The battle is in full swing in the Eternal Rock, but outside the battlefield, there are three people eating melons and watching a play.

"You brought us out just so that these three goddesses could escape?" Diana looked at the one man and one dragon who were fighting fiercely on the field, the blood of the warrior in her body was about to move, she had not moved her body for a long time, and it was inevitable that her skills would be a little itchy at this time.

"For Amazon to reappear in front of the world, in the form it used to be, we need a vanguard. "

Things are a little different now, and Dane's prophecy has shaken the entire wizarding world and revived the mystical nature in advance by revealing what the gods are about to come into.

At a time when the gods have not yet been able to descend into their true bodies, these mystical traits are weapons in the hands of magicians, and in order to fight the gods, they are bound to choose to cooperate with ordinary people.

Dane also wants to see how far the wizarding world can go now, so he will send a litmus test for humanity to try out what the wizarding world is doing today.

But in order not to sprout and destroy the magical world that has just shown a little bit of sprouts, this touchstone has to be carefully selected, and it must have a certain strength, to be able to test the depth of the magic world, but not too strong, so strong that it can destroy humanity in an instant.

After thinking about it, Dane felt that the three goddesses who were imprisoned for 20 years could be completely wasted, they were real gods, and there was no need to provoke, and the wizarding world would naturally confront them.

And the three goddesses who have been weakened for thousands of years, even if their divine power is restored, they will definitely not enter the state so quickly, and they will not have the power to completely crush the entire magic world and even the entire human race.

Through dreams, Dane is able to spy on everything that happens in the world, but there are always strange and mysterious things in the wizarding world that can hide from Cortana's detection, and Dane wants to know what kind of power they hide.

Cersei didn't care about the conversation between Dane and Diana, and watched the battle on the field with an interested expression, when suddenly she said, "Shazam is going to lose!"

This made the two people who were talking suddenly come back to their senses and return their attention to the field.

In this battle between man and God, Artemis, who is a mortal, is completely useless, and can only stay to the side.

In the middle of the battlefield, as Radon and Shazam fight, the stone walls around the Eternal Rock are destroyed in a bad way, and what Billy and his friends have laid out here is smashed to pieces in one go.

Although Shazam is more powerful than Radon, the gap in combat experience has completely suppressed him, but what he doesn't know yet is that the real danger does not come from the dragon.

Calypso's eyes were black, and he wielded the power of chaos as if he were at the limit of his squeezing.

Her divine power has not fully recovered, and the target is Shazam, who has the power of the six gods, and the other party's spirit is naturally supported by divine power, even if it is her, it took a long time to break through the defense.

But it's worth it.

"It turns out that the thing you are afraid of is this. Calypso laughed, and the power of chaos spread beneath him, merging with Radon's aura of fear.

Radon temporarily stopped his physical attack, a pair of huge dragon eyes stared at Shazam, and the fear aura was activated again!

Suddenly, Shazam's spirit was taken to the depths of his memory, the most terrifying image for him.

It was a deep sea, and in the underwater world with very low visible light, a huge tentacle suddenly reached out and wrapped around his body.

Shazam looked up and saw a huge creature swimming towards him, a huge squid eye staring at him on his white and smooth skin, and fear completely gripped Shazam's heart.

"No ——!"

In the real world, Shazam's sanity has been completely controlled by Calypso, his eyes have turned completely black, and his expressionless face looks completely like a doll.

This is Calypso's ability, the power of chaos to make the body and mind of those who are seduced by her completely available to her.

She smugly turned her head and looked at her two sisters, "Now, he's my slave." "

Hespera ignored her smugness, she stepped forward and took a closer look at Shazam, who was expressionless but still a little silly, and wondered, "How could that wizard choose this man as his heir?"

She had just observed very carefully, and this Shazam could not fight at all, and was completely relying on his own ability to fight randomly.

And the other party obviously lacks experience in dealing with an enemy of Ladon's size, Zeus Thunder is not useless to Ladon, but Shazam does not concentrate his power at all when he uses it.

"The power of the Father was buried in him. Hespera was dissatisfied, "Anthy, you go and see if there is a wizard's scepter!"

The Wizard's Scepter was the only magic weapon that could quickly capture divine power, speeding up the recovery of divine power for the three of them.

Anthea did as she was told, and with a slight activation of the power of the Axis, she knew the structure of the entire Eternal Rock.

Although her abilities do not have much effect on the direct improvement of combat, they are very versatile in other aspects.

However, Anthea searched the entire Eternal Rock and found no place for the scepter, which of course was long since the scepter had been put away by Dane.

But he didn't take everything, so Anthea found something very important.

With the help of the Axis, Anthea took the object in her hand, the last golden apple in the world, and the seed of the Tree of Life.

When Calypso saw it, he immediately snatched it up: "Golden apple!"

There was a gleam in her eyes: "As long as I eat it, my divine power will immediately be able to recover 600 to its heyday." "

"Idiot!" Before Calypso could continue, Hesper stretched his hand, and the golden apple flew into her hand.

She looked at Calypso like a fool, "This is the seed of the Tree of Life!

Calypso heard her sister's unceremonious rebuke, and couldn't help but feel a nameless fire in her heart.

Bichi,. You've regained your powers and returned to your youth, but I'm still old!

But she didn't dare to say this, don't look at her easily subduing Shazam, but she and Radon together may not be able to beat Hespera, the other party's natural power is too scoundrel.

Radon used the branches of the Tree of Life when she was resurrected, so the dragon's body was wood-based, which happened to be finished by Hespera, and she knew Calypso's abilities extremely well and knew how to restrain her abilities.

This made Calypso completely afraid to resist her, but she still dared to express her dissatisfaction, after all, she was also a sister. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"And what do you want to do with it?"

Hespera's palm rubbed the golden apple, and a playful expression appeared on his face.

"As long as the golden apple is nourished by the land, it will soon grow into a new tree of life, and the one on the Atlas Mountains has been occupied by the Amazons, so why don't we cultivate a tree of life of our own?"

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