If it is really what Dane guessed, then thinking from the perspective of Zeus and others, the essence of this war is no longer a civil war between the gods, but more like a performance.

It feels a bit like a Westernized version of the Romance of the Gods, in which gods compete for faith again through war with each other, but there is a question here, is the main god of a monotheistic religion allowed?

Or in other words, does God allow it?

You must know that after Ragnarok, human faith was basically harvested by God. His church is the religion with the largest number of believers in the world. Even the main gods behind other monotheistic religions are basically the armor of this one.

After that, the gods moved into the new divine realm. In the past thousand years, have these gods ever thought about returning to the human world?

There must be some, but I have never heard of a true god walking around the world in these thousands of years. Basically, they are demigods or envoys with divine power who act on behalf of the gods."Two Zero Zero"

Dane guessed that God was the real reason why the gods could not enter the human world. After the gods left, He redrawn the boundaries between gods and humans. Angels and demons still have the opportunity to come to the human world. But the gods were almost cut off from the ability to enter the human world. wrong! Dane suddenly frowned.

He seemed to have made a mistake. His guess just now was analyzed from the perspective of"common sense," but the world today does not conform to the so-called"common sense."

This is a timeline reshaped by the collision of many parallel worlds brought together by the Speed ​​Force. Therefore, the cornerstone of the world is the Speed ​​Force and Old Barry, not God.

Dane's body saw with his own eyes that old Barry fell into a deep sleep after creating this new timeline. To a certain extent, he is now equivalent to the Spirit King in"Death", existing as a wedge to maintain the world.

If the Supreme God had not set His sights on this world, then the Creator God of this world would no longer be God, but Old Barry.

In this way, many things can be explained clearly.

In the original movie"Flashpoint Paradox", before his death, Aquaman chose to destroy the entire world in order to ensure that he could kill Wonder Woman, and he succeeded.

Now that I think about it, this is actually a bit puzzling, because if God’s eyes were on this, then He shouldn’t have allowed this to happen.

Although he himself cannot take action personally, as the only god, he has many people under his command who can help him solve the problem. What about the Phantom Stranger? Where's the ghost? And where is the most important chosen worker, Constantine?

In the face of the crisis of world destruction, the magic side should not be inactive, and Mrs. Xanadu should also be able to foresee the end. It is difficult to understand that these people did not play any role in the disaster.

Unless, in this timeline, the power of the magic side is weakened, and if God is not in this world, then as an alternative, only old Barry can perform God's functions here.

Old Barry's own strength alone obviously cannot afford so much magical power. Just to prevent the gods from returning to the world, I'm afraid he has already tried his best.

Although there are not many appearances in DC's magical world, once it appears, it is basically a huge disaster, and it is the kind that technology cannot deal with at all.

Without the restraint of God, no one can restrain the ambitions of the gods. To be able to persist until today is considered to be the best effort of old Barry. Compared with God, he is far behind after all. He can only obtain it by virtue of the special nature of the speed force. A person similar to the Creator God.

But once someone takes away his speed force, it will be difficult to maintain this personality.

The key to all this is the birth of Barry Allen. As the destined Flash, Barry has been determined to be associated with the Speed ​​Force since his birth.

Old Barry's control of the gods relied on the abilities given to him by the Speed ​​Force, but Barry's birth caused part of the Speed ​​Force to be taken away, which led to Old Barry's suppression of the gods being weakened. This is how the world has evolved into gods today. battlefield reasons.

Although the magic environment of this world has become filthy, the source of magic is stronger than in ancient times. The essence of magic is vitality. In the modern world, there are more newly born lives than extinct lives. The gods can occupy the world first. , and then start to transform it to cleanse the"dirty" magic power again.

Atlantis's plan to use the greenhouse effect to submerge the whole world also came from Poseidon's suggestion. Once the whole world becomes a sea world, Poseidon will be able to transform all living things into marine life, just like the original sinking Just like the Atlantis civilization that entered the sea.

By then, he will become the creator of all living things and completely control the entire planet. At that time, even Zeus, the god of the sky, can only avoid his edge in front of him, the god of the sea who controls all life.

The Earth Mother Goddess like Gaia would even prostrate herself on the ground and bow her head.

This is also the reason why Zeus and Gaia join forces, they have the same interests.

After figuring out why the gods went to war, Dane began to think about what he could get out of it.0.........

First of all, Poseidon must not be allowed to succeed, but Zeus cannot be allowed to do so either. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

No matter which camp among the gods, they are actually trying to bring mankind back to the age of ignorance, and to make modern people who have surpassed the wisdom of the people believe in the gods again , can only reverse history and bring mankind back to a period of suffering.

Only when people have no expectations for life will they want to put their hope in the gods. Therefore, destroying all the happy lives that humans have today and creating suffering through war is the stated goal of the gods.

But Dane thought, Zeus and Gaia would never allow Poseidon's plan to succeed, otherwise wouldn't their plan be to help Poseidon make a wedding dress?

During the previous war, they did not choose humans because the belief in the gods had declined in the human world. They could not make humans kill each other directly like they did with the Amazons or Atlantis. It can be seen from this that there is no""Belief" serves as a link, and it is actually difficult for the gods to influence the human world.

But Ares, the God of War, succeeded. From Poseidon's memory, Dane did not find a way for Ares to succeed. He could only know that Aphrodite and the God of War are now in the same camp.

In addition to being the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite is also the goddess of desire.......

Dane had a hunch that Ares's ability to successfully invade humans must be inseparable from Aphrodite's ability.

"how should I do it?"Dane suddenly smiled at Cortana, 1.1"Now that I am a demigod weapon created by the gods, my position seems to be naturally on the side of the gods.

You say, should I go along with the gods? Or be a lone hero? Following the success of Ares, more gods will soon find a breakthrough. Even in today's era, there are still many ignorant humans. As long as the old gods are willing to search patiently, they will soon find new believers.

Although the war continues, there will be more and more broken families, and the suffering of mankind will make it easier for the gods to radiate their power to this world. You say, which side should I stand on? Cortana smiled slightly:"No matter what you decide, I will be with you.""

"That's it..."Cortana didn't seem to answer, but she actually did.

Dane stared at Poseidon's heart in his hand, and suddenly squeezed it with force with his palm!.

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