like him. Just leave it all to him.

Thinking of this, Barry was already close to Little Barry. He still looked like he wasn't sleepy enough and hadn't even opened his eyes.

0 Asking for Flowers

But the lightning and chemical liquid were already close at hand. Barry grabbed Little Barry and wanted to pull him away. , but something bad happened.

He only ate one piece of pizza today, and it was still expired. In such a short period of time, his blood sugar level dropped sharply again, and he suddenly exited the Speed ​​Force.

Lightning and chemical liquid hit Barry's On his back, countless electric arcs were generated from his internal organs, and the lightning flowed out from his seven orifices and struck the minibus.

"ah——!"X2, after two screams, Barry and Little Barry fell to the ground at the same time.

Barry raised his head with difficulty, and he saw little BarryThe injury was rapidly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his eyes suddenly widened.

He only mastered this move after he obtained the Speed ​​Force for a while. How could the little Barry be so fast?

"it hurts..."Little Barry groaned and got up, feeling like he was everywhere...Huh? No more pain?

He was very surprised. When he looked again, he found that it was the Barry from the future he had seen before.

"Why are you here? What’s wrong with you?"

Barry's whole body was tingling now, and he felt that this body was almost no longer his.

Seeing that he couldn't speak, Barry looked around. The place was in a mess, and even smelled of burning.

I don't know what he had made up in his mind. , suddenly said as if he suddenly realized:"You just saved me! You came back to save me, right?"

Although the other party completely misunderstood, Barry needed help now, so he could only nod his head without conscience.

"They are indeed good brothers!"

Baby Barry is very happy. He has never had many friends. People in school regard him as the son of a murderer and a freak. Except for his parents, he has not experienced such unreserved care for a long time. (Watching the violence For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing that Barry seemed unable to move, Little Barry quickly picked him up

"infirmary, infirmary..."Minibari raised his legs and wanted to run.

Barry only had time to say,"Wait a minute...."

"With a loud bang, two Barry Allens smashed the glass door of the laboratory head-on.

"not so fast..."Barry was hit hard again and passed out.

Little Barry also suffered this heavy blow, but the speed force allowed him to recover quickly. He suddenly got up, and countless arcs of electricity suddenly emitted from his body, startling him.

"This is..."

Little Barry soon realized that this was the Speed ​​Force, and this was the superpower that Barry in the future called

"What he said is true!"

From then on, little Barry no longer had the slightest doubt about everything Barry said, and everything the other party said was proven.

Thinking that Barry was injured again, he hurriedly picked him up again, and just about to run away, something like Thinking of something, he moved quietly and finally did not trigger the Speed ​​Force again.

Because it was late at night, except for the security guards guarding the research center, there was no one else in the entire laboratory, so Barry didn't have to worry about anyone seeing them.

He took Barry Put him on the bed in the infirmary, untie the other party's clothes, and expose the wound.

When taking off Barry's pants, his eyes couldn't help but stare:"Wow~"

Looking at his expression, he seemed very satisfied. appearance[]

At this time, the security personnel had received the alarm from the sterile laboratory and summoned all security personnel to enter the laboratory to investigate.

Little Barry took care of Barry's injuries and left the research center with him on his back..

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