"There are other things you should be concerned about than trivial things like that."

Diana was very dissatisfied with Dane's attitude. What is an insignificant matter? Hippolyta's death was the most important reason why she started this war.

However, Diane looked at her seriously at this time:"I I would like to ask Her Majesty the Queen, to what extent do you plan to expand this war?"

Diana couldn't understand what he meant for a moment and cast a doubtful look.

"Your Majesty, as far as I know, most of the entire world belongs to humans"

"Of course I know that. What exactly do you want to say?"

"You can't kill all humans, and that's not the will of the gods."

"Who said I want to kill all humans?"Diana was a little speechless. Even though she had no identity with humans, she was not crazy enough to commit genocide. She knew the number of humans without Dane reminding her. Once she really did that, there would be no Doubt will commit the biggest sin in history.

Let alone become a god in the future, hell will not dare to accept her. The reason why Mount Olympus declined back then, the reason why the Twilight of the Gods broke out, and the willful destruction of Zeus It has nothing to do with the behavior of the world.

Gods rely on human faith to exist. Killing a few humans to gain awe is fine. Dare to destroy all humans. This is shaking the foundation of the existence of gods. Back then, Zeus was not an ordinary floating man.

"My plan is to incorporate all women into the system of Paradise Island. As for men, good men can survive, and those inferior males should of course be cleaned up. After all, the responsibility of breeding requires the participation of men."

"What about the people under the sea?"

There was obvious disgust on Diana's face:"Of course all those fish-stinking guys have been eliminated. I don't want to see any intelligent creatures on the seabed exist."

Dane nodded. Through this passage, he roughly understood Diana's plan for the world, but it was not in line with his expectations. That's right, how could the majestic time traveler Dane really be a gift from the gods? Diana's weapon?

The man standing here at this moment is Dane who has just restored the timeline that old Barry erased, or should be said to be part of him.

He used the gods of Olympus to borrow Their hands created this clone, which has possessed a distinguished personality since its birth. Before that, he had been cleaning up the mess left by old Barry, and saved the timelines he abandoned from the fate of destruction. Save him.

This is a big project. While doing this work, infinite timelines erupted from his palm, converging into infinite multiverses.

Each of this newly emerged multiverses has a new"Dai""Dane Davis" is the same person, but it is different from the orthodox DC universe.

The orthodox DC multiverse does not have the individual"Dane Davis".

In other words, these multiverses are not compiled by DC writers stories, so their fateful trajectories are not destined, but have unlimited possibilities like Dane himself.

Dane spent so much effort, allowing Barry to mess up the timeline, and he worked hard to recreate the timeline abandoned by the Speed ​​Force. He came out not just for the fun of DC writers, but of course no one was allowed to control his own destiny.

So he became the first multiverse level in the history of the DC worldview that is not restricted by destiny.

Since he is still in his newborn period, The method is a bit naive.

While using Barry to create a new infinite multiverse, he did not pay attention to cover up his actions, which may have attracted the attention of other multiverse levels. If nothing else,

Lucifer and Darkseid As two great gods who have interacted with Dane, their bodies should be paying attention to this area at all times.

When Dane was sorting out the complicated timeline outside of time, he clearly felt two sets of eyes on his position. , there is another hidden sight that is also secretly observing, Dane guessed that it is the Supreme God.

Even this creator god must obey the destiny at some point.

Otherwise, you see, as the omniscient and omnipotent creator, He The world he created is really not that good.

Dane can't prevent these three beings from entering the multiverse he created, because in DC's creation myth, God, Lucifer and the new god Darkseid They are all indispensable. He has no way to refuse these three guys. To some extent, they are the cornerstone of the universe.

He estimates that in order to really kick these three nasty guys out of his world, he must replace them himself. God becomes the God of Creation, but Dane lacks experience in this and is not yet able to do it.

Even if it can be done, the world created will most likely be an incomplete version of the one Lucifer once created, and there will be no future in this way. The world means nothing to him.

In the same way, a world destined to destruction means nothing to him.

Through understanding the current situation, Dane is sure that if Diana is allowed to carry out her plan, even if it is true, If you can kill Neptune, the world will eventually be destroyed.

The Diana of this world insists that Atlantis is the real opponent and ignores the numerical superiority of humans and the threats posed by their technology. This is a very arrogant attitude.

The human side may not have a way to kill Diana, but it can still be done at a small cost to destroy the Amazon race.

Once that happens, a nuclear war is almost certain to break out, and any civilization on earth will come to an end under the attack of such a destructive weapon.

Although Dane himself can leave the earth, without the environment of the earth, the blessing that the clone can bring to the original body is minimal. After all, the earth is the center of the DC universe, and development here is in Dane's interest.

Of course, hell can also be used as a base for Dane to develop his strength, but in this alien dimension accompanying the earth, its real destiny is Lucifer. Dane does not want to deal with that old Yinbi every time. He always feels that the fallen Angels ask for nothing more.

So in the end, Dane's choice is the earth. Even if the scope is expanded, it is still no bigger than the solar system. He should try his best to maintain the relative stability of the earth's environment.

Like Lucifer and Hell, Darkseid and Apokolips, Dane is inseparable from Earth.

So even if it wasn't for humanity or the world, just for himself, he couldn't let Diana do whatever she wanted.

However, the new king of the Amazon has now been dazzled by hatred, and is now completely unable to listen to different opinions. Dane estimates that the situation with Neptune is similar.

It is difficult to say that there is no shadow of the gods behind this phenomenon. Dane remembers that among the gods of Olympus there are gods who specialize in provoking disputes. Maybe he is the one behind it.

Out of respect for the power of power, Dane had no intention of awakening Diana. The other person was not the Diana he knew, and his feelings for her were not that deep.

So after this conversation about the future of the world, he directly chose to change camps, Amazon? No future

"If I remember correctly, you call yourself the war weapon given to Wonder Woman by the gods..?"Facing Dane who took the initiative to come to the door, Louise looked at her with unclear meaning.

She did not die at the hands of the Amazons.

Diana still admires Louise's spirit. For Amazons who are very pursuing their own self and female value, people like Louise are exactly what they hope to recruit as core members.

But Louise clearly had a considerable degree of loyalty to the human camp, so Diana decided to wait until everything was settled before transforming her into an Amazon.

In addition to blood inheritance, Amazons can also gradually assimilate into a member of the ethnic group through psychological identification. With the blessing of Zeus, even ordinary human women have the possibility of transforming into Amazons.

This is one of the ways that the Amazons replenish their members at this stage. Otherwise, due to the extremely male-hating attitude among the Amazons, population has always been a major problem that restricts their development.

So until the Amazons truly conquer the world, Louise will be under house arrest on New Paradise Island.

Apart from the food delivery man who delivered three meals a day, she had almost no way to communicate with anyone. Dane was the first person to take the initiative to communicate with her in this period of time.

But Louise was very wary at this time. After all, she saw the other person being born with her own eyes, and she also knew the purpose of the other person's birth.

Faced with Louise's doubts, Dane calmly explained:"Despite this, I am also a person with my own thoughts. In fact, I do not agree with Diana's arrangement of the world. Even if she does not have such thoughts, she What you do will actually greatly harm the world, and the consequences will beIt is likely that all races cannot bear it"

"I think that even though we have different beliefs, different cultures, and different bloodlines, we actually don’t have insurmountable differences, right?"

"Even those strange-looking races in the underwater kingdom trace their origins to humans. It is extremely difficult to unite without barriers.

But I think we should be unanimous in our pursuit of peace. The competitive relationship does not have to develop into a life-and-death situation. We can definitely seek common ground while reserving differences, don't you think? Ms. Lois Lane."

Dane's words resonated with Louise. She first entered here to work as a spy. The deeper reason was to find a way to peace, trying to find an opportunity for the Amazons and humans to sit down and negotiate in peace.

After all, the cause of the war was It seems that the object of hatred of the Amazons is the Atlanteans, which has nothing to do with humans. They are completely affected by the fish in the pond.

But based on her long-term observation, the new Amazon Queen Diana is a stubborn person. She had no chance to talk to this demigod on an equal footing.

According to the tradition of the Amazons, only the strong can have the right to speak. In their world, this means having enough personal force. She has corresponding rights.

And Louise, among the Amazons, is just a weak woman with no power. Her words are naturally as powerless as herself.

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