Orm didn't know what Poseidon was talking about, but even so, he could hear the seriousness in the other person's tone.

There is only one other god who can make even gods fearful.

I saw a crack suddenly appeared thousands of meters above my head. Where the sea should have been, now I could only see darkness with nothing inside. Poseidon's expression changed drastically at this time.

He immediately lowered his gaze and stared at Om, but Om's eyes were dull when facing him, because he saw the undisguised murderous intent in those huge eyes.

Why do you think he is like this? The reason is that this is Orm's dream. Although Poseidon successfully entered this dream using blood magic, he could not fully exert his strength.

In the final analysis, he just used a trick to achieve"dream", and Orm is the real master of the dream.

Poseidon was able to invade other people's dreams through his own children and his bloodline.

But now, someone has forcibly tore open the dream and barged in in an unreasonable way. No matter who the other party is, its understanding of dreams must be far better than Poseidon, and the way the other party appears is obviously menacing..

After understanding this, how could Poseidon choose to fight on the opponent's main battlefield? Wouldn't that be stupid?

But the fastest way to leave this dream is undoubtedly for the dream owner to wake up. As soon as Orm wakes up, Poseidon will naturally leave this dream.

This is the reason why he suddenly showed murderous intent towards Orm. To make the owner of the dream wake up, he must give the other party enough mental stimulation. What could be greater stimulation than directly killing him?

As for the things he had told the other party before, Poseidon could make Orm forget about this dream for the time being. It would be a little troublesome at best, and he could tell him about the dream next time he had the opportunity.

But some people didn't want him to succeed.

Just when Poseidon raised his huge trident and was about to"stab" Orm directly to death, Orm's will to live exploded. Although he was the master of the dream, he actually didn't know that he was dreaming, so he had no idea about death. The fear doesn't cut it any.

But he was frightened by Poseidon's murderous intent and was temporarily unable to move. Moreover, his hands were empty now. Even if he could move, he would not be able to deal with Poseidon who was holding an artifact.

At least bring me a trident. Orm sighed inwardly. If the Poseidon Trident was still there, he would at least have the confidence to resist. As an artifact, it should be able to withstand Poseidon's attack.

Just as he was thinking this, he suddenly felt his hands sink, his body suddenly became relaxed, and he felt as if he could move.

Not only that, in his senses, everything around him seemed to slow down, and Poseidon's trident also thrust downward at a very slow speed.

Om didn't know what happened to him, but soon a voice sounded in his heart

"Om, listen to me now."

Om was very shocked, because the voice he heard was exactly the same as Poseidon.

What's going on? Poseidon in front of him is talking to himself? Why? Murder notice?

His mind is a little confused.

"Listen carefully, my child, the Poseidon standing before you now is fake. His name is Neptune and he is a usurper."

Om was even more confused when he heard this. Although there is no clear record in history, they, the high nobles of Atlantis, know very well that Neptune is a vest of Poseidon. The two have different names. In fact, they are one.

The Olympian gods were the gods originally believed by the Greeks. When they were conquered by the Romans, they also brought the belief of the gods to this powerful empire, thus deriving the Roman gods. In fact, in addition to their names In addition to the changes, the legends of the Roman gods are basically copied from the Olympian gods, but adapted in details.

Many Western myths have the habit of borrowing from each other. No matter which pantheon, each other's myths and stories are more or less the same. Most of them are fan works of each other, and they are unclearly related to each other.

Neptune in Roman mythology is the god named after Poseidon. Orm, who is familiar with history, certainly knows this.

"I know what you are thinking, Om, but there are many secrets in human history that have not been recorded, and the stories of the gods are not as simple as you think."

The god who calls himself"Poseidon" narrates a story. His voice is not ruthless and cold like the Poseidon in front of Orm. Instead, it is very gentle, which makes Orm's heart... Unintentionally, he relaxed.

This majestic and somewhat loving voice came from Dane's disguise.

He had been staring at Orm in the real world for a long time, and finally caught the other party's opportunity to communicate with Poseidon.

Let him not What comes to mind is that Poseidon actually chose to"dream" to talk to Orm. What a coincidence, Dane is an expert in dreams!

He directly invaded Orm's dream and prepared to attack Poseidon.

Although the gods cannot come to the world in person, they can send down their spiritual thoughts, which connect the human world and the divine world. It is a bridge between the two worlds and is also the best medium for Dane to find the other party's true form.

But it is very difficult to directly fight with the opponent. Stupid. Although Dane understands dreams very well, it can't change the fact that this dream belongs to Orm.

As the master of dreams and the creator of dreams, he can completely control everything here, but he doesn't know it yet. If Poseidon and Orm joined forces, and even Dane could only retreat temporarily.

But what he didn't expect was that Poseidon chose to escape instead of fighting before he saw him. For this reason, He did not hesitate to"kill" Orm to break the dream.

This gave him the opportunity to implement a new plan......

He made up a story to try to convince Orm that the Poseidon in front of him was Neptune, and that he was the real Poseidon.

And also fabricated the purpose of the incarnation of"Neptune"

"So that’s it, so Neptune is now a new god and he wants to usurp your throne?"After listening to Dane's carefully crafted story, Orm looked at Poseidon with a bit of hostility.

As a prince who had been deprived of his throne by the Sea King, he was very cruel to Dane's disguised Poseidon. The earth empathized.

All usurpers should die!

Orm's hatred for usurpers was cleverly transplanted to Poseidon by Dane. At this time, he who was supposed to be on Poseidon's side was immediately won over by Dane. Come here.

On the battlefield of dreams, whoever controls the master of dreams controls victory. Poseidon doesn’t even understand this truth. No wonder he didn’t kill Zeus back then.

"But Lord Poseidon, even if Neptune is just a usurper, he is still a god. How can I defeat a god?"Om was a little worried.

"Don’t worry, the gods cannot interfere in the secular world. This is an iron law. Even Zeus cannot avoid it. The same is naturally true for this usurper."

"Although I don’t know what secret method he used to project part of his power into the real world, its strength must not be as strong as my own. Now, I will give you my power through the secret method so that you can fight with him.

However, this requires you to have the brave and fearless confidence of a hero. The stronger your confidence, the more effective the power I entrust you with will be able to work, and even make you omnipotent.

You have to remember that the other party probably doesn’t know it’s me yet, so he will probably continue to pretend to be me. You must guard your heart and not be deceived, otherwise the power I give you will be weakened. Remember Remember......"

The sound gradually faded away, and when Orm reacted again, everything around him returned to normal flow speed again, and"Neptune"'s trident was as fast as lightning.

Orm remembered what"Poseidon" had said to him, gritted his teeth and raised his trident. Compared with"Nipton"'s huge mountain-like weapon, his trident was as small as a toothpick, as if it could break anytime and anywhere..

But Orm remembers what"Poseidon" said and must believe in himself. He must believe that he can withstand"Nipton"'s attack!

A huge water wave spread on the sea floor, and the powerful shock wave shook open the surrounding waters, creating a vacuum zone of 1,000 meters in a short time. 953.

The huge water pressure was discharged in an instant and was restored again in a very short period of time.

Poseidon looked ugly because Orm blocked his attack!

He was not surprised that such a situation would happen, because the owner of the dream was naturally omnipotent in the dream, but what surprised him was, why would Orm realize this?

Obviously he didn't tell the other party the truth here, so it was impossible for Orm to find out that this was his dream.

When Orm saw that he actually blocked"Neptune's" attack, he was immediately ecstatic, and he believed"Poseidon"'s words even more.

Poseidon just thought for a moment and realized that it was probably the guy who invaded this dream just said something to Orm that caused his change.


"shut up! Despicable usurper, the children of Atlantis will never succumb to your false god!"Having said that, Orm went out of his way and rushed towards Poseidon. He seemed to be unstoppable.

Poseidon was stunned by his angry shouts, but before he could recover, he Suddenly, Orm's attack came to him.

He could only temporarily put aside his doubts and raised his trident to block. There was another violent explosion. Unexpectedly, the person who retreated this time was Poseidon.!

He was repelled by an"ant" that was much smaller than himself!

Poseidon's heart sank, knowing that the current situation was somewhat beyond his control.

Orm's soaring power was naturally his own, in his dream , he can do whatever he wants, and his power can be as strong as he wants. Its upper limit depends on Orm's own imagination.

Dane secretly changed the concept and made Orm believe that his surge in power at this time It comes from his own gift. As long as Orm firmly believes in this, he can be"invincible" within the range that Dane has set for him.

And this range is the special attack on"Nipton". Orm believes in"Poseidon" If his power is stronger than the opponent, then Poseidon will find it difficult to continue to suppress Orm, and may even be hit by the opponent in turn.

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