Surface world.

Due to the huge power of this dirty bomb, its impact is also extremely far-reaching.

However, even if humans want to explore the situation on New Paradise Island as soon as possible, the dangers of nuclear radiation deter them.

After all, human technology is still a little behind compared to underwater civilization. After the Atlanteans dug up the entire island, the human investigation team arrived belatedly.

They came here not only to see the situation, but also to look for the artifacts that Diana might have left behind.

If Diana died, those artifacts would be lost on the island.

But when their team arrived, they found that the entire island had been turned over over and over, which made the members of the investigation team look ugly.

Looking at this situation, how could they not know that someone has visited this island a long time ago?

Who is it?

"Who else could it be but the undersea people from Atlantis?"

More than one footprint was found at the scene, which was highly consistent with the armored footprints of the Atlanteans they had previously captured.

"We took a step late."

There is nothing that can be done about it. They have to wait for the nuclear radiation to drop to a certain safe level before they can come in. They cannot be like the people on the seabed who have enough confidence to do whatever they want.

"what to do? It says you must find the artifact."

The leader sneered at this:"I don't even know whether that queen is dead or not, but I just want to find the artifact. What are you wishing for?"

"Very good, just tell the people above that I support you."

The leader was suffocated. Thinking of that dark-skinned woman's disgusting face, he suddenly lost interest.

"However, I think these footprints should be enough to make a difference. The other party can catch up with us because our technology is not as good as others. This is a gap that is difficult to close. Even if the woman knows, there is no way to accuse us."

"It can only be the."

However, humans still isolated this place, which was later called the"Island of Death". The Geiger index here was very high, and even the investigation team did not dare to stay here for a long time.

But when they arranged the isolation zone When they got to the water, they unexpectedly discovered a strange underwater warship in an unusually remote underwater cave. It actually remained intact despite the nuclear explosion.

This is an Atlantis ship. The battleship.

The investigation team quickly entered the water and pried open the door of the battleship. After the central control room, they discovered the ultimate weapon of the underwater people and Captain Atom trapped in the weapon.

"Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected harvest!"

"This discovery alone should be enough to silence that woman Waller."

"This design is really clever, it can actually use Captain Atom's energy in this way."

Most of the investigation team are scientists, and some have made great achievements in high-energy physics, but even they are amazed by the fantastic ideas of the Atlanteans.

"This thing cannot be destroyed and must be preserved intact. Immediately notify the superiors and let them transport this thing back to the country!"

The radioactive elements produced by the nuclear explosion not only filled the sky over the entire island of Great Britain, but also flowed into the sea along with some materials, entered the Atlantic Ocean along the ocean currents, and penetrated into the underwater kingdom.

Soon, some people in the ocean kingdom discovered that the quality of the seawater had become worse. Worse, it’s like the air that humans breathe produces haze. This feeling is very obvious.

The saltwater country is not bad, they live in a very deep seabed molten salt lake, and each tribe has thick carapace and salt crystals on their bodies. Covered in layers, the impact of radioactive elements is not great.

But those kingdoms that live not far from the sea are not so good. The Fisherman Kingdom and the Zebel Kingdom have all noticed the deterioration of the marine environment. Some marine life has died in large numbers, causing A large-scale red tide phenomenon occurred.

The oxygen content in some areas of the sea began to drop sharply, and many sea people began to have difficulty breathing and suffocation. In the sea, they actually had to find ways to make oxygen machines to maintain their survival needs. The oxygen concentration.

King Riku, the king of the Fisherman Kingdom, and King Nereus, the king of the Zebel Kingdom, joined together. Originally, they wanted to find Azathoth, the king of the Saltwater Kingdom, and question the King of Atlantis together. , but was rejected by the king of Saltwater Kingdom

"You slugs are not welcome in our saltwater country, get out!"Azathos is still as bad-tempered and hard-tempered as ever. Even when King Arthur came to invite him personally, he still dared to point his nose and curse. King Nereus sometimes wondered about the politics of this big crab. Mind, how did he become this king?

There was no way. In the end, only King Riku and King Nereus went to Atlantis to meet the King of the Sea. But when they came to the palace, they were shocked to find that on the throne The person sitting becomes King Om

"Om, how could it be you!"King Riku lost his voice.

Atlantis's intelligence blockade was very good. Whether it was the attack on the king's capital or the death of the former Sea King Arthur, it was not leaked at this time. Therefore, the capitals of the Kingdom of Zebel and the Fisherman Kingdom were not leaked at this time. I don’t know about this.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that they rarely participated in the war on New Paradise Island.

Sea King Arthur only ruled the Seven Seas in name, but he did not have the supreme command over all the kingdoms of the Seven Seas like the first king. After all, he He didn't grow up in the sea, and he started fighting with the Amazons before his administrative skills were fully tempered, so he was only a nominal co-lord of the Seven Seas. However, at that time, the Sea King only wanted the citizens of the Kingdom of the Seven Seas to provide him with faith and fame. They did not grasp real power, so the seven countries were at peace with each other.

In the war with the Amazons, the Atlanteans were always the main force on the battlefield. The Kingdom of Zebel did not face the Amazons head-on out of the idea of ​​preserving its strength. Instead, they fight against the human navy, which is easier to deal with.

The same goes for the Fisherman Kingdom. Among the Seven Sea Kingdoms, other kingdoms are full of martial virtues. Even the desert kingdoms that do not live in the ocean have good war strength. Only the Fisherman Kingdom They love art and literature but do not like fighting, so they are the weakest.

They serve as logistical support in this war and do not participate in the battle.

Therefore, these two countries have no idea about the frontline battle situation in Atlantis and Amazon. , they never thought that Neptune had been blown up to death by humans.

"Orm, why are you sitting on the throne? What about King Arthur?"King Nereus looked at the people on the throne with a solemn expression.

King Om sat on the throne and looked down at the two kings in front of him....No, it should be the two Grand Dukes.

Since Neptune succeeded as the King of the Seven Seas, the Undersea Kingdom has re-established itself as the Atlantis Empire in name only. Although it seems to be incompatible with each other, it is much better to fight openly and secretly than in the past...

Originally, this war had the hope of reuniting the entire underwater civilization, but it was a pity that Sea King Arthur was kind enough to allow the armies of other kingdoms not to participate in the war, and how could they unite without bringing down all the kingdoms? How to restore the glory of the empire?

Orm believes that the new empire will regain its new vitality in his hands, and the other party has come at the right time.

His eyes flashed, and he held the golden trident inserted next to the throne in his hand.

"I have something to inform you. King Arthur died in the battle on New Paradise Island. Now I will take over the important task of Lord of the Seven Seas."

"what are you saying? Nereus frowned,"I can't possibly admit your identity.""

You know, before Neptune took over, Nereus didn't think much of King Om. He always felt that this guy was not grand enough and could only play some conspiracies.

"Orm, King Arthur is the only one recognized by the five kingdoms as the Lord of the Seven Seas. You are not qualified. King Riku of the Fisherman Kingdom said sternly. He had some issues with Orm, so he was very opposed to him becoming the co-owner of the Seven Seas.

Since the division of the Ocean Kingdom, there have been seven major kingdoms. In addition to Atlantis, there is also the Kingdom of Zebel. , the Fisherman Country, the Salt Water Country, the Trench Country, the Desert Kingdom and the Lost Kingdom sealed by blood magic.

Except for the last kingdom, the other five countries all recognized Neptune as the Lord of the Seven Seas because they obtained the Poseidon Wave. Poseidon's divine revelation was reluctantly agreed for the sake of the main god.

Poseidon could not do the same thing twice. He could not send divine revelation here just to help Orm stabilize the throne. This would make God's prediction Become worthless.

Furthermore, the defeat of Neptune this time also hurt Poseidon's prestige. The co-lord of the seven seas, whom he personally recognized, was actually killed by the enemy directly, without even leaving a whole body. This is still Isn't it embarrassing enough?

He felt that he had to be on the safe side, what if King Aum failed like Arthur Curry? Let him show off his performance first.

After hearing King Riku's voice, Orm sneered:" Look at what I have in my hand and then say 2.2 words"

"Poseidon Trident, you actually got the approval of this artifact?"Nereus frowned. He didn't expect this to happen. Did the artifact directly choose another owner after the death of Neptune?

"So what if you get it? King Riku smiled coldly at this time:"Didn't you say that King Arthur died in the battle?" Since he can die with the Poseidon Trident, what difference can you make?"

Om froze when he heard this, and his face suddenly darkened:"You want to violate the oath of the Seven Kingdoms?"

Before the Atlantis Empire sank, the Seven Kingdoms made an oath that they would respect the person with the Poseidon Trident as the King of the Seven Seas no matter when and where. This is how Arthur Curry became the co-lord of the Seven Seas. Why did he change when he came here?

Orm suspected that these people were deliberately targeting him, and murderous intent suddenly arose in his heart.

King Nereus said nothing. As a qualified old Yinbi, he would not be the first to express his stance at this time, why not Let the king of the Fisherman Kingdom test the other side first. Anyway, there is already a rift between him and Orm. Sure enough

, King Riku roared angrily:"The death of King Arthur in battle was all your own words. Who knows if it was you who was here?" To plot against him and usurp the throne?"

You know King Om has a criminal record for doing this kind of thing!"

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