Anthea's words were heard by the three Dane, which surprised them a little.

"I have to admit, I was a little surprised. Diana was surprised, but when she entered the small god realm, Anthea was not conspicuous at all, and she didn't expect to have the courage to be like this.

"It's also a growth for her. Dane was a little emotional, he thought of the Anthea in the ontological world, who also had a virgin heart, and also did not hesitate to turn against his sisters for the sake of mankind.

Thousands of years of sisterhood are not as good as a few ~ days of life in the world.

Hearing Anthea's words, Hespera's beautiful face suddenly became cloudy, which made Anthea a little scared.

"Do you know what you're talking about? Hespera's eyes were like sharp swords, and he stabbed Anthea all over, "Humans are - our enemies!"

Since Ragnarok, humans have stopped believing in gods as they did in the past, and have repeatedly blasphemed them.

What is it like the king of the Xuan Dynasty inscribed obscene poems on Nuwa? Westerners even hit the statues of goddesses...... In the days when faith had not yet completely dissipated, this blasphemy was often able to be broadcast live in Hespera's mind through the temple, making her feel disgusted.

Therefore, she had a very bad impression of humans, and felt that they were inferior to hairy monkeys, and since she had this prejudice, she naturally had no guilt about the sacrifice of humans, and she would not have the slightest mercy.

She pointed at Anthea and emphasized, "Anthy, you are a god, you should put yourself in your place!"

The gods of Olympus were never the patron saints of humanity, more often than not, they were willful bastards, and as the eldest of the three sisters, Hespera inherited the spirit of the gods well, and even carried it forward.

But Anthea is different, she is young and youngest, although she does not have much contact with humans, but she loves to read, and as we all know, gods are immortal, so she is not interested in passing on knowledge and other things.

Therefore, the books that Anthea saw were all written by human beings without exception, and there was a period of literary and artistic heyday in Greek history, when the books and knowledge left behind were the crystallization of civilization, which can be called the most essential part of human history.

Anthea, who has been influenced by human culture for a long time, although she has not had much contact with humans, she has a very good impression of them.

Most of the gods admire the strong, but Anthea sympathizes more with the weak and agrees with the virtue of helping the weak with the strong.

Dane estimated that she should have seen nonsense similar to "the stronger the ability, the greater the responsibility", and was brainwashed by this sentence, otherwise she would not break with her sisters who have been in a relationship for thousands of years.

Just listen to Anthea's loud voice: "We are gods, human beings believe in us, and we have the obligation to protect them!"

Calypso thought she was a psychopath, and didn't bother to pay attention to her, and while Hespera wasn't looking, he secretly intercepted a portion of the offerings to the Tree of Life to restore his strength.

Almost all gods have lived through the barbaric age of human blood sacrifices, and Calypso is no exception.

Blood sacrifices are different from faith sacrifices, which do not require humans to believe in gods, but only require the sacrifice to fear her, and she can absorb the life force of the sacrifice.

Mictrant Kutley, the god of death who was killed by Dane in the underground space of the slaughterhouse, survived through blood sacrifices.

Although this method of blood sacrifice is not as limited as the power of faith, at the same time, it is far inferior to the human faith sacrifice in terms of the effect of replenishing divine power.

But for now, this is undoubtedly the most suitable way for Calypso to regain his strength.

In just a few minutes, the wrinkles on Calypso's face disappeared quickly, and her youthful appearance was restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the other side, Hespera no longer wants to argue with her stupid sister: "Since you have such an idea, then before we enslave all human beings, you should stay on the sidelines, and don't interfere with our work!"

As she spoke, she raised her hand, as if trying to activate her abilities.

But Anthea had been prepared for a long time, the power of the axis was not strong in the other, the speed of activation was the highest in the divine realm, and it was very suitable for escaping or diverting targets.

Hespera saw the space around her suddenly change, except for the square inch under her feet, the surrounding scenery turned like a turntable, and she immediately withdrew her hand.

If something happens, the huge inertia of the object can easily hurt her, and although the power of the axis is not a skill that is good at fighting, it does not mean that it cannot be used in combat at all.

Anyway, as long as you wait quietly and don't move, you won't get hurt.

When the scenery stopped, Hespera and Calypso realized that they had arrived in a completely unfamiliar land. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ask for flowers

Seeing Calypso's youthful appearance, Hespera immediately guessed that she had secretly intercepted some of the humans who supplied the Tree of Life for the blood sacrifice ritual, and she couldn't help frowning: "Calypso, I told you before, don't easily stain human blood, that won't do you any good." "

It is said that the reason why Ragnarok broke out is not unrelated to Zeus's wanton behavior, and Zeus actually regretted it when he executed the world, but at that time the arrow had to be sent.

After the end of the world, new humans were reborn, but the belief in the gods became weaker and weaker, and the gods began to become weak.

In order to restore the trust of human beings in God, Zeus set the will not to kill human beings indiscriminately, so the gods began to restrain themselves, but it was only a little, in order to keep human beings in awe, Zeus also tacitly agreed to proclaim the majesty of God by instructing agents (that is, divine messengers) to wage war.

Hespera had heard from God the Father that if God often killed innocent people, his own divinity would be negatively affected, but as long as he did not slaughter with his own hands, it was not a big problem.

"I didn't do it. Calypso laughed, not taking it seriously.

You didn't do it, but you sucked those human life forces into your body, what's the difference between that and doing it yourself?

Hespera shook her head, she knew that Calypso had her own thoughts, and she persuaded her, but when the other party didn't listen to her, she gave up.

She was actually a little curious about the consequences of what God was talking about, and wanted to see what the negative consequences could be.

"Where did Anthy leave us?" A thousand years have passed, and Hespera no longer knows the world.

"Radon is still there. Calypso thought for himself.

"It won't hurt Anthy, and Radon now needs to guard the Tree of Life. Hespera shook her head.

It has become an instinct for Radon to protect the Golden Apple Tree, and as long as Anthea does not move the Tree of Life, Radon will not harm her. []

"I have other options. Calypso put a playful smile on his lips and began to use the power of chaos to remotely control the power soil around Anthea.

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