Tens of thousands of tons of sea water rolled down from both sides to the middle, and the chaotic currents instantly dispersed the two people.

Just now, I could still feel the sunlight, but at this time, the surrounding sea area had turned into a completely dark sea area, with almost no light transmitting, and the deep sea suddenly became scary.

It was like someone turned off the lights. Orm's departure and the aftermath of the battle between the two made this layer of dreams begin to become unstable.

Poseidon was very cautious. Even with his ocean perspective, what he could see was very limited, and he did not find the enemy's location.

Suddenly, he spotted a glowing object in his field of vision. That object was a trident!

What's the meaning? By exposing yourself like this, are you looking down on me?

Poseidon did not hesitate and swam directly in the direction of the light source. When he got closer, he found that only the glowing trident was stuck in place, and"Om" was nowhere to be found.

This is bait! Poseidon reacted instantly, but at the same time, a black shadow rushed out of the darkness. Poseidon reacted quickly and immediately thrust out the trident.

However, the enemy was well prepared. Not only did he avoid the stab, but he also grabbed the halberd pole with both hands. The two began to wrestle with the trident as the center.

Poseidon mustered up all his strength and almost suppressed"Om". Dane followed the opponent's suppression and retreated, while Poseidon moved forward without mercy.

He didn't see that the glowing trident had already turned behind him. With a thought in Dane's mind, the golden trident immediately flew up from the sea bed and pierced Poseidon's back heart.

Although he couldn't see it, Poseidon still sensed the danger coming. He was about to block it with his trident, but he forgot that the trident was being held by"Om", so his action was delayed for a moment. In this split second, the trident behind him had already pierced his body and pushed his heart out of his chest.

Dane let go of his hand and gently took off the heart that was brought to him. When it left the tip of the halberd, the wound on it healed quickly.

His heart was in the hands of the enemy on the opposite side, which made Poseidon dare not act rashly.

Although this body is an illusory body created by Poseidon using Orm's dream, it has abilities and weaknesses similar to the real divine body.

If you want fake things to have the same abilities as real ones, you have to follow some basic rules in the real world. This is a bit similar to"restrictions and oaths", especially considering that dreams are not Poseidon's home court. You must sacrifice a certain amount of autonomy in order to project your own strength into the world to the greatest extent possible.

And these are all within Dane's expectations. When it comes to understanding dreams, except for those dream gods, no one is better.

"(ajai) you! How despicable!"But Poseidon is a little confused at this time. According to what Dane did just now, he obviously has a deep understanding of"dreams". This does not seem to be in line with his previous guess. Could it be that the other party is not the God of Poseidon, but the God of Dreams?

This is not the case either. Impossible, the dream god can weave his own dream world. If it is a dream dominated by the ocean environment, maybe this dream god can also obtain powers related to the ocean. The severe pain has begun to make his mind start to think wildly. He could even come up with such baseless things.

Dane ignored Poseidon's shouting. He took the trident away from Poseidon while the other party was not paying attention, and with a backhand wave, the other party's The body was broken like porcelain.

Only the heart held by Dane was still beating vigorously.

At this time, part of Poseidon's spiritual body was trapped in this small heart and could not escape.

Dane be careful Strengthening the seal on this heart and preventing the spiritual thoughts in it from escaping, this is Dane's biggest purpose in invading the dreamland this time.


"I am here."

In the void, a woman covered in white light emerged from Dane's shadow.

As the dream gods, Cortana and Dane are now two sides of the same coin. Wherever he is, Cortana will naturally be there, but Cortana It has not appeared in the human world for the time being.

There are countless gods watching behind this world, and Cortana's ability in the material world may not be able to completely hide herself.

Dane handed the heart in his hand to Cortana, using her as a transit point , flipping through Poseidon's memory.

Directly searching for souls will cause Dane's spirit to be affected by the other party's memory, but the memory filtered by Cortana does not have this hidden danger.

She herself is a god evolved from artificial intelligence, What he is best at is data processing, and he is not affected by emotions in memory. This is the natural advantage of artificial intelligence.

He always remembers that he is just a new god, and this clone does not receive much power from the original body.

Multiverse The stronger the level, the stronger, but every move is also watched by other multiverse levels. Everyone can crush a universe at a glance. If there are no restrictions, the entire DC worldview will be in trouble.

Therefore, everyone will basically abide by some conventional rules by default, just to prevent someone from accidentally destroying a parallel universe.

This is also the reason why some multiverse levels have different strengths and weaknesses in their clones. Under normal circumstances, the main body will not Interfering with the fate of the clones will not inject too much power into a certain clone.

Although power cannot be poured infinitely, memory and knowledge can be communicated with each other. Considering the particularity of Dane himself, all his The clones actually share the same soul.

This is what Dane discovered only after he was promoted to the multiverse level. He is different from other multiverse levels. He has only one consciousness in the soul sea, which means that he is actually controlling N. With countless clones.

This is fundamentally different from other multiverse-level cluster consciousnesses. No one can withstand so many different life experiences and memories at the same time. Different experiences will shape different personalities. Once all memories are combined Gathered into one, chaotic personalities will drive people crazy. Even the multiverse level cannot handle such information density.

Therefore, their sea of ​​consciousness is actually an information collection similar to a chaotic algorithm. The ontological consciousness actually has to be related to The sea of ​​consciousness is divided.

For example, just like the human body, the brain has a clear consciousness, but it does not participate in the body's self-regulation mechanism. That is the work of biological instinct.

The relationship between most multiverse-level entities and collective consciousness Just like the human body, but what Dane does is to completely replace instinctive work with self-awareness.

Even the multiverse level is not willing to try this method easily. Only a god like Dane who promotes multidimensionality through special methods can Using such a crazy method.

Fortunately, his clones were only split when he was promoted, and the main body still had enough time to sort out those clones one by one.

But this method is not entirely a bad thing. The integration of all clones means that As all clones are more closely connected, their memories are tightly connected, and communication is without delay.

As far as Dane knows, Lucifer, like Lucifer, constantly transfers his own consciousness between clones. , in fact, it will also be affected by the personality of the clone, and its personality will change after the transfer. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And Dane can ensure that he is consistent.

This special ideology would give Dane a huge intelligence advantage.

By reading Poseidon's memories, he discovered that there were more gods involved behind this war, and the scope was wider than he imagined..

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