The Guardians agreed to Sinestro's suggestion and gave Hal to his leadership.

When this proposal was adopted, Kilowog was still a little unhappy. When asked about it by Boudica, he just said:

"I am the instructor here!"

Obviously he was still a little dissatisfied with the Guardians assigning Hal to Sinestro, but he always respected the Guardians, so this dissatisfaction did not show up.

And Hal just looked at Sinestro inexplicably:" Do I know you?"

"No, you don’t know, but Abin Sur is my best friend!"Sinestro said this.

In some comic settings, Sinestro and Abin Sur are even in-laws, and Abin Sur's sister is Sinestro's wife.

But in this universe, they are just very tacit comrades-in-arms..

In order to realize his ideals and ambitions, Sinestro actually allowed the death of Abin Sur.

He knew very well how dangerous the Parallax Demon was, but he did not let anyone respond to him in advance.

But Hal did not know all this. , I heard that he has a very good relationship with Abin Sur, and he couldn't help but show some closeness.

There are too few aliens on Oa who have good intentions towards the human race. It's really hard for Sinestro to speak for him. Easy.

That's what Hal thought anyway.

24 years later, Sinestro took him to the place where the central energy battery was stored.

This place was called the"Altar", and the central energy battery was shaped like a few A large lantern as high as a building.

It is not only the source of energy for the Green Lanterns, but also stores all the known information of the universe.

When Abin Sur died, his information was updated without delay in this large lantern..

However, due to the huge amount of data in the energy source, although a lot of data has been updated, it may not be discovered immediately. It still takes a certain amount of time for people to accept the information, and they have to finish what they are doing. Someone noticed the new news.

Sinestro looked deeply into the heart of the Oa star, and he asked Hal:

"Hal, do you know where this place is?"

Hal was about to say he didn't know, but the ring on his hand suddenly lit up automatically, and his eyes were also covered with a layer of green light.

"This is the Central Energy Battery, the power source of the Green Lantern Ring, the heart of Oa..."

"I...How do I know. Hal reacted and said strangely.

Sinestro was not surprised:"It seems that the nerve connection between you and the ring is very smooth. For an earthling, it is undoubtedly excellent.""

Then, Sinestro pointed the ring at the"big lantern", and a green light hit it straight

"A door opened in the center of the"big lantern", and green energy of will filled it.

"Come on, Hal Jordan, every member has to do this ritual"

"Point your ring at the lantern battery and it will do the rest for you."

Hal followed the words and stepped forward. He took a deep breath first, and then pointed the ring at the battery.

Suddenly, a majestic flow of information entered his brain, and the images of countless life forms flashed in front of Hal's eyes. Pictures.

They were as vivid as a part of his memory, impacting his soul with a brute force.

"Incredible!" He couldn't help but admire.

But Sinestro was not satisfied. He was surprised by Hal's acceptance of this information, but this ceremony was not like this.

So he pointed the ring at Hal, and from the lantern symbol of the lamp ring A tentacle appeared from the centerpiece and wrapped around Hal's arm.

Before Hal could react to what was happening, the tentacle suddenly pulled and pressed his arm and ring into the lantern battery. Suddenly

, a far larger An even larger flow of information just rushed into his mind, messing up his brain.

Hal screamed uncontrollably, and the severe pain caused by the high-speed operation of his brain was so intense that he could no longer think any more effectively.

He saw a lot of things, including knowledge, images, pictures, and history.

Just when he wanted to remember something, he was washed away by other information that followed.

As a result, the more he saw, the more he forgot. The more and more.

The CPU in the brain was about to be completely burned out.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Sinestro pulled out Hal with a smile.

He staggered and flew out, hit the wall, and then fell, and finally half Kneeling on the ground and panting.

His uniform was almost soaked with sweat, and his hair was wet and clinging to his scalp.

Sinestro praised:"Not bad, the last recruit burned out his tentacles, but you are still Able to stay awake.

Hal's question and answer was weak:"Thank you for the compliment.""

"You are indeed nice, unlike other people, I like humans"

"I love their spirit and their innate disdain for the powerful. Hal seemed to hear something in his words and raised his head in surprise.

Sinestro's eyes contained profound meaning:"We follow the rules here. The guardians hope that everything will remain unchanged forever, but we all know that this is impossible.""

"Don't worry, the guardians will keep an eye on you, but I only care about your qualifications"

"You have what it takes to be a warrior, Hal, don't waste it."


On Earth.

Dane was eyeing someone at this time.

Hector Hammond, he learned this name from the Sky Eye Society.

After Hal successfully became the Green Lantern, Dane suddenly remembered that in the original movie, there was a scientist on Earth who was infected by yellow energy.

But he didn't pay much attention to the Green Lantern story, and the character wasn't a very famous villain, so that for a while he couldn't recall his name at all.

Until recently, Amanda Waller arrived in Beach City.

How should I put it, as long as this woman is involved, you should pay careful attention to it. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So he asked Cortana to hack into Amanda's phone again.

Who told her to install the KuaiDou APP? In fact, he didn’t install any program on the other party’s phone. It was all KuaiDou’s own backdoor.

Almost all of Amanda's secrets were open to Cortana.

As soon as she got off the plane in Beach City, she went straight to the laboratory funded by the local Sky Eye Society.

There, she met Hector Hammond, who was no longer human.

He looks very weird now, his head is more than twice as big as before, and his hair is almost falling out.

And the cheeks are swollen and the skin is unhealthy and sallow.

His eyes are filled with yellow light and he looks extremely evil

"Hector Hammond, you are accused of murdering Congressman Hammond, is there anything else you want to say?"

Shortly after Hal left the earth, Hector once again found the opportunity to kill his father. But this time there was no superhero to save him, and he died cleanly.

After killing his only relative in this world , Hector suddenly woke up from that inexplicable emotion.

He just stared at his father's body blankly until the security team heard the noise and broke into the door.

Hector did not make any resistance and was arrested by the local police. Captured.

And 377 Congressman Hammond, he is different from ordinary members. Secretly, he has a close relationship with the Sky Eye Society.

The laboratory funded by the Sky Eye Society in Seaside City actually has his shadow behind it.

But no one expected that , his son actually killed him.

This disrupted the layout of the Sky Eye Society in Beach City.

They have not yet figured out who the mysterious man was who saved the congressman and Carol at Ferris's celebration party.

And to the outside world The material reverse engineering of the starship has not made much progress. When something like this happens, there is an urgent need for a capable person to take charge of the overall situation. After learning about this incident, Amanda volunteered to come.

She had an intuition in her heart, Heike There is obviously a linear connection between the events between Hector and the aliens.

The file shows that Hector once followed the Sky Eye to investigate the crash site of the spacecraft.

She thinks that he was probably involved with some kind of alien unknown to them at that time. Life has a third kind of contact.

And Hector's own changes and his crazy behavior towards his father are probably caused by the influence of the third kind of contact.

Dane had to admire this when he saw this With the woman's keen insight, she almost guessed the whole story correctly.

But Amanda's next behavior made Dane regretful.

Amanda tried to persuade Hector to become her subordinate and do things for her.

Dane knew that she had always She was so bold in recruiting super criminals with special abilities in Gotham. She never seemed to have thought that the main reason why criminals are criminals is because they do not obey discipline.

And you are just an ordinary person. Why do you think you can put a dog leash on the necks of a bunch of vicious super criminals?

Just because you are black enough?

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