In the human world, the execution time announced to the world by Atlantis has finally arrived.

The location is in Metropolis, a city that has been half sunk.

During this period, human fleets continued to rush over to challenge the Hai Tribe people, but without exception, they were all repelled by the Hai Tribe people.

Orm became proficient in the use of the Poseidon Trident in the process. At first, he could only serve as an auxiliary to cooperate with his own fleet to launch attacks on human warships.

Later, gradually, Om's role began to change, from a supporter to a main attacker.

The Poseidon Trident can control the sea at will. When he first got the trident, Orm could only control the sea area with a radius of less than 100 meters centered on himself, and arbitrarily change the shape, hardness and temperature of the sea water in the area.

The continuous use of the trident these days has made his proficiency with this artifact increase crazily, and now he can control seawater within a radius of one nautical mile.

In this area, everything in the sea is subject to his control. What he improves is not only the range, but also the intensity. In the sea area he controls, human warships are as fragile as pieces of paper, and the currents he controls can easily shred.

Neptune may also have this ability, but he will never be able to be as accurate as this. This is a technical gap.

Compared to the half-human and half-sea hybrid, Orm, a sea-tribe who has received the most orthodox royal education, is a real expert in using tridents. In addition, he is absolutely devout to the Poseidon Trident, so he burst out. His strength simply surpasses that of his elder brother.

The people of Atlantis still retain the traditional cultural characteristics of the feudal period to a certain extent, and their worship of personal force is something that modern human rulers cannot understand.

The more Orm shows dominance beyond the military on the battlefield, the higher his status in the minds of the soldiers and the more solid the foundation of his rule.

Not only him, but the ghost-like Black Manta that followed him also gained the respect of the entire Kingdom United Army.

Of course, the premise is that the people of the Fisherman Kingdom do not find out that he killed their previous king.

Under the testimony of King Nereus, the Fisherman Nation believed the lies concocted by Orm and vented their hatred on humans.

Driven by hatred, even the mermaids who have always disliked fighting took up arms to fight. Judging from these days, Orm feels that these fish tails are not that unbearable, although they are still the weakest in the combined army. One.

After paying a large number of casualties, the human fleet failed to achieve the expected results and had no choice but to retreat.

In fact, the top officials of the United States did not care about the prisoners captured by the Atlanteans. Since they were on the battlefield, it was natural for them to die on the battlefield.

But the premise is that you cannot die in front of the public, especially in front of the whole country.

Orm's plan is not difficult to guess. He wants to use the deaths of well-known superhumans to undermine the self-confidence of the people of the United States.

Of course, the gentlemen in Congress cannot let this happen. You must know that"confidence" is the foundation of all human society. Once it is lost, let alone everything else, all stocks will jump off the building the next day. , the impact will be very bad.

In the world of capital, business failure is never more serious than economic collapse.

That's why they sent out a fleet, but this was not to rescue the superhumans who were about to be executed, but to kill them before they were publicly executed.

As long as I kill the hostages, the enemy will not be able to threaten me.

This rough behavior has the unique rugged beauty of a furry bear, but it is a pity that they did not succeed under the strict defense of the Atlanteans.

"You say, things in this world are really strange."Om sat in front of the bound super human,"Your people are trying every means to kill you, but we, as enemies, are doing our best to protect you. This is simply too strange."

He was holding a glass of red wine in his hand, and as he spoke, he took a sip.

"This is something we haven't tasted since our ancestors migrated to the sea, and I have to say, it's not as good as I expected."

The wine Om is holding in his hand comes from the collection of the city that was just sunk. I don't know who the unlucky guy is.

"Maybe you should try my cellar, if my home is still here. Thomas was expressionless.

Orm sneered:"Batman, ha!" I have investigated you and heard that you are very famous in the human world.

But what makes me curious is that you don't seem to have powers beyond mortals. Unlike your teammates, you are an ordinary person."

Thomas stared at Orm with his red goggles. He had an aura of calmness and authority when he didn't speak, but it was a pity that the person standing in front of him was a king.

Moreover, this king had just wiped out mankind by himself. One of the fleets was at a time of great success, so he had no reaction to Thomas's eyes.

He was in a good mood at this time, so he did not care about the other party's rudeness.

"A mortal, using lies and disguises to package himself into a hero, and you are about to go to the execution stand now. You should thank me, human being, although you are just a liar, but I let you die as a true hero. , be happy, your life full of lies and hypocrisy will have a perfect ending at this time."

Just when Om was feeling weird, Thomas suddenly said:"You hate me so much, is it because I let someone slip away from under your eyes?"

Om's voice stopped suddenly.

To know what happened, you have to recall the moment when their assassination failed.

When Shazam smashed Orm's ice sculpture with one punch, Thomas immediately realized that it was a trap, but he They had no intention of escaping. Judging from the depth of their situation at that time, the possibility of escaping was not high.

But there was one exception, and that was The Flash.

As the fastest superhuman in the world, he was fully capable of escaping from the trap.

But The Flash His speed is not enough for him to rescue other teammates at the same speed, or even save Batman alone.

These people are different from babies, and the huge difference in weight will seriously slow down his speed, especially But now, when he could no longer perfectly connect to the Speed ​​Force, he rashly rescued other teammates, only to put himself in danger.

Thomas knew the Flash's ability, so he did not let the other party rescue him and others. They signaled to him as soon as they discovered the trap and asked him to escape on his own.

This was something they had already discussed before setting off. Once Thomas made the signal in an emergency, no matter how unhappy the Flash was at the time, If you are willing, you can’t hesitate and must execute it immediately. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And Barry did a good job. He successfully escaped from the place just before Orm pulled everyone into the sea. A vast sea.

Orm couldn't keep up with the speed of the Speedster, so he didn't notice that one person was missing from the team at the time, and thought he was eaten by a squid. It wasn't until his men checked the records and slowed down the speed thousands of times. After that, the Flash's escaping figure was vaguely discovered.

Of course, even at this multiple, the figure of the Flash was still blurry, but Batman's gestures to the opponent were clearly seen.

Oh. After realizing it, Om realized that one of the enemies he had captured had escaped, and this person was let go by Batman.

He made Orm's originally perfect plan flawed.

Moreover, considering the speed of the Flash, It seems that it poses a great threat to Orm's safety. At that speed, if it were on land, Orm would not be able to react at all.

After knowing this, Orm is even more reluctant to leave the ocean, at least in the water Next, the Flash's speed will be directly disabled.

Although there is nothing wrong with this method of response, it inevitably seems a bit timid. This frustrated Orm's original plan to make a public appearance in front of humans, and he could only use remote control. The form of execution for these people, so yes, Orm hates Batman very much because of this.

And not only that, he can't understand why a mortal, a mortal without any ability, a surface person with no noble blood, is in front of him. His attitude was so calm 907 towards him?

He didn't like this man's temperament or his plain attitude. He should be more afraid of himself.

"Time is up."Om sneered and asked his personal guards to catch these superhumans on the surface. There was an execution platform specially prepared for them, surrounded by the sea. Black Manta Ray would be the prisoner of Orm.

As for Orm, Adhering to the principle of"a rich man cannot sit in court", he did not leave the ocean, but monitored them in the water.

Since he is invincible in the water, he will not leave the water unless there is 100% no danger.

At the same time, Batman The appearance of , Cyborg and others being tightly bound by metal shackles was also presented to thousands of households through Atlantis' technology. As long as humans have a smartphone on hand, they will be forced to watch this execution.[]

At Orm's command, Black Manta took off Batman's hood, revealing the face of Thomas Wayne.

When those people who successfully escaped from Gotham City saw this face, they were so surprised that they couldn't open their mouths from ear to ear.

"Thomas Wayne! It turns out he is Batman!"Director Gordon was lucky to survive. He also saw the execution through the Internet.

When he saw Thomas's face, he was shocked beyond measure.

Speaking of which, he and Thomas could even be considered friends, or at least they were drinking buddies. Unexpectedly, the person he hoped to catch was right next to him.

Orm's voice sounded on the screen:"Batman, formerly known as Thomas Wayne, the actual controller of the Wayne Group in Gotham City, a man dressed as a bat The Joker, an ordinary person without any superpowers.

I have to admit, you humans managed to make me laugh. I learned from your culture that you call someone like him a hero, plus super, which makes me laugh."

His voice was not loud, but it sounded so harsh to all human ears.

"His own actions may represent your human history, which is false and full of lies!".

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