Neptune led his loyal troops to New Paradise Island, and drove an amphibious fighter toward the Amazon gathering place.

Their fighter planes move in a suspended manner, so the movement is very small, making them suitable for lurking and secret marching.

But between sneaking in secretly and breaking in openly, the King of Atlantis chose the latter.

Because he has to provide cover for the real weapon.

However, when the troops traveled less than ten kilometers, their fighter planes stopped working.

"what happened?"

"Go and report to the king, our fighter plane has failed due to unknown reasons."

"Can't it be repaired?"

"If possible, we won’t call it unexplained, and go quickly!"

Sea King quickly received the news, and he smiled contemptuously:"Witch's magic."

Since even the engineers accompanying the vehicle couldn't check what's wrong with the machine, it can only be magic.

Considering that this may have been the work of the enemy, then their trip may have been exposed, which is worse than imagined. Fast, but Neptune has already anticipated this.

"Is your armor still usable?"

"no problem!"The messenger quickly replied

"That's good, let's get everyone ready for battle!"

The undersea man's armor is both technology and magic. The material used to make this power armor is the rare Atlantis steel. This metal material has high resistance to magic and is a pure technological creation. Unlike the amphibious fighter planes, it could still operate normally.

After the sea king gave the order, he stood up and left the fighter plane, holding the Poseidon Trident firmly in his hand.

He looked around, and although he could not see anyone with the naked eye, he believed that the Amazons They must be hiding in the shadows.

And he has a way to find these women.

He closed his eyes gently. As a special royal family, Neptune has a rare talent. Through special sound waves, he can summon and communicate with marine creatures.

But this This ability is not only limited to talking to marine creatures, depending on how it is used, it can also perform echolocation like a bat's ultrasonic waves.

There are some subtle differences between Neptune's sound waves and ultrasonic waves, and its frequency is higher than the normal ultrasonic frequency. High, even Amazons with special physiques cannot hear this sound wave at all. So before they knew it, Neptune already knew the hiding places and distribution methods of these Amazon soldiers.

He had the location information of all the Amazon soldiers. After that, Neptune didn't say much. When Dang Ji raised his Poseidon Trident, the tip of the trident shot out a beam of magic lightning that was extremely well-contained, instantly destroying a building in the distance.

Along with the building, there were also There were several Amazons hiding behind the building, their broken limbs and blood flying together, and eventually they merged with the construction debris.

Artemis immediately knew that she and others had been exposed, so she simply raised her arms and shouted, Leading other Amazons to attack the underwater people directly

"Kill them!"

Dense arrows fell like rain. The arrows blessed by Artemis, the goddess of hunting, had extraordinary penetrating power. The power armor made by the Atlanteans' technology was completely unable to withstand it. The attack of this primitive cold weapon was easily broken through.

The resurrection ceremony takes time, and the resurrection point is usually near the location of the secret ceremony. The resurrection ceremony of Atlantis is different from that of Amazon. They need to transport the body back. They can be resurrected in a marine environment.

This is not as good as the Amazons. Their remains are not necessary.

Since Gaia is a member of the Zeus camp, the resurrected bodies of the Amazons can be taken directly from the earth.

When the great flood event occurred, Zeus once asked the survivors to throw their mother's bones behind them. The bones thrown by men turned into men, and the bones thrown by women turned into women. Humanity was born again. The

"mother's bones" here refer to the incarnation of Gaia, Gaia She is the mother of the gods, and her bones naturally have the power to create new life. Gaia's body is the earth, and her bones are naturally the ores that can be found everywhere.

Therefore, as long as it is on the earth, the resurrection of the Amazons does not require anything else. resources, and the remains of the Amazons who experienced death after resurrection will quickly become part of the earth.

In terms of the support of the gods, it is obvious that the gods behind the Amazons are more powerful than the Atlanteans. This may be because of the undersea people. The reason why the war potential of the Amazons is greater than that of the Amazons is that gods such as Zeus must provide more help to the Amazons in order to achieve a balance in the combat power of the two sides.

And the undersea people with extremely rich marine resources, even if they do not get more help from the main gods, actually It is enough to put great pressure on the Amazons.

The Atlantis soldiers are inferior to the Amazons in terms of individual combat effectiveness, but the quantity is enough to make up for the quality. What's more, when the two sides shoot at each other with weapons, the technology of the underwater people is superior..

Artemis soon discovered that the number of people on her side was reduced faster than that of the other side. She gritted her teeth and decided to lead a few good men to besiege Neptune. If she could capture him directly, the remaining undersea people would naturally be captured.

But Neptune can Even though she is as strong as Queen Diana, Artemis herself does not have much confidence.

"Just do it and I'll help you."Seeing that Artemis seemed to be hesitant, spellcaster Circe said decisively.

In this timeline, the hatred between Circe and the Amazons was temporarily eliminated with the intervention of Zeus and other great gods. In order to destroy the underwater world, they temporarily joined forces. Let's start.

Circe will side with the Amazons. In addition to the oracles of Zeus and other gods, the most important purpose is the exclusive magic of the Atlanteans. Diana also promised that in the new Amazon empire, she will Becoming the high priest of the empire.

Today's resurrection rituals, magic shields, and technology invalidation against Atlanteans are all from her handiwork.

Even if she maintains multiple magics at the same time, Circe still seems to be able to do it with ease.

After Artemis got her promise, she no longer hesitated. She took the lead, holding a huge ax as high as a person in both hands and attacked Neptune.

A sense of crisis instantly appeared in Neptune's heart. He turned his head suddenly and saw a figure. The vigorous female warrior held a big ax and struck at him.

He quickly set up the trident, and the big ax hit the middle part of the trident. The huge power was strengthened by magic, and Artemis's wrist strength was strengthened. Neptune's arms Her knees were slightly bent.

This situation made Artemis squint her eyes.

Before Neptune could react, Artemis tilted the giant ax and sliced ​​off the opponent's fingers.

Neptune rotated in the direction of the opponent's ax blade. The body of the halberd was pushed out while avoiding the blade.

The weight of the giant ax and the power of Artemis caused Kong's movements to become temporarily stiff. The inertia of the giant ax made her momentarily stiff. It is difficult to organize an effective counterattack quickly.

The Poseidon Trident is not as heavy as Artemis's giant axe, but when it hits Artemis, the huge force still makes her whole body fly backwards, and with The construction debris in the distance merged into one.

But Artemis was stronger than the average Amazon. She quickly climbed up from the ruins and looked in the direction of Neptune with stern eyes.

After a few simple fights, she was now very It is certain that Neptune's strength seems to have declined. Although it does not seem obvious on the surface, it is clearly visible to a warrior like her who has experienced many battles.

"Circe! He seems to be getting weaker!"

When Circe heard this, without saying a word, she immediately used magic to curse Neptune.

A black smoke quickly approached Neptune under the cover of night. Neptune was unaware and inhaled part of the smoke, and his face suddenly turned gray.

But He clenched the trident with both hands, and the magic lightning on the trident quickly dispelled his abnormal state and returned him to normal.

Although his curse had no effect, it had already worked as a test.

Under normal circumstances, First of all, Neptune, who has the protection of the main god, will not be affected by the curse, which means that it is impossible to be attacked.

Secondly, when a curse is cast on a king who is deeply favored by the gods, the caster should be subject to the backlash of the spell.

Therefore, Circe did not dare just now When using a very powerful curse, I was afraid that the backlash would be too strong, but the result did not happen.

Although I don’t know the reason, the power of Neptune was indeed weakened. This is good news, and even the opponent’s"grid" as a king was generated. shaken

"I'll notify Diana immediately!"

In the battle some time ago, Diana faced the secret weapon of the undersea people. Although she did not suffer serious damage, in order to protect herself, she inevitably consumed a lot of divine power.

In today's era of lack of faith, once the divine power is consumed Excessive, it is extremely difficult to replenish it. Diana is already very good. Her divine power does not exist in the form of energy, but mostly turns into a kind of energy.Material energy is stored in muscles, bones, tissue cells, etc., which makes her not as easy to lose divine power as other gods.

If the divine power is only used to maintain the body, the consumption will be very low, and it will be relatively easy to replenish it. It will take the path of physical fitness, but at the cost, it will be lacking in energy output.

Therefore, Wonder Woman is generally not seen using energy output methods. She mostly fights hand-to-hand and relies on her powerful physique to fight the enemy.

But the attack some time ago forced Diana to use her divine power to protect herself. Although the divine shield has the property of being indestructible, there are two different concepts between being blessed by divine power and not being blessed by divine power.

This resulted in Diana's current incomplete state, which was why she desperately wanted a weapon that could rival the opponent's secret weapon. Diana needed the gods to help them regain their disadvantage.

But now that Neptune has been weakened for unknown reasons, which means that he and Diana are back on the same starting line, then this battle can naturally be fought.

Not long after, Diana descended from the sky onto the battlefield.

Without any unnecessary nonsense, she directly attacked Neptune. Neptune immediately changed the target of his attack and rushed towards Diana.

The sword of Vulcan clashed with the trident, creating a bright fire. As a long weapon, Neptune's trident had an advantage in distance, but he was still cautious and did not get too close to his opponent, because the opponent's mantra was like an insidious A poisonous snake, always ready to give him a fatal blow.. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

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