Cyborg intends to have a friendly conversation with Anthea in a gentle manner, so he can only lead the crowd on his way, and he seems to use the process as a way to show his sincerity.

For some unknown reason, Batman did not object, and everyone immediately set off again, ready to travel in a regular way.

But that gave the others a chance to step in, and when Cyborg arrived, they pounced.

While Anthea was alone in the center of the stadium, Dane had come to her at some point.

"Good evening, Anthea, what are you doing here?"

Anthea will never forget this voice, her body reacts faster than her brain, and the first time she hears the sound, she activates the power of the axis, but her reaction is still a little worse.

Before the power of the axis was activated, the power of dreams had already invaded Anthea's spirit.

Compared to other gods, Anthea's will is really too fragile to be a god at all.

In the dream world, Dane and Anthea meet again~.

The power of the Axis could not be used in the dream, and Anthea had to give up after several unsuccessful attempts.

"It's you again, you're here to get me back—are you?"

"On the contrary, if it weren't for my indulgence, you and your sisters would not have been able to be free. "

"What do you mean?"

"Am I not clear enough, do you think you were able to escape from prison of your own volition, or do you think you are strong enough to be able to ignore me at all?"

Of course, this is impossible, Anthea knows very well that Hespera dared to make a prison escape operation because she knew that Dane and the others happened to leave the Little God Realm at that time.

But there was something else Anthea couldn't believe, and she immediately blurted out, "So you let those Amazons be killed?"

There were not a few Amazons killed by Radon at that time.

"You are worthy of being the kindest goddess of the three sisters, you are already unable to protect yourself, do you still have time to worry about others?"

"You're going to kill me?"

"That's up to you to cooperate. "

Anthea looked at Dane, then lowered her head to look at herself, and suddenly gritted her teeth and crossed her hands to hug herself.

"I'd rather die than be insulted!"

She managed to freeze the smile on Dane's face, and the silence began to spread, and a strange ambiguity began to spread in the dream.

Anthea noticed something strange in her heart.

"Cortana. Dane said with a blank expression.

"I'm sorry, Dane, I thought you wanted to relax. "

I don't know if it's a delusion, but Dane felt that Cortana had a little imperceptible smile in his words.

"I don't need to. "

"Yes, is it because of Miss Cersei? or Diana......"


"Yes, it's me who is too talkative. "

Cortana's voice disappeared, and at the same time, the heat in Anthea's body quickly dissipated.

Cortana dominates everything in the dream, and when necessary, even the target's hormonal secretion and inner thoughts can be controlled.

Dane was going to come back another day to clean up some of the rebellious secretaries, but he hadn't noticed it for a long time, and why did he start to worry about it.

When the tide receded, Anthea knew what had just happened, and an indescribable shame instantly surged into her heart, making it impossible for her to look directly at Dane.

Seeing that the atmosphere was slipping, Dane wanted to save the current situation, so he simply explained his intentions.

"I know where your sisters are being held and can help you rescue them, but I have one condition, I want you to be my slave god. "

With Anthea's strength, she should have become a servant of a certain main god, but maybe it's because she's too young, or maybe Atlas protects her too well, or maybe her strength is really not worth mentioning.

All in all, Anthea has not yet become a slave to any of the gods.

The so-called subordinate god is a subordinate god who is attached to the main god, is a subordinate of the main god, and assists the main god in some important work within the scope of the priesthood.

Just like Hades, as the king of the underworld, he has subordinate gods such as the god of death, the god of sleep, the river ferry of the Styx, and the Inquisitor to help him keep the hell of the underworld running.

And Dane, as a god of death and a dream god, now has only Cortana as a god.

Cortana's abilities can only be maximized in dreams, and her most important task is to help Dane manage the dream world, and there will inevitably be times when she can't take care of the real world.

Moreover, Cortana, as a subordinate god who is completely integrated with the godhead of Dane Oneiroi, is also a weakness in his body, no matter how small the odds are, as long as she appears in the real world, she may be harmed.

Rather than this, it is better to let Cortana stay in the dream world all the time, at least in this world, she is omnipotent.

But in this way, Dane has lost a big help in the real world, Diana is okay to fight, let her do other things, and also consider the question of whether her own personality is suitable, after all, even the king of Amazon, she is relatively reluctant, which shows that Diana is not skilled in managing affairs. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Since the resurrection of the Amazons, Diana has complained to him more than once that she has too much official duty and no time to exercise.

Diana prefers to wield swords and swords than to deal with official affairs, and is more suitable as the spiritual leader of the country than other kings who are good at government affairs.

At this point, Cersie did a much better job than her, but Cersie was keen on magic research and was unwilling to bury herself in the case for a long time, and Diana caught her many times, but she avoided it because she needed to conduct magical experiments.

But Cersie still had time to come over and get Dane to unblock the pipes...... No time is obviously just a pretext.

On the bright side, Diana didn't have to worry that Cersie would fight her for leadership, and the power struggle between the two in the original book didn't exist here at all.

In the future war with the gods, the Amazon will inevitably reorganize, and the major god systems will inevitably form their own kingdom of God when they come, and the Amazon must also form its own kingdom if it wants to fight against those gods.

In this way, it is necessary to find a subordinate god who will help you manage the kingdom of God.

Such a god must have a noble status, and it is not God who governs the kingdom of God, who will be convinced?

This god must not be too powerful, otherwise it is easy to breed ambition.

Dane never looked down on the so-called gods, especially those of the Olympian gods, all of whom were personal gods who wanted to be wanted, and Ares was able to charge his father under the corruption of power, and it was not uncommon for him to be subordinate to the gods.

But this god can't be too weak, otherwise he won't be able to suppress the thorns that may appear within the kingdom of God.

It's not easy to find such a god, but Anthea is a good target.

As a god, her identity is noble enough, she is the daughter of the giant god Atlas, don't look at the equality of all human beings for so many years, she still trusts the bloodline in her bones, and acting as a manager as Anthea can save a lot of trouble. []

Axial Power wasn't as weak as she thought it was as a branch of spatial ability, but she didn't know how to use it in combat in the past, and in this regard, Dane believed that the Amazons could teach her a lot.

"You want me to be your subordinate?"

Anthea didn't expect that what the other party wanted was this, and she didn't know whether she should be relieved or depressed for a while, even if she was not as attractive as Calypso (Calypso in myths and legends is a beauty that no one can refuse), but it is not so reverie at all, right?

She can only think about this kind of thing in her heart, and Anthea knows very well that she doesn't actually have the right to choose.

Everything was already doomed when the other party broke into the Atlas Garden, and there was always only one answer that the soft-tempered Anthea could answer.

"I promise you terms...... work".

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